Beiträge, die mit chronicpain getaggt sind
Genuinely having a tough time of it. House hunting is not going well, though we've 3 more viewings lined up for tomorrow.
The news about #pip is terrifying - PIP makes up about 33% of my income so losing it will be devastating, and there's not a lot I can do about it as my condition fluctuates. I'm having a really tough day during a really tough time, and I'm about ready to crawl into bed and not emerge again til it's all better.
#MentalHealth #NerveDamage #ChronicPain
Image from Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association March 2025 e-newsletter:
@longcovid #LongCovid #MEcfs
Been awake since 3,30 this morning with dreadful nerve pain in my leg. I've taken as much medication as I can, which has just about taken the edge off it, but has also made me quite woozy and thick headed (thanks, opioids).
Need to ring the gp at 8 to do a medication review anyway, then I will try to get some more sleep.
I hope you all have a much better start to your days! 😘
#ChronicPain #NerveDamage
Chronic pain does not cause #psychosis in the vast majority of #patients, but research shows chronic back pain patients have a 2.6x higher rate of developing it.
In a Reddit group focused on brain fog, Mangione wrote, “The people around you probably won’t understand your symptoms — they certainly don’t for me.”
Gift article:
Doctors reveal how chronic back pain suffered by 50m Americans raises risk of mental breakdown
A major review involving nearly 200,000 people found that those with back pain had a 2.6 times higher rate of psychosis, or a loss of connection with reality, than the modern population.Luke Andrews Senior (Daily Mail)
#ableism #disabled #chronicallyill #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent
i am 'not disabled enough' for the judicial system but for my doctors i am 'too disabled or the right amount of disabled', no wonder i had to find a lawyer