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Beiträge, die mit writersofmastodon getaggt sind

A study in best to say, "Hell, no!" when the boss says let's add #AI to it. The explanation as to why it was a bad idea and an embarrassment to the Trump apologist LA Times with a short history lesson in the KKK by a history professor can be found in this fast-read article all writers and journalists should read.



#Journalism #Journalist #writer #Author#genAI #ChatGPT #ArtificialIntelligence #WritingCommunity #WritersOfMastodon

Self care update: I rejoined the writers group I left when my wife went on disability nearly a decade ago.
First meeting of 2025 is tomorrow. They started doing remote meetings in April 2020, and now they are all hybrid so I don't even have to risk my or my wife's health to attend.
I can't wait to get back into the groove.

#Writing #WritersOfMastodon

Ugh! Got an evac order. Spouse had a meltdown. They rescinded it as an error 15 minutes later. Guessing it went countywide because it took 10 minutes to resolve the link. Bet all the servers crashed. Friends are being displaced tho. We've arranged lodging for two households.

#LAFire #LAFires #Fire #palisadesfire #Writer #Author #WritersOfMastodon #WritingCommunity #Emergency
Evacuation Order Rescinded.

wanna to read about me complaining about life? no? I understand. here's the link if you change your mind


#blogwriters #blogs #writersofmastodon #writers #writerslife #writerlife #sadness #grief #loss

less doom and gloom, more hope. or is it cope? idk


#blogwriter #writers #writersofmastodon #blogs #sliceoflife

#psa If you use #Dropbox and are a #writer or #author, do you know about the Offline Files Access changes in Dropbox? It affects Basic Plan (free) users only.

Empirically, Dropbox Basic syncs any changes you make anywhere to the cloud, but only indicates a sync occurred on devices (phones, tablets). In the Files app on iPhone, I see a ghost image with a down arrow in a cloud symbol beside files changed elsewhere. I have to open them to get them to sync locally. If I have no data access at my moment of need, the local file either doesn't exist yet or is out-of-date. For some reason, my Mac always syncs and downloads, at least if it is open. It's my iPhone (likely my iPad, too) that don't.

What cued me is the notifications in the Dropbox app.

I've attached a screenshot. The notifications imply this is a new monetization feature. Sadly, a good one from Dropbox's company standpoint as it may get many more people to pay a minimum of $120 a year. (BTW, #Apple #iCloud now offers Keep Downloaded even in their free 5 GB plan, though I'm still testing to see if I trust this always works.)

#Scrivener uses an API, which seems to cause my Mac to sync file last changed on iPhone or iPad when I turn on my Mac... However, sometimes I need to pause Dropbox syncing and resume it on my Mac to get the Scrivener files to sync. Could this be the cause of those intermittent sync errors I've been getting lately, because I'm not paying $10/m for offline access? I can't definitively say.

In any case, we Scrivener users know you need online access when opening Scrivener on iPad or iPhone to get the latest files, consistent with the issue. There's no auto-download feature in Scrivener for iPhone and iPad, and on the Mac it's the Dropbox app controlling the syncing... oh, my.

All this seems to imply that without a paid subscription, Basic Plan Dropbox isn't good for disaster recovery after all data access disappears (hurricane, earthquake, black out). Of course, if data is important to us, the retort is "Pay for your f***ing security!"

Has anyone looked into this?

Linked is the May 20, 2024 Dropbox FAQ on this, and it's somewhat inscrutable. The image is of the notifications I've received that imply some change.

Anyone want to analyze this?

Please boost so we might some who can discuss this. #boostingIsSharing

#backup #sync #cloud #writers #journalism #journalist #writingCommunity #writersOfMastodon #FreeSoftware

My dropbox notifications:

Get offline access to all of your folders on all of your devices when you upgrade to Dropbox Plus. 1 hour ago

 Dropbox Plus gives you 2,000 GB of storage, advanced file protection, offline folders & more. last month