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New York confirms two cases of measles as RFK Jr does an about face on vaccinations.

After spending years spreading harmful anti-vaxx rhetoric and lies, he’s now tacitly recommending the MMR in the wake of the first child death of measles in a decade.

More outbreaks will continue to happen until people start vaccinating their kids again.

Measles is incredibly contagious, and it’s airborne. The average person goes on to infect approximately 9 others.

The disease was all but eradicated thanks to vaccination, and it’s on the rise again because of people like RFK Jr

The kids need us to protect them. They need the adults to make smart choices.

Also, wear a respirator! It’ll help protect from measles, covid, flu and more.


#measles #rfkjr #publichealth #airborne #wearamask #vaccines #hhs #COVIDisAirborne #covidisnotover
what's even worse about measles is that once you're infected, it erases all of your acquired immunities, essentially resetting your entire immune system back to square one. So you're not just infected with the measles virus, you're also now an easy target for every single pathogen out there.
Did you know that Dengue Fever does this, too? @broadwaybabyto
That's a new one to me. Do you have any more info?
@JamesDBartlett3 @broadwaybabyto
Dengue can evade the body's immune response, and hides in the host's ultrastructure. It also has many serotypes, and immunity from the original infection does not protect against a different serotype.
@JamesDBartlett3 @broadwaybabyto
Nasty tricks, but different to the effect of the measles virus where it invades the memory immune cells and therefore leads to their destruction. So an outcome of measles infection is the loss of acquired immunity to other diseases. This amnesia is long lasting. We've known for some time that vaccinating for measles caused a greater drop in all cause death rates than measles deaths could account for. Now we have clues as to why

@JamesDBartlett3 @broadwaybabyto
Right back at the start of the Pandemic, a few epidemiologists speculated as to the possibility that Covid acted like measles in another way. Social contact seemed to be a sort of compulsion which, of course, led to wider spreads.
I blame the antivaxxing brigade entirely. The Wakefield groupies. The deadhead zealots. We had childhood diseases all but eradicated worldwide.😡 @JamesDBartlett3 @broadwaybabyto