Beiträge, die mit quilting getaggt sind
Hallo Zusammen, ich bin Tanja, 51, süchtig nach Stoff und Wolle. Partner und Hund. Gerade sehr im Nähwahn. Ich habe #EPP und #quilting für mich entdeckt. Seit Oktober 24 in einem lieben Nähkurs und lerne fleißig dazu.
Bisher aktiv bei Insta und sehr angenervt dort. Ich würde mir gern wieder aussuchen, wem und was ich folge. Überlege mich dort zu löschen.
Was suche ich? Austausch mit netten Menschen rund ums Nähen und Stricken. Ideen für neue Projekte finden und eigene Werke zeigen.
I made the embroidery font myself, adding the cuneiform-like triangles to a simple alphabet. Lots of jump threads to trim but worth it! Going to be fun to carry this around
@quilting @sewing
#EaNasir #Embroidery #Quilting #Sewing
I’ve always been a bit leery of sewing zippers but I found a pretty good tutorial and finally decided to give it a whirl
It’s a bit harder to sew thru the quilted parts than I thought, but it was fun and I bought a bunch of zippers so there’s probably more of these ahead for me
#Quilting #Sewing
Flat Bottom Zippy Pouch. Tutorial + Pattern
Zipper Pouch Tutorial and Pattern: Flat bottom straight(ish) sides zippy pouch (with a little zipper trick)
Since you’re new, couple of tips - hashtags are your friends. #Quilting and #Quilts both get used tho the first is a bit more popular
There’s a couple of vision impaired quilters here so if you have the spoons for alt text, it’s much appreciated. If you don’t, you can always ask for help with it by tagging (#)ALT4me and someone will chime in
Hope you’ll post WIPs too - I love to see creative people in action!
Warm wishes and welcome!
His full quote is "To create is to resist. To resist is to create." but I didn't have enough scraps for both, so the letters' fabric choices mirror each other instead
Been wanting to do this for a while; now seemed the right time
Here's a short write up about Hessel's incredible life:
#Quilting @quilting
I’d really like to save this piece. The metal grommets were the last step and I don’t want to lose all that work! But I also don’t want to add bigger grommets.
Is there any other option? Suggest anything and everything - I’m sad it screwed up and stuck
#VisibleMending #Repair #RepairCafe #Quilting #Sewing
#quilting #sewing
A solution!
There are times when a sewist uses a machine needle for a very short time and then has to change types. What to do with the partially-used (but not used up) needle? I’ve always simply put the…Quilting and more ...