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Beiträge, die mit writers getaggt sind

I know a lot of authors have newsletters. Some of you probably use Mailchimp for the purpose.

Be aware that Mailchimp apparently does not respect peoples' decision to unsubscribe by deleting their PII; but rather holds on to it. (As a recipient, this is *not* what I expect.)

I would not be at all surprised if other providers also do this; but in this case, it was Mailchimp being caught holding the smoking gun.


#WritingCommunity #writers #authors #Mailchimp #privacy

To all you #SciFi #writers out there,

Please please please please have an astrophysicist or aerospace engineer review your book before publishing.

I'm reading an award-winning scifi book right now and while the writing is good and the author obviously tried to get the science details down, they also obviously didn't do much more than read wikipedia. It's getting painful to read.

#Authors #bookstodon #books #writing #ScienceFiction #Space

In addition to sharing my writing, I invite guest writers to share and showcase their writing on Tall And True. Laura Lai shared the introduction to her play, Standing Bear—The Indigenous Thing Who Became a Native American Person. ✍️ #writers #writing

Link to introduction on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/fiction/drama/standing-bear-the-indigenous-thing-who-became-a-native-american-person-a-play-by-laura-lai

In addition to sharing my fiction, nonfiction and reviews on Tall And True, I invite Guest Writers to share and showcase their writing. For example, William Sen on How Assignment Help Can Reduce Your Academic Stress. 💻 #writers #writing

Link to article on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/nonfiction/education-training/how-assignment-help-can-reduce-your-academic-stress

#LGBTQ related #Wikipedia article created 9 hours ago

Becky Selengut

Becky Selengut is an American chef, author and cooking instructor based in Seattle, Washington

#American #Blair #LGBTQ #Writers

Meta staff torrented nearly 82TB of pirated books for AI training — court records reveal copyright violations

"...court records reveal that the social media company used pirated torrents to download 81.7TB of data from shadow libraries including Anna’s Archive, Z-Library, and LibGen. It then used this information to train its AI models."

#tech #news #Meta #AI #books #bookstodon #writers #libraries #media


And we're off writing this month's #FuriousFiction. Good luck! 🤞🍀🐇

#writers #writing #flashfiction #shortstories

Link to the competition page on the Australian Writers' Centre website: https://www.writerscentre.com.au/furious-fiction/

Sham journals give good #science a bad name by churning out bogus research papers purely for profit. It's estimated there may be several hundred thousand in circulation, in addition to 55,000 known to have been retracted. This investigative story from The Conversation is a reminder  for #writers and others in #journalism and #media to seek and report on research only from credible sources. https://medium.com/wise-well/fake-scientific-papers-contaminate-legitimate-scholarly-output-eb6979807c01?sk=6bec51dc8ce8b72c7f1eebbfe62d24df

Posted into Wise & Well @wise-well-robertroybritt

Sham journals give good #science a bad name by churning out bogus research papers purely for profit. It's estimated there may be several hundred thousand in circulation, in addition to 55,000 known to have been retracted. This investigative story from @TheConversationUS is a reminder  for #writers and others in #journalism and #media to seek and report on research only from credible sources.


Couldn't submit my #NotQuiteWritePrize story on the Not Quite Write Podcast server last night, so I tried again this morning, with success ... and a few last-minute edits! Good luck, fellow writers! 🤞🍀🐰 #writers #writer #flashfiction #shortstories
Screenshot of the SUBMITTED page from the Not Quite Write Prize website.

Here’s an author who would like support from other #authors #writers for a project to support recovery from the #LAFires which have caused such devastation.
Please read and support if you can #thanks

Huge THANKS, #AustralianWritersCentre. I loved "handcrafting" my first #FuriousFiction for 2025 (as always!). Good luck to everyone who's entered! 🤞🍀🐇 #writers #writing #flashfiction #shortstories
Submission confirmation on the Australian Writers' Centre's Furious Fiction page.

Woohoo! I've finished the first draft of my #shortstory for the first #FuriousFiction of 2025. Now I need to proofread it and edit, edit, and edit some more! I hope your stories are coming together, too. ✍️ #writers #writing #flashfiction

Link to Furious Fiction page: https://www.writerscentre.com.au/furious-fiction/

#PSA via @kjcharles "UK WRITERS: You need to fill in this consulation. Govt is very clearly looking to an opt-out model of rights licensing that puts all the burden on creators instead of profiteers. It's long and boring but this is important."


#Writers #Authors #Copyright #ArtificialIntelligence #AI

Thread with more details:

Please share this information/links, there's not much time.

I've shared a new blog post on Tall And True about my latest short story collection, One Day in the Life of Alex's AI and Other Speculative Fiction. ✍️ #writers #writing #speculativefiction #shortstories

Link to post on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/blog/one-day-in-the-life-of-alexs-ai-book

UK proposes letting tech firms use copyrighted work to train AI

Is anyone surprised? 'Opt outs' - and we know how well behaved tech businesses have been about both written and visual workl in the past - hae been proposed. Bty the time the author/artist has caught up they will have snaffled the work and it will be impossibe to remoce it from the corpus.


#Art #Bookstadon #Handmade #Writers #Artists #CopOut #Theft

My hearse is lost. The driver looks young and inexperienced, like a gig worker filling a casual vacancy. He can't reset the GPS navigation, and his phone has no reception in the narrow lanes. ⚰️ #writers #writing #shortstories

Link to story on Tall And True: https://www.tallandtrue.com.au/fiction/short-stories/more-time-and-a-ouija-board

#Journalism’s Next Wave

In 2024, #writers with #StudentNation captured the stories of an emerging #generation—and revealed the future of journalism.


In #journalism and #media, year-end stories help fill time and space when there tends to be less news and writers and editors need some time off. Yet year-enders typically fails to deliver, because expectations on originality and quality are lowered.

I offer specific strategies and tips to help #writers, editors and publishers do better. It starts with advice I give on any story idea:

"Never write what people might expect. Write what they could not anticipate."


wanna to read about me complaining about life? no? I understand. here's the link if you change your mind


#blogwriters #blogs #writersofmastodon #writers #writerslife #writerlife #sadness #grief #loss

less doom and gloom, more hope. or is it cope? idk


#blogwriter #writers #writersofmastodon #blogs #sliceoflife

More than 1,000 authors – including winners of the Nobel Prize, Booker Prize, Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award – are launching a mass boycott of Israeli publishers complicit in the dispossession of the Palestinian people.



We’ve been talking for a while about creating a #WritingHorrors series, similar to #WritingWonders / #WordWeavers / #WritersCoffeeClub, but for #writers of #horror, #DarkFantasy, or who just want to enhance their #writing with #dwrk elements in general.

This will be a series of short questions with a few longer #WritingPrompts mixed in, intended to help improve yourself as a #writer, and to improve whatever #story you’re working on.

(Continued in thread)

#Halloween #october

#psa If you use #Dropbox and are a #writer or #author, do you know about the Offline Files Access changes in Dropbox? It affects Basic Plan (free) users only.

Empirically, Dropbox Basic syncs any changes you make anywhere to the cloud, but only indicates a sync occurred on devices (phones, tablets). In the Files app on iPhone, I see a ghost image with a down arrow in a cloud symbol beside files changed elsewhere. I have to open them to get them to sync locally. If I have no data access at my moment of need, the local file either doesn't exist yet or is out-of-date. For some reason, my Mac always syncs and downloads, at least if it is open. It's my iPhone (likely my iPad, too) that don't.

What cued me is the notifications in the Dropbox app.

I've attached a screenshot. The notifications imply this is a new monetization feature. Sadly, a good one from Dropbox's company standpoint as it may get many more people to pay a minimum of $120 a year. (BTW, #Apple #iCloud now offers Keep Downloaded even in their free 5 GB plan, though I'm still testing to see if I trust this always works.)

#Scrivener uses an API, which seems to cause my Mac to sync file last changed on iPhone or iPad when I turn on my Mac... However, sometimes I need to pause Dropbox syncing and resume it on my Mac to get the Scrivener files to sync. Could this be the cause of those intermittent sync errors I've been getting lately, because I'm not paying $10/m for offline access? I can't definitively say.

In any case, we Scrivener users know you need online access when opening Scrivener on iPad or iPhone to get the latest files, consistent with the issue. There's no auto-download feature in Scrivener for iPhone and iPad, and on the Mac it's the Dropbox app controlling the syncing... oh, my.

All this seems to imply that without a paid subscription, Basic Plan Dropbox isn't good for disaster recovery after all data access disappears (hurricane, earthquake, black out). Of course, if data is important to us, the retort is "Pay for your f***ing security!"

Has anyone looked into this?

Linked is the May 20, 2024 Dropbox FAQ on this, and it's somewhat inscrutable. The image is of the notifications I've received that imply some change.

Anyone want to analyze this?

Please boost so we might some who can discuss this. #boostingIsSharing

#backup #sync #cloud #writers #journalism #journalist #writingCommunity #writersOfMastodon #FreeSoftware

My dropbox notifications:

Get offline access to all of your folders on all of your devices when you upgrade to Dropbox Plus. 1 hour ago

 Dropbox Plus gives you 2,000 GB of storage, advanced file protection, offline folders & more. last month

Fantastic #zine fare at Jagera House today. Clever #Brisbane #writers and #artists! Some travelling from interstate to attend. Got what I could afford, plus took plenty of pics.
Poster art