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Beiträge, die mit games getaggt sind

📣 Today, March 24, is the last day to submit your game pitch!

🎮 Communication Games Design Challenge

🥳 We will announce the Finalists March 31

🌐 https://communicating.games

#indiedev #indiegame #videogames #games #communication #media #publichealth #nonprofit #gamedev #gamedesign

Absoluter Klassiker. Wer kennt ihn nicht :)

Mehr Manga, Anime und Nerdstuff gibt es natürlich auch auf dem Blog unter: https://nerdjunk.de

#manga #anime #games #blog #nerdjunk #mangagram #mangade #spiele #Videospiele #Comic #mangager #gaming

Ein Albtraum meiner Jugend. Wer kennt sie nicht, die alten schummel Module. In einer ähnlichen Version gibt es noch Adapter, um die amerikanischen Spiele zu zocken. Hier im Kaff war es damals in den 90ern echt schwer, an sein Material zu kommen.

Für mehr Nerdstuff schaut gerne mal auf dem Blog vorbei unter https://nerdjunk.de

#manga #anime #games #blog #nerdjunk #mangagram #mangade #spiele #Videospiele #Comic #mangager #gaming #retro #supernintendo #nerdblog #animeblog

Pixelfed mag mich heute nicht. Muss also meinen Kaffee und den morgendlichen Kaffee eben ohne diesen Dienst genießen.

Ob Pixelfed bestehen bleibt, ist fraglich. Dazu läuft es momentan mobil zu schlecht. Ebenso funktioniert auch Push auf der Instanz nicht :( wir werden sehen.

Eventuell dann hier die ganzen Bilder?

Natürlich gibt es wie immer etwas mehr auf dem Blog: https://nerdjunk.de

#manga #anime #games #blog #nerdjunk #mangagram #mangade #spiele #Videospiele #Comic #mangager #gaming

Today I learned about Able To Play, a website that will apparently match you to #videogames based on your specific #accessibility requirements. It sounds potentially excellent.

Unfortunately it requires you to create and log into an account, linking a personal identifier (email address) to a bunch of metrics about your accessibility needs in a database owned by someone you probably don't know or trust.

This is such an astonishing misstep that it makes me question whether #disabled people were involved in its development at all. They could've let people use it anonymously, trading some repeat visitor convenience for trust or storing the data locally on their device.

#disabled #gaming #games

Interesting look at the precursor to Monopoly, and specifically a British version of The Landlord’s game, published in Dumfriesshire in 1913. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGMAAqF-As4&feature=youtu.be #boardgames #games #Monopoly #Dumfriesshire

Cointelegraph launches Gaming.News: A fresh take on gaming media - Cointelegraph is expanding its presence into the gaming space with the l... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/cointelegraph-launches-gamingnews-a-fresh-take-on-gaming-media #cointelegraph #announcement #esports #games #media

Games for Watermelon Bundle

"This is a charity game bundle I’ve organized with my friends at Vietnamese-Canadian fundraising organisation Letters for Watermelon to support two families in Palestine.

50% of the proceeds will go to the first family and the other 50% will go to the other."


#Palestine #FreePalestine #Gaza #MutualAid #Games

Wird dann angefangen zu lesen. Solltet ihr euch fragen, warum einige Mangas immer so etwas befleckt sind, dann liegt das daran, dass ich zu 80 % alles gebraucht kaufe. Gerne auch einfach auf Flohmärkte stöbere und alles mitnehme, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist. Demnächst dann auch auf dem Blog :)

#manga #anime #games #blog #nerdjunk #mangagram #mangade #filme #nerd #otaku #animemanga #boardgame #geek #brettspiele #gesellschaftsspiele #spiele #Videospiele #Comic #mangager #gaming #Videospiele

Ein Manga, den ich definitiv noch einmal lesen sollte. Damals waren die einzelnen Bände noch schön in einem separaten Einband eingeschlagen. Auch sehr hochwertig. Sofern ich das richtig sehe, müsste auch die komplette Reihe in meiner Sammlung sein. Muss ich dann bei Gelegenheit noch einmal reinlesen.

#manga #anime #games #blog #nerdjunk #mangagram #mangade #filme #nerd #otaku #animemanga #boardgame #geek #brettspiele #gesellschaftsspiele #spiele #Videospiele #Comic #mangager #gaming #Videospiele
Auf dem Bild sieht man den Manga Kamikaze.

I sat down last night and began looking through the two folders that contain the world I created for my #DnD campaigns—something I started over 30 years ago (the world, not the campaigns, that is!).

When I first started playing as a non-GM, we’d often get the usual, "You're in an inn, and you hear the barkeep talk of troubles at <story link>." That was fine, but it soon dawned on me that these inns we kept visiting were rather generic—nothing ever seemed to happen until we, the adventurers, arrived.

I used to sketch maps and layouts of locations based on the DM’s descriptions as we roved from village to village, town to town, and city to city. But I quickly noticed huge inconsistencies and illogical choices.

When I became a #DungeonMaster / #GamesMaster, I wanted the world to feel real to my players.

The small town they found themselves in had a reason for existing. The people who lived and worked there weren’t just there to push the story forward. The bars were full of gossip, of course, but not just about the bands of kobolds lurking in the nearby woods. The people were three-dimensional, not just cardboard cutouts.

My first map was a crudely drawn sketch in a lined A4 notebook, but it was a start. I put it in a folder for safekeeping.

Fast forward nearly two decades, and I now have two folders filled with typed-up notes, maps, handouts (feelies), props, and more.

Most of my notes are rough—some typed, some handwritten. I even have a couple of 5¼ and 3½-inch floppies with who-knows-what on them, simply labelled "D&D Stuff."

So, to that end, I’ve decided to start organising and modernising everything.

I’m also thinking of documenting my progress on my woefully underused blog. As you can probably tell from my toots, my writing tends to veer towards verbosity, and I enjoy long-form content.

So, watch this space! I have a lot to sift through and rethink—histories and maps, religions and pantheons, socio-economic factors, and more.

It’s a lot of work, but I think other DMs might find it interesting—whether to follow my thought process or even to borrow elements for their own #TabletopRolePlaying #games.

You Are the "Inefficiency"

"Musk and his online minions often refer to #liberals as NPCs, or nonplayer characters, a #VideoGame term referring to the figures who populate the background of #games...

as they see it, most of humanity is simply not #human. We are ants, or even less: bits of #programming to be moved around at Elon’s whim...

Any suffering he brings down on NPCs is meaningless"

#ElonMusk #Musk #Doge #Bigotry #Coup #Corruption #Government #HumanRights #USA
Text from article:
What they actually mean is that as they see it, most of humanity is simply not human. We are ants, or even less: bits of programming to be moved around at Elon’s whim. Only he and the people who aspire to be like him are actors, decision-makers, molding the world to conform to their bold interplanetary vision.

Any suffering he brings down on NPCs is meaningless, because to him our lives are without real meaning. Fire thousands of federal workers, cut off vital services — who cares? Those people don’t matter. As one federal worker put it in a subreddit where fired workers by the hundreds are sharing their stories, “The thing that I can’t get over is that the actual richest man in the world directed my fucking firing. I make $50k a year and work to keep drinking water safe. The richest man in the world decided that was an expense too great for the American taxpayer.”

Damals geholt und nur eine Runde gespielt. Hat mir zwar gut gefallen und würde es gerne wieder spielen, doch sind inzwischen keine Spieler mehr vorhanden. Trotzdem kann ich mich nicht trennen. Vielleicht ergibt sich ja wieder eine Runde.

#manga #anime #games #blog #nerdjunk #mangagram #mangade #filme #nerd #otaku #animemanga #boardgame #geek #brettspiele #gesellschaftsspiele #spiele #Videospiele #Comic #mangager #gaming #Videospiele

Der erste Band hat mich nicht wirklich überzeugt. Er war zwar nicht schlecht, doch hat etwas gefehlt. Schauen wir mal, wie sich die Geschichte weiterentwickelt. Ich bin optimistisch, dass es besser wird. Immerhin hat er mich von der Art schon überzeugt. Mehr gibt es dann in ein paar Tagen auf dem Blog.

#manga #anime #games #blog #nerdjunk #mangagram #mangade #filme #nerd #otaku #animemanga #boardgame #geek #brettspiele #gesellschaftsspiele #spiele #Videospiele #Comic #mangager #gaming #Videospiele

Heute gibt es keinen Kaffee. Dafür aber ein Spiel aus der guten alten Zeit. Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere, waren dies ehemalige Squaresoft Entwickler, die ein eigenes Studio gegründet haben. Ich erinnere mich zwar kaum noch an das Spiel, aber ich weiß noch es war seltsam aber gut.

#manga #anime #games #blog #nerdjunk #mangagram #mangade #filme #nerd #otaku #animemanga #boardgame #geek #brettspiele #gesellschaftsspiele #spiele #Videospiele #Comic #mangager #gaming #Videospiele

Eine neue #Mod für das #SteamDeck von #Valve verspricht, die #FPS mittels #FSR in einigen #Games deutlich zu erhöhen. Teilweise soll eine Verdopplung der #Bildrate möglich sein. https://winfuture.de/news,148543.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

I got creative in January! Plus, recommendations for cozy reading and #games. (public post) #bookstodon #blog


Lançado pela Sony em 2020, já conquistou uma enorme base de fãs ao redor do mundo. O PS5 Recebe Atualização Recente que Melhora Desempenho, oferecendo gráficos impressionantes, tempos de carregamento quase instantâneos e uma experiência de jogo imersiva. E, para manter sua competitividade e melhorar continuamente a experiência do usuário, a Sony sempre lança atualizações para o PS5. Em janeiro de 2025...
#news #game #games #gamer #videogames #nerdosgames #blog


O Futuro da Trilogia de Final Fantasy 7 O desenvolvimento da trilogia de Final Fantasy 7 Remake está mais avançado do que se imaginava. Enquanto o intervalo entre os lançamentos de Remake e Rebirth foi de quatro anos, a terceira parte da saga, que deve concluir a história, já tem o Final Fantasy 7 remake parte 3 finalizado.
#gamer #blog #gaming #nerdosgames #jogos #game #games #videogame #news


NEW ARTICLE - Your Mid-week Mission

A quick, quaint article exploring some ways the tiny strategy title Mini Motorways represents a worthwhile iteration on Dinosaur Polo Club's earlier offering (Mini Metro):

#games #indiegames #blog #analysis #review


Check out our weekly Indie Monday Menu!

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#games #indiegame #blog #gaming

I don't even know that's exist!! :0)
Cool stuff.. from hard gaming time.. :0))

"Save any game
Any level
Any time".

Advertisement in first issue of Electronic Games Magazine (1995)

#nakitek #gameaccessory #gaming #games #videogaming #videogames #nintendo #snes #retrogaming #press #add #advertisement #magazine #electronicgames

I tried out the RTS auto battler Buggos, and this is what I thought of it!


#Games #VideoGames #Blog

Wie viel Geld Spieler für #GTA6 bezahlen müssen, steht noch nicht fest. Laut Experten wären 100 Euro aber ein guter #Preis. Denn dann könnten auch andere Publisher ihre #Games in Zukunft teurer verkaufen. https://winfuture.de/news,148231.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

🎮 If you're a game journalist - or avid gamer - you likely know my brother, Brian Crecente.

Here's his latest on Nintendo's announcement about the Switch 2.

❓ What's in a name?

🌐 https://open.substack.com/pub/game/p/switch-2-say-it-aint-so-nintendo

#Nintendo #NintendoSwitch #games #Journalism

2025 Lessons: Laugh and Be Merry


#newyear #funnygifts #funnygames #games #game #funny #laugh #blog #2025

2025 Lessons: Laugh and Be Merry


#newyear #funnygifts #funnygames #games #game #funny #laugh #blog #2025

New blog post! I'm having fun with the new PS Vita and wanted to share my thoughts.


#psvita #gaming #games #blog #blogging