Beiträge, die mit metro getaggt sind
Metro de Lisboa aos dias de semana nas horas de ponta: média de dois minutos de intervalo entre transporte.
Metro de Lisboa aos dias de semana fora das horas de ponta: média de cinco ou mais minutos de intervalo entre transporte.
Metro de Lisboa aos fins-de-semana: média de oito ou mais minutos de intervalo entre transporte.
Resumindo: Se uma pessoa quiser ir e vir de Odivelas a Alvalade (uma viagem que demora para aí pouco mais de 15 minutos, se for quase directa), aos fins-de-semana quase que acaba por gastar o mesmo tempo - ou mais! - à espera da treta do #Metro: 8 + 8 na ida e 8 + 8 na vinda: 32 minutos. Quase que mais vale ir a pé!!
Sinceramente, penso que isto é inadmissível e só demonstra o fraco investimento e a baixa valorização nos transportes públicas e na mobilidade urbana dos sucessivos governos e autarquias da Região Metropolitana de Lisboa.
Realmente, para além de modas burguesas como ciclovias que roubam passeio aos peões para depois ciclistas e trotinetistas andarem nos passeios para peões a alta velocidade, existe uma fraquíssima aposta estruturada e a longo-prazo na melhoria contínua do serviço e da rede de transportes públicos urbanos.
Sinceramente, enquanto português sinto-me envergonhado por isso e pelo facto de tantos outros portugueses se sentirem obrigados a endividarem-se até ao tutano para comprar automóveis privados quando em pleno ano de 2025 deviam poder usufruir de metro, autocarros, comboios e barcos pontuais, servindo uma rede suficientemente abrangente e sem buracos.
Ás vezes até parece que os governantes e autarcas nacionais querem que as pessoas fiquem dependentes de carros só para não terem dinheiro para viajar nas férias para cidades onde existem transportes públicos impecáveis.
Second anti-Israel Columbia protester, Leqaa Kordia, arrested by Homeland Security for immigration violations
A second Columbia University protester who took part in anti-Israel demonstrations on campus was nabbed by Homeland Security agents Thursday, sources said.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
NYC Comptroller Brad Lander accused of ‘divesting’ pension funds from Israel
It’s a tale of two investment strategies. New York City Comptroller and mayoral candidate Brad Lander is being accused of “divesting” city pension funds from government bonds of the State of Israel — allegedly breaking from his predecessors and state…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
ICE arrests Palestinian leader of Columbia's anti-Israel protests: lawyer - EUROPE SAYS
President Trump is giving this anti-Israel campus rabble-rouser a ticket to study abroad — for good. A PalestinianEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
#Bahnindustrie #Bahntechnologie #Barcelona #Metro #Porto #Portugal #Spanien #Voestalpine #VoestalpineRailwaySystems #Weichenstellsystem
Neue Weichenstellsysteme für Metro-Netze in Barcelona und Porto
Durch die Integration neuer Weichensysteme soll die Effizienz und Sicherheit in den Metro-Netzen in Barcelona und Porto gesteigert
#Geheimdienst #Metro #Moskau #Russland #UBahn
Anschlag auf Moskauer U-Bahn geplant? – Russischer Geheimdienst erschießt Mann
Ein Mann soll laut dem russischen Inlandsgeheimdienst FSB Anschläge auf eine jüdische Einrichtung und eine Moskauer U-Bahn-Station geplant haben. Seine Festnahme überlebt er
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नई दिल्ली: दिल्ली मेट्रो की बड़ी कामयाबी, गोल्डन लाइन पर सबसे गहरी टनल का काम पूरा।
दिल्ली में मेट्रो विस्तार के फेज-4 के तहत DMRC ने एक और बड़ी उपलब्धि हासिल की है।दिल्ली ब्यूरो (Aliyesha)
#BadenWürttemberg #Energie #Frankreich #Metro #Paris #Stuttgart #UBahn #Wärme
Wärme aus dem Tunnel – wie U-Bahnen Wohnungen heizen können
U-Bahnen können Menschen von A nach B bringen. Aber sie können noch mehr: Wohnungen beheizen. Einige europäische Städte machen das
CUNY professors union does 180 on plan to boycott Israel after supposed voting ‘irregularities’
A labor union of City University of New York professors repealed a controversial resolution supporting a boycott of Israel – as members cited voting “irregularities” and fierce backlash.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
#Bahnindustrie #Instandhaltung #KualaLumpur #Malaysia #Metro #SiemensMobility
Siemens Mobility unterstützt Instandhaltung für Metro-Züge in Kuala Lumpur
Zwischen dem malaysischen Unternehmen SMH Rail und Siemens Mobility ist Anfang Februar ein umfangreicher Instandhaltungsvertrag geschlossen
Verkehrssenatorin schießt 53 Kilometer am Ziel vorbei
Berlin braucht zügig den Tram-Ausbau statt unrealisierbaren U-Bahn-WahnBUND - BUND für Naturschutz und Umwelt in Deutschland
#Baby #Geburt #Metro #NewYork #UBahn
Frau bringt Baby in New Yorker U-Bahn zur Welt
Aufregung im Vormittagsverkehr in der wie immer vollen New Yorker U-Bahn: Eine 25 Jahre alte Frau bringt ein kleines Mädchen zur Welt - es ist gesund und hat jetzt einen besonderen
#Belgien #Brüssel #Metro #Polizei
Nach Polizeieinsatz: Metro in Brüssel fährt wieder
Videoaufnahmen zeigen bewaffnete Männer am Eingang einer Metrostation in Brüssel. Die Polizei sucht sie und legt den öffentlichen Verkehr in Belgiens Hauptstadt teilweise
#uttarakhand #dehradun #india #news #press #bjp #CMDhami #Metro #Railway #GovernmentFailure #ProjectMismanagement #BureaucraticHurdles #DehradunMetro #UrbanDevelopment
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देहरादून: सात बरस में 80 करोड़ खर्च, अब परियोजना का कार्यालय बन्द होने की कगार पर।
लगभग सात बरस पहले देहरादून में मेट्रो रेल का सपना दिखाया गया था। पर अब राजधानी में नियो मेट्रो परियोजना धरातल पर उतरने से पहले ही बेपटरी होती दिख रही है।प्रेम पंचोली (Aliyesha)
CUNY Professors' Union supports divestment from Israel - EUROPE SAYS
The union representing professors at the City University of New York approved a resolution last week in supportEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Former Iran hostage Barry Rosen overjoyed by Israel-Hamas cease-fire deal
An Upper West Sider understands better than most the hell endured by the hostages taken by Hamas from Israel — and their elation upon learning their freedom is near.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
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Assassin suspect had jackel ghost gun
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Stabbed to death for a teddy bear
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Assad falls… but what now
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नई दिल्ली: दिल्ली मेट्रो पर केबल चोरी: लगातार घटनाएं बनीं बड़ी समस्या।
दिल्ली मेट्रो की ब्लू लाइन (द्वारका सेक्टर 21 - नोएडा इलेक्ट्रॉनिक सिटी/वैशाली) पर अपरहेड वायर और केबल चोरी की घटनाएं थमने का नाम नहीं ले रही हैं।दिल्ली ब्यूरो (Aliyesha)
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नई दिल्ली: चुनाव से पहले दिल्ली वालों को तोहफा, अगले दो हफ्ते में सड़कों पर दौड़ेगी 150 ‘मोहल्ला बसें’।
तो चुनाव से पहले मोहल्ला बसों का इंतजार अब खत्म होने वाला है।दिल्ली ब्यूरो (Aliyesha)
Rodgers hails McCowan and backs him to take step up to international level
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I’m hungry for action
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Adams staffer who tore down Israel hostage poster has been indefinitely suspended without pay - EUROPE SAYS
The Adams administration staffer under fire for ripping down an Israeli hostage poster and then allegedly assaulting anEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
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Clement claims keepers have 'best game' against Gers as own goal secures win
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Hunt for third biggest lotto winner
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I lost my faith in the world
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Farewell Liam Payne
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Chilling blow
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Flush hour gush
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I'm over pole vault
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£3billion Apple icloud rip off case
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Church of England cover up scandal
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Time to go Archbishop
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