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Beiträge, die mit barcelona getaggt sind

Züge nach Barcelona und London? - SBB prüft Ausbau des internationalen Verkehrs

#Ausland #Barcelona #London #SBB #Zugverkehr


Telekom-Chef Tim Höttges hat auf dem MWC in Barcelona eine drastische Reduzierung der Regulierung in der EU gefordert, um im globalen Wettbewerb bestehen zu können. 📣

Zum Artikel: https://heise.de/-10304244?wt_mc=sm.red.ho.mastodon.mastodon.md_beitraege.md_beitraege&utm_source=mastodon

#Telekom #Regulierung #Bürokratie #MWC #Barcelona
Im Bild sieht man Telekom-Chef Tim Höttges. Im Bild steht: "Telekom-Chef fordert auf dem MWC: Bürokratieabbau für Europas Digitalzukunft" dadrunter steht: "Was Europa braucht, ist etwas wie DOGE."

How Barcelona became an unlikely hub for spyware startups

Having Barcelona become a crucial regional outpost for offensive cybersecurity companies puts the spyware problem squarely on the doorstep of Europe, which has a fractious relationship with surveillance tech, due to scandals in Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, and Poland — all involving Israeli spyware makers.

#Barcelona #spain #israel #spyware #startups #business #malware #security #cybersecurity #privacy #surveillance


Fenster Freitag

Sagrada Família, Barcelona. Totally bonkers but evenas an atheirs I can appreciate the architects zeal.

#Barcelona #SagradaFamilia #Spain #FensterFreitag

Primera demanda en España contra un militar israelí por crímenes de guerra en #Gaza. Está de vacaciones en #Barcelona

"Apart from Palm Beach Networks (as it was known at the time), Barcelona is home to several other exploit and spyware makers that are also making the most of the city’s sunny, temperate weather, fresh seafood, and vibrant expat community.

Among them are Paradigm Shift, which was founded by former employees of Variston in the aftermath of the company’s collapse last year; and Epsilon, which is led by Jeremy Fetiveau, an industry veteran who used to work for a division within U.S. defense giant L3Harris that was created after the company acquired the Australian startup Azimuth. Fetiveau did not return a request for comment.

The city is said to also be home to an unnamed group of Israeli researchers who moved to Barcelona from Singapore to work on developing zero-day exploits. The existence of this unnamed team as well as Epsilon’s presence in Barcelona was first reported by Israeli newspaper Haaretz, whose article sparked coverage in local newspapers and news websites.

Other cybersecurity companies have a presence in Barcelona, even if they are not headquartered there. Andrijana Šekularac, the chief executive of Austrian cybersecurity company SAFA, lives in the city, according to her public LinkedIn profile. SAFA has sponsored offensive cybersecurity conferences, including OffensiveCon and Hexacon, and employs at least two security researchers with past experience at spyware companies, according to their public LinkedIn profiles. Šekularac also did not respond to a request for comment.

These zero-day and spyware companies are part of a broader cybersecurity and startup ecosystem in Barcelona. As of last year, according to the Catalan regional government, there were more than 10,000 people working for more than 500 cybersecurity companies in Barcelona, or around 50% more workers than five years earlier."


#EU #Spain #Barcelona #CyberSecurity #Spyware #israel #ZeroDay #StartUps

Barcelona: hub de empresas israelitas en ciberseguridad ofensiva. https://www.eldiario.es/catalunya/barcelona-nueva-base-operaciones-piratas-informaticos-israelies_1_11929717.amp.html #Barcelona #israel #ciberseguridad #Hacking #ciberespionaje

"Barcelona has become the cyber offensive capital of Europe, and Haaretz has learned that at least three teams of Israeli researchers focused on facilitating advanced hacking capabilities have relocated to the Catalonian capital in the past year and a half, the latest of them in recent months.
Haaretz Podcast

"There are roughly six such groups of Israelis who are the elite in the field – and half of them have moved to Spain," says an industry executive.

In the past two months, a team of Israeli vulnerability researchers - an industry term for hackers specializing in identifying weaknesses in digital defenses, known as "exploits" - arrived in Barcelona from Singapore. The team specializes in finding breaches in smartphone defenses through which spyware can be remotely installed."


#Israel #CyberSecurity #Hacking #Spyware #Spain #Barcelona

In 20 minutes, music for band from #Barcelona: #Tchaikovsky #Kozhevnikov and de Meij https://buff.ly/4efK3yE #wch

¡He escrito un libro! 💫
Va de #internet, y de qué vamos a hacer para recuperarla (por supuesto, tiene un capítulo dedicado al #fediverso). Ojalá os resulte interesante y sea útil para pensar cómo impulsar tecnologías libres y más justas.

El 20 de mayo llega a librerías. Vamos a presentarlo por ahora en #Barcelona, #Sabadell, #Sevilla, #Bilbao, #Santander y #Vitoria. Aquí más info: https://redesnuestras.net/

Si me ayudáis a que lo conozca más gente, os lo agradezco mucho. 🙏
Varios ejemplares del libro ‘Las redes son nuestras. Una historia popular de internet y un mapa para volver a habitarla’. La autora es Marta G. Franco, la editorial Consonni, e incluye un epílogo de Lola Robles.
Listado de presentaciones de 'Las redes son nuestras'. 
- Barcelona: 24 de mayo, 19:00, con Alba Lafarga, Llibreria Finestres
- Barcelona: 25 de mayo, 12:30, mesa redonda, Feri Literal
- Barcelona: 26 de mayo, 15:30, presentación del libro, Feri Literal
- Sabadell: 28 de mayo, 19:00, con Proyecto UNA, Mala Peça
- Sevilla: 4 de junio, 20:00, con Macarena Hernández, Librería La Fuga
- Bilbao: 6 de junio, 19:00, con Pablo Garaizar, Bilboko Liburu Azoka
- Santander: 7 de junio, 19:30, con Alejandro González, La Vorágine.
- Gasteiz: 8 de junio, 18:00, con Gorka Julio, Eva Forest Liburutopia

#Catalonia declares #drought emergency, extending restrictions to #Barcelona - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/01/catalonia-declares-drought-emergency-extending-water-limits-to-barcelona "Water reserves fall below 16% as region’s president says it has not rained in some areas for three years" sadly, this is the future for many