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Beiträge, die mit raspberrypi getaggt sind

I guess it is time to find a cooler place for my PiHole Raspi, since the CPU runs above 60 °C - and it is not even under any meaningful stress (AFAIK).

Maybe the kitchen closet top is not the perfect place for it after all.

#pihole #raspberrypi

DeepSeek 1,5B talked my Raspi 5 to death. I just wanted it to explain the Pythagorean theorem to me but suddenly it stopped working. 🤷

After a cold reboot the Raspi works again and I will switch the LLM. 😅

#RaspberryPi #DeepSeek #genAI
Screenshot of my Raspi 5 after a local Deepseek talked the Raspi  to death.

@waldstepper Als Hauptgerät ein Asus P3540F, auf dem #LinuxMint Cinnamon läuft. Dann habe ich noch zwei Netbooks. Die haben nur 2GB RAM, laufen aber mit #Q4OS TDE bzw. #RaspberryPi OS Desktop noch ganz gut.

Unglaublich, wie speicherhungrig #Samba wird, wenn man wirklich große Datenmengen schaufeln will. Den Parameter für "lass es langsam angehen!" hab' ich noch nicht gefunden, aber ein 8GB Swapfile zusätzlich zu den 8GB RAM des #RaspberryPi sorgt zumindest dafür, das der kleine wieder bedienbar und via SSH erreichbar ist.

PdfDing (selfhosted):

Verwaltet auf sehr einfache Weise PDF-Dokumente. Man kippt gewissermaßen seine Dokumente rein und organisiert sie mit Tags.

Notizen zum Dokument können in Markdown hinzugefügt werden.
Favoriten, Teilungsfunktion, Multi-User, Lesefortschritt, Archivbereich.

Allerdings keine Volltextsuche.

Einfache Installation via Docker, gute mobile Ansicht. Raspberry Pi genügt.


#pdf #selfhosted #raspberrypi

Ausführliche Beschreibung einer Cryptpad-Installation auf einem Raspberry Pi:


(via @selfhst )

#raspberrypi #cryptpad #selfhosted

Ich hab von einem Freund nen #raspberrypi bekommen. Welches Buch würdet ihr für nen Anfänger empfehlen? Sowas wie Raspbery für Dummies oder so.

Erste Idee wäre Wetterstation, evtl Temperaturüberwachung im Meeristall. (draußen)

Gibt es hier #FediMaker die sich mit der #RaspberryPi HQ #Kamera auskennen?
Ich möchte gern eine #Photobox bauen und dafür ein solches Kameramodul verwenden. Ich habe aber ehrlicherweise keine Ahnung von Kameras (Blenden, Objektive, …).

Gibt es ein Objektiv, das ihr mir für diese Anwendung (Mehrere Personen, Abstand ca. 1,5-2m im Innenraum) empfehlen könnt?

Gibt es bessere Alternativen? (Kameras im vergleichbaren Preissegment, die sich über USB abgreifen lassen)

Danke 🙏

@Holger 🗳️
Also ich habe ja jahrelang #Pihole genutzt und nutze aber jetzt seit längerem schon #Adguard, weil ich diesen zusammen auf der #OPNsense betreiben kann und mir so einen #RaspBerryPi sparen kann. Meiner Meinung nach geben sich beide nichts. Mich würde jetzt nur interessieren, ob sich das mit der neuen 6er vielleicht geändert hat?

About Me!

My name is Vince, I live in #Colchester in the #uk

I love to talk and play with all sorts of #Technology including but not limited to #RaspberryPi #Servers, #Dockers and much more.

I watch #StarTrek on repeat and #Stargate.

I like to tinker with code in #Python mainly.

For a day job from 1st Jan 2024 I am now the Technical Support Manager for #CivicaUK in their Local Government department.

🔧 Kostenloser Raspberry Pi Workshop in Bonn! 🎉

📅 Wann? 20.02.2025, 18:30 – 20:30
📍 Wo? Datenburg, Bonn (datenburg.org)
💡 Themen? Werden vor Ort gesammelt!
🛠 Für Einsteiger & Fortgeschrittene

ℹ️ Eigene Geräte sollten mitgebracht werden!
🚀 Keine Anmeldung nötig – einfach vorbeikommen!

#RaspberryPi #Bonn #Maker #Workshop

An alle #SmartHome Fans und andere BastlerInnen: Ich hab hier zwei #RaspBerryPi 3 übrig, die ich nicht mehr brauche (1x Model B, 1x Model B+). Dazu gibt es noch ein USB to SATA HAT inkl. 240GB SSD (passendes Gehäuse gibts geschenkt).

Alles zusammen für 80 EUR zzgl. Porto.

Interessenten schreiben mir einfach eine DM, alle anderen teilen ganz fleissig. Danke! 🙏🏻

#Basteln #DIY #Elektronik

heise+ | Massenspeicher für den Raspberry Pi im Vergleich: MicroSD, SSD und USB-Stick

Der Raspi hat einen MicroSD-Kartenleser, bootet aber auch von einer USB-SSD, einem USB-Stick oder einer M.2-SSD im Adapter. Wir erklären die Vor- und Nachteile.


#Hardware #RaspberryPi #news

heise+ | Taupunktlüftungsanlage mit Raspi für Keller und Wohnung bauen

Eine automatische Taupunktlüftungsanlage – gebaut mit Raspberry Pis – hilft Ihnen, besonders im Winter Raumklima und Luftfeuchtigkeit im Griff zu halten.


#RaspberryPi #SmartHome #news

heise+ | Wie Raspis das Smart Home bereichern

Mit einem oder mehreren Raspis setzen Sie coole Projekte um, die datenschutzfreundlich arbeiten, weitreichend konfigurierbar und auch noch kostengünstig sind.


#Energie #RaspberryPi #SmartHome #news

New blog post!

This time I'm talking about my Raspberry Pi cluster, and there's a bit of everything, Kubernetes, Ansible, BOINC, all that magic.


#blog #RaspberryPi #kubernetes #k3s #Ansible #boinc
Photo of a cluster of three Rapsberry pis in placed in a single acrylic case holding them one over another. Purple and yellow Ethernet cables com from the Pis at one end. Behind the Pis there is a large black fan blowing air at them. In the background there is a mess of cables powering them.

The Raspberry Pi 500 with an integrated keyboard is the perfect starter mini-PC

The image shows a workspace featuring a small, white computer monitor with a red back, a wireless keyboard and mouse, and a small potted plant. The monitor displays a scenic picture of a body of water with mountains in the background, perhaps a digital painting or a photograph. A cup of coffee sits on a saucer next to the monitor, adding to the relaxed atmosphere. All items are placed on a light brown wooden desk, suggesting a home office or personal workspace.
The Raspberry Pi 500 is a mini-PC that’s tucked away within a keyboard, which makes it super portable and easy to plug in wherever you want. It’s the next step up from the Pi 400, utilizing the Pi 5’s hardware to make an even better companion.

I’m thinking that this enclosure should probably also be able to have a SSD drive tucked into it.

The new Raspberry Pi Monitor is also interesting as it can be connected, and powered, directly from the keyboard.

Now that it also includes a GPU, and can run most OSes as well, this all makes it a very compact and useful computer. It looks like it will even handle two display outputs.

The total cost then would probably come to about $220 (with mouse, screen, and power supply), but that really includes everything you need.

See https://www.xda-developers.com/raspberry-pi-finally-releases-monitor
#Blog, #raspberrypi, #technology

RaspController is an Android app for remotely managing a Raspberry Pi

The image shows a hand holding a smartphone displaying the RaspController app, which appears to be used for managing a Raspberry Pi. In the background, there is a computer monitor showing a dark blue screen with what seems to be a landscape image, and a framed picture of a bird on the wall. The foreground mainly consists of the smartphone and a part of the hand holding it. The setting appears to be an office or workspace. The smartphone is displaying the app's interface with various options relating to the Raspberry Pi's functions, including GPIO control, file management, SSH shell access, and camera settings. A small detail shows that a Raspberry Pi 5 is connected and being controlled.
RaspController is an application designed to monitor, access, and control your Raspberry Pi over a network. Once you pair the app with your lean, mean, green board, you can access the files, monitor the resource consumption, and check the outputs of the sensors and cameras connected to the SBC. Plus, if you’ve got the necessary packages installed on your Raspberry Pi, you can send wake-on-LAN packets over the network to activate it remotely.

For tinkerers who often pair extra devices to the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins, you can consult the pinouts and wiring diagrams inside RaspController. As if that’s not enough, you can even use the app to execute shell commands on the SBC, making it perfect for a headless Raspberry Pi setup.

See https://www.xda-developers.com/raspcontroller-guide
#Blog, #raspberrypi, #technology

In a historic first, Microsoft releases Windows 11 24H2 Arm64 ISOs for direct download for Raspberry Pi’s etc

A laptop standing open on top of a wooden surface. The screen shows a red desert scene with blue sky.
Up until now, one of the ways to download Windows on Arm ISOs was by becoming a Windows Insider. Since the ISOs were available only as VHDX files, you could only use them on virtual disks for virtual machines like Hyper-V, but not on physical Arm hardware. Alternatively, you could also get those ARM ISOs through third-party sources like UUP dump. However, with the latest Arm64 ISO release on Microsoft’s website, you no longer have any limitations that you faced previously and can feel confident that the ISOs are legitimate and secure.

Now that the first-ever Arm64 ISOs for Windows 11 24H2 are live for everyone, you can download it directly from Microsoft’s ISO download page and install it directly on Arm hardware, just like how you do for x64 versions of PCs.

Which of course does go to show that Windows 11 could actually install on your more powerful PC or laptop that has no TPM chip, or a TPM v1.1 or whatever. But depending on what you really want to use your ARM device for, you may well still be better off installing a Linux distro on it because there won’t be any future restrictions on updating it, and it will probably be lighter to run on that hardware.

See https://www.xda-developers.com/microsoft-releases-windows-11-24h2-arm64-isos-for-direct-download
#Blog, #raspberrypi, #technology, #windows

What Board would you recommend to replace the #RaspberryPi ?

I'm eying at @bananapi but honestly I don't need any GPIO pins I just need 4GB of RAM and the ability to connect at least two drives (slowness is not really an issue)