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Beiträge, die mit longcovidkids getaggt sind

Tests show emotional, behavioral problems in adolescents with long COVID.

"A clinical survey of 85 pediatric long-COVID patients in Bavaria, Germany, reveals high levels of fatigue, loss of motivation, difficulty concentrating and maintaining attention, worsened mood, and greater anxiety"

Source: https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/tests-show-emotional-behavioral-problems-adolescents-long-covid

Study: https://bmcinfectdis.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12879-025-10813-w

#LongCOVIDKids @auscovid19

"Even if certain types of immune damage following COVID did turn out to be transient, which is another line of argument taken up by minimizers, how would we know in a world plagued by never-ending reinfections? If damage lasts 7 or 8 months, and a child is reinfected with the KP.2 variant in the summer and the XEC variant in the winter, when is that child ever healthy? This type of debate becomes academic in a world without mitigations; the body would barely have time to recover from one infection before the next would be on deck."

#Covid #CovidIsNotOver #LongCOVID #LongCovidKids #WearAMask


"The dysfunction of the cells could be a phenotype predisposing to LCS, but we believe it to be rather a complication of the acute disease. Moreover, this may be a possible explanation for the virus reactivations (EBV, HHV6),59 the frequent Streptococcal tonsillitis,60 or upper airway infections of children with LCS observed in our praxis and worldwide with the more serious influenza or RSV seasons."


#CovidIsNotOver #COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #neutrophils #LongCovidKids #LongCOVID

Maybe one of the most interesting things to me, as a lay person, in https://www.nature.com/articles/s41390-024-03731-1 is as I read this a lab Dx for Long Covid in children is doable and distinguishes cleanly from convalescent children without Long Covid symptoms (Figure 4: D, K, and I).

I read this Nature paper as absolutely puting to rest claims that children aren't getting LC or that it's post-2020 trauma and so on. There's been other evidence before but I don't remember other gaps that were so clean.

h/t a half dozen zeroes.ca and other fedisci folks

#CovidIsNotOver #COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #neutrophils #LongCovidKids #LongCOVID

This study is from 2022 but I'm just discovering it now, and .... Jeesh #covid #brain #viralpersistence #longcovidkids #longcovid
