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Beiträge, die mit folktale getaggt sind

Check out my zine about Palestinian folklore and folk religion! This issue is dedicated to Palestinian folklore about the Virgin Mary.

#folktale #palestine #zine

It's available for your own set price, or free if you like!


Sometimes you discover that your partner's relationship goals differ from your own.

It's okay to break up under such circumstances, but that doesn't mean you should be a jerk about it.

#Germany #folktale #folklore #ghost #ghoststory @germany @folklore
German folk tale "The Ghostly Suitor on Hartenstein Castle". Drop me a line if you want a machine-readable transcript!

#FolkloreMoment : Once, the dike next to the river Weser burst at Rechtenfleth, and the locals labored for several seasons to repair it - but the hole never seemed to fill up, no matter how much sand they poured into it.

Then they asked a wise woman for advice. She told them: "You will labor until Judgment Day if you don't appease the Heavens. Grab the first person to pass by the next morning, throw them into the depths, and construct the dike above them."

The first person who passed by was a rich, prideful farmer named Heuer. Then they grabbed him, threw him into the hole, and built the dike above him like the wise woman said. The ground bekame solid, and the dike was soon completed with God's aid.

But the dike was called "Heuer's Dike" since then, and it is said that during quiet nights there is groaning and wailing in the depths at this site.

#Germany #folktale #folklore #dike
Digital scan of German folk tale "Der Heuersche Kolk bei Rechtenfleth"

If you dig too deeply, you might reach the realms of the dwarves.

Which... probably is something you want to avoid.

#Germany #folktale #folklore #dwarf @germany @folklore
German folk tale "The Realm of the Subterraneans". Drop me a line if you want a machine-readable transcript!

#FolkloreMoment: Once, a "devout and noble-minded" young man regularly visited his girlfriend who was equally "devout and noble-minded". She welcomed him into her chamber during every night of the full noon.

Once, he found her weeping and asked her what was wrong and how he could help her.

"You can't help me. Go and fetch me a woman!"

So he went out at midnight, and encountered Percht, a female spirit of the mountain. She asked him where he was going.

"I go to fetch a woman who can help my beloved!"

"Well, then I won't harm you - which I would have done if you were doing something bad. But I want to ask for a favor. Won't you carve a wooden nail for my wagon?"

The young man agreed to do so, and Percht told him to keep all the wood shavings, for he would regret it if he left one behind.

And when he finally returned to his beloved, she was well and healthy and "a large bird had lowered a little boy through the chimney".

Oh, and he discovered that all the wood shavings had turned into gold and silver coins.

... I think this is what the TV Tropes Wiki calls "Getting Crap Past the Radar". It sounds like the two of them could have used some sex education, but at least it all turned out well for them in the end.

#Austria #folktale #folklore
Part 1 of Austrian folk tale "Die gute Percht"
Part 2 of Austrian folk tale "Die gute Percht"

#FolkloreMoment : Once, a "Wild Maiden", a spirit of the mountains, fell in love with a farmer - but the farmer was already married.

But the farmer's wife knew how vengeful the Wild Maidens could be if their wishes were thwarted in any way. Thus, she was careful never to display the slightest bit of jealousy, handed over all her conjugal rights, and even made sure that the Wild Maiden was comfortable when sleeping in the bed.

In gratitude, the Wild Maiden blessed the farm and the descendants of the farmer when she finally left.

#Austria #folktale #folklore
Digital scan of Austrian folk tale "Fluch und Segen der Wildfräulein".

Hello, Myth Lovers! Join us for the last theme of October: Creepy Crawlies. Which stories feature these tiny creatures? Tag us if you're joining for the first time and use #MythologyMonday for boosts. See you Monday! 🕷️🐛🦗🐜

Photograph of a spider by Bergadder

@mythology @folklore @TarkabarkaHolgy @juergen_hubert @curiousordinary @wihtlore @FairytalesFood @bevanthomas @FinnFolklorist @Godyssey @noam
#mythology #Folklore #folktale #legend #Storytelling
Close-up photograph of a spider.

#FolkloreMoment : Once, a man encountered a snake who followed him home. He grew very fond of the snake, and one day she told him: "If you were to marry me, you would have no cause for complaints."

After thinking it over, he agreed. Then he took a ring from her tail, and they went to an inn. In the evening, while the other guests were still dancing, the man and the snake went to bed.

Around midnight, the snake turned into a beautiful woman, and the man "found this shape very enjoyable". She kept this shape ever since.

#Austria #folktale #folklore #snake
Digital scan of the Austrian folk tale "Die Schlangenbraut"

Okay, here's a new one: In one folk tale from Styria in Austria, a bunch of villagers try to kill a dragon by throwing quicklime into the lake it inhabits.

Ultimately it doesn't work, but they do get points for ingenuity.

#Austria #folktale #folklore #dragon #quicklime
Digital scan of Austrian folk tale "Der Lindwurm von Oberwelz"

any space or place or hint, one could read / learn / research about these #FolkTale types?

Hello, myth lovers! Join us for Monday's theme: Time Travel. Which myths feature time traveling? Write out a story and use the hashtag #MythologyMonday. See you soon! ⏱️⏱️⏱️


@mythology @folklore
#mythology #folklore #folktale #legends #Storytelling #TimeTravel
Photo of a pocket watch half-buried in sand.

#FolkloreMoment : Once, a woman said that she would like to marry - but she did not want to bear any children, as she was terribly afraid of the pains of birth.

The couple went to their local priest, who said that he was unable to help them. So he sent them to the pope.

The pope said that he could help her, if she followed his instructions exactly. Then the pope told her that he could help her - if she agreed to follow his instructions exactly.

The woman agreed, and then the pope arranged for her to spend the night in a room with a snake.

The next morning, the woman was dead - but her wish was fulfilled, for now she would never give birth.

#Germany #folktale #folklore #pope #snake
Digital scan of German folk tale "Die Schlange".

Hello, everyone! Join us for Monday's theme: #Artworks featuring #mythology. Which work of art depicting a mythological scene, character, or theme do you like best? Why? Tag us and use the hashtag #MythologyMonday for boosts. See you soon!

🎨 Caravaggio

#mythology #folklore #folktale #legends #Storytelling @mythology @folklore #art
Detail of the (severed) head of Medusa painted by Caravaggio. Her eyes and mouth are wide open, realstic snakes wreathing around her head in the place of hair.