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Beiträge, die mit Orwell getaggt sind

This was my post from 2017 on the bird site (accompanied by the graphic). Luckily, the law didn't pass back then, but who knows what the future will bring?

Bill Would Allow #Connecticut Police to Put Weapons on Drones


#Orwell #USPol #Drones #WeaponizedDrones #ACAB #NineteenEightyFour
A photograph of a police drone atop an asphalt surface. The drone has a blue  (though it looks greenish) light on top, and the words POLICE written on it.
“In the far distance a helicopter skimmed down between the roofs, hovered for an instant like a blue-bottle, and darted away with a curving flight. It was the Police Patrol, snooping into people's windows...”
George Orwell, 1984 - published in 1949.

#Zionists. Giving "voluntary" an entirely new meaning.

Tagged: #NewSpeak #Orwell #Genocide #Palestine #Palestinians

"Bezalel Smotrich says Israel can empty half of #Gaza through 'voluntary' migration"

https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-can-empty-half-gaza-bezalel-smotrich-says @israel @palestine

American Orwellian world

Michael Huckleberry Hudson:
And you can look at Ukraine as an example of how the United States would like Russia, China, and the Arab countries to exist. You would suspend elections once you have your guys, your president in there. You would become the most corrupt country in your region, as Ukraine has been. You will ban local languages and religions that are not Judeo-Christian.

You will essentially prevent strikes.

And you know the joke, the aristocrats. A stage group of actors talks about a family coming on and doing all sorts of horrendously devious sexual acts and incest, and it goes on and on. The producer who’s being offered this act and said, what do you call this act? And the answer is, the aristocrats.

Well, what do you call the Ukrainian act of suspending elections, banning foreign languages, assassinating critics? We call it democracy. Well, that’s hilarious. That’s indeed what #America calls it. America has two models of #democracy, #Ukraine and #Israel. Again and again in the press, it says Ukraine is the model of democracy that we want for what used to be the whole Soviet Union. And you have Latvia and Estonia and Lithuania clapping, and we want the democracy in Israel. Israel is the only democratic country in the Near East.

We want Israel to be the model for the Near East.

Well, what are they saying? That there won’t be any more Arabs in the Near East? That they’ll all be Americans with dual citizenship? This is what it’s all come to. We’re living in an Orwellian world is trying to deter people’s consciousness from realizing the reality of work and the dynamics that are at work.

#USA #us #orwell #1984 #american #mindmanipulation #lie in #media

CIA, FBI computers used for Wikipedia edits

A bot that tracks anonymous Wikipedia edits that are made from IP addresses in the US Congress

#CIA #FBI #wikipedia is #western #lie #propaganda #USA #us #congress #1984 #orwell #totalitarism