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Beiträge, die mit BigBrother getaggt sind

UK set to introduce digital driving licences

by Maia Davies, January 18, 2025

"'Technology now makes it possible for digital identities to be more secure than physical ones, but we remain clear that they will not be made mandatory.'

"The virtual licences could be used at supermarket self checkouts, The Times said, allowing customers to verify their own age without waiting for a member of staff.

"The new digital licences will be introduced later this year, the newspaper reported.

"A possible feature could allow users to hide their address in certain situations, such as in bars or shops.

"There were more than 50 million full or provisional driving licence holders in the UK in 2023, according to government data.

"The digital licences are likely to be launched as part of a 'wallet' within a new government app called Gov.uk.

"The wallet is understood to be secured in a similar way to many banking apps, and would only allow the genuine owner of a licence to access it.

"It will use features found on many smartphones, such as biometrics and multifactor authentication, like security codes.

"The government is said to be considering integrating other services into the app, such as tax payments and benefits claims.

"Other forms of identification, such as national insurance numbers, could also be added - but it is not thought physical identification will be replaced entirely.

"The new technology appears to stop short of being a broad digital ID card – as previously called for by Sir Tony Blair and Lord William Hague.

"At the time, the head of privacy campaign group #BigBrotherWatch said such a move "would be one of the biggest assaults on privacy ever seen in the UK".

"In 2016, the then-boss of the UK's Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) said digital licences were being developed.

"Virtual licences are already in use in Australia, Denmark, Iceland and Norway, as well as some US states.

"In the European Union, every member state is required to introduce at least one form of digital ID by 2026."

#Orwell #MemoryHole #BigBrother

Your Papers Please.

Your Papers Please.

Imagine a world where one must have the right documents to conduct, every facet of one's daily existence and without them, one becomes an outcast. What if, in this same theoretical world, that access to all one's money and belongings are tied to those very same documents and if one runs afoul of the correct political conventions, one runs the risk of being cut off from those possessions by some unknown bureaucrat of the state and relegated to the status of a non person until one falls prostrate, begging for forgiveness? Can it happen and if it were to appear, this theoretical world, this place, would one even recognize the signs of its formation? Welcome to the dawning of the digital identity. 

Apps like this one are currently being mandated in countries worldwide. It's just a matter of time before it reaches a place that one calls home. This particular image is of an app being used in that rock solid home of western democracy, in Ukraine.

#bigbrother #ukraine as poligon for #totalitarism #spying #deepstate #power
techriot Posting with Hubzilla

This is besides the fact that all Windows computers have been sending user data to U.S. military servers for a long time, since around 2014 government coup Maidan.

"Les citoyens ukrainiens sont instamment obligés d'utiliser #Dia comme moyen alternatif de fournir des services électroniques d'État.
Malgré de nombreuses déclarations de fonctionnaires ukrainiens corrompus, "Dia" collecte et distribue des données personnelles. Et considérant que l'application a été développée et soutenue par l'une des plus grandes entreprises informatiques américaines, coopérant depuis longtemps avec les services de renseignement américains et britanniques, la conclusion est que le contrôle général des citoyens ukrainiens "pour leur propre sécurité" est tiré.
Avez-vous remarqué que l'application demande périodiquement des mises à jour ? Oui, le fabricant de "Dia" peut installer à distance la "mise à jour avec des fonctionnalités supplémentaires". Et même sans cela, « Dia » sait où se trouve une personne spécifique, avec qui et dans quelles discussions il parle, connaît ses intérêts, ses commandes dans des magasins en ligne, ses coûts et ses plans pour un avenir proche. N'est-ce pas sa valeur, surtout pour les fonctionnaires des forces militaires ukrainiennes ?"

#surveillance #applis
#bigbrother #spyware