Beiträge, die mit python getaggt sind
KI kann Bilder analysieren und Fragen dazu beantworten. Wir zeigen, wie Sie ein solches KI-Modell in Ihr Python-Skript integrieren und damit Metadaten erzeugen.
#Containerisierung #Docker #KünstlicheIntelligenz #MachineLearning #Python #Software #news
Bei der Verschlagwortung von Bildern kann künstliche Intelligenz und die Nutzung der PC-Grafikkarte wertvolle Dienste leisten. Wir erklären, wie das geht.
#Bilderkennung #Containerisierung #Docker #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Python #Software #news
@nextcloud @thunderbird
#scratch #python #opnsense #tailscale #hibiscus #solaranzeige
I want to document the way you might have a possibility to use the same software to make a similar website. already done that with Lets go over: where you get the code, how do you set it up, how do you publish, how do you manage accounts, and most importantly, how do you modify everything, so it will look like your own thing.
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#blog #blogging #webdev #website #python #programming #BDServer
Ab dem 09.04. lernen Sie in fünf Sessions die Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz kennen. Von Machine Learning über neuronale Netze bis zu Deep Learning.
#DeepLearning #KünstlicheIntelligenz #MachineLearning #Programmierung #Programmiersprachen #Python #news
I want to document the way you might have a possibility to use the same software to make a similar website. @Madiator2011 already done that with Lets go over: where you get the code, how do you set it up, how do you publish, how do you manage accounts, and most importantly, how do you modify everything, so it will look like your own thing.
Read or listen:
#blog #blogging #webdev #website #python #programming #BDServer
ich suche zur Zeit einen #Job als #Softwareentwickler im Raum #Potsdam oder #Remote
Ich bin Diplom- #Informatik-er mit 12 Jahren Berufserfahrung.
Bisher arbeitete ich mit
#Angular & #Ionic
#MFC, #WindowsForms & #WPF
Auch #Docker, Gitlab-#Pipelines oder Azure DevOps sind mir nicht fremd. Ich bewegte mich bisher auf #Windows, #Linux, und auch ein wenig auf MacOS.
Irgendwo anzukommen und mich in einem konstruktiven Umfeld einzubringen, fände ich sehr schön.
Ich arbeite mich gerne in neue Felder ein, so würde mich unter Anderem die Embedded-Entwicklung interessieren, aber auch Sprachen wie Rust.
Ich spreche mich gern im Team ab oder lasse mich durch Kollegen in meiner Arbeit inspirieren, und bringe gerne meine Erfahrungen ein.
Auf Anfrage mit ein paar Informationen schicke ich gerne eine Bewerbung oder Ähnliches.
Vielleicht findet sich ja etwas über diese Plattform.
Vielen Dank.
Mit der Version 3.13 der beliebten Programmiersprache ist die interaktive Shell erheblich verbessert worden und ist noch praxisgerechter.
#Python #SHELL #Interactive #Linux
About a small decorator I wrote in #Python that makes the inner classes of the decorated class, also subclasses of it.
I use that for namespaced sum types with data, such as the type Decision with a constructor Decision.Flag("created")
Excel: Microsoft spielt lästige & problematische Werbung für Add-On aus
Microsoft integriert schon seit Jahren immer mehr Werbung in Windows und seine Programme. Jetzt werden auch Excel-Nutzer mit einer Anzeige zum Kauf von Add-Ons getrieben. Besonders problematisch ist jedoch der Kontext, in dem die Werbung erscheint.Felix Krauth (
About Me!
I love to talk and play with all sorts of #Technology including but not limited to #RaspberryPi #Servers, #Dockers and much more.
I watch #StarTrek on repeat and #Stargate.
I like to tinker with code in #Python mainly.
For a day job from 1st Jan 2024 I am now the Technical Support Manager for #CivicaUK in their Local Government department.
Die Hill-Chiffre (1929) ist anfällig für eine Known-Plaintext-Attacke. Wir haben die Chiffre in Python nachprogrammiert, um den Angriff ausprobieren zu können.
#Hacking #Python #Security #Software #Verschlüsselung #news
Die Syntax von Python ist leicht gelernt und schnell vergessen. Spiele helfen dabei, das Auswendiglernen aufzulockern. Wir zeigen, welche Spiele sich eignen.
#Programmiersprachen #Programmierung #Python #Spiele #Test #news
I want to document the way you might have a possibility to use the same software to make a similar website. @Madiator2011 already done that with Lets go over: where you get the code, how do you set it up, how do you publish, how do you manage accounts, and most importantly, how do you modify everything, so it will look like your own thing.
#blog #blogging #webdev #website #python #programming #BDServer
Ab dem 09.04. lernen Sie in fünf Sessions die Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz kennen. Von Machine Learning über neuronale Netze bis zu Deep Learning.
#DeepLearning #KünstlicheIntelligenz #MachineLearning #Programmierung #Programmiersprachen #Python #news
I want to document the way you might have a possibility to use the same software to make a similar website. @Madiator2011 already done that with Lets go over: where you get the code, how do you set it up, how do you publish, how do you manage accounts, and most importantly, how do you modify everything, so it will look like your own thing.
#blog #blogging #webdev #website #python #programming #BDServer
Mit die Jupyter-Alternative Marimo lassen sich interaktive Notebooks in einer modernen und flexiblen Umgebung erstellen. Wir zeigen, wie es funktioniert.
#Programmierung #Python #news
I want to document the way you might have a possibility to use the same software to make a similar website. @Madiator2011 already done that with Lets go over: where you get the code, how do you set it up, how do you publish, how do you manage accounts, and most importantly, how do you modify everything, so it will look like your own thing.
#blog #blogging #webdev #website #python #programming #BDServer
However, James Ray, a dev who has been familiar friendly face at Wagtail Space and DjangoCon has lost his home. If you would like to help James and his family get back on their feet, please consider donating to their GoFundMe fundraiser.
#wagtail #django #Python
Donate to Help Bonnie and James Ray Rebuild After Eaton Fire, organized by Molly Burke
I am raising funds for my sister Bonnie, her husband James, and their n… Molly Burke needs your support for Help Bonnie and James Ray Rebuild After Eaton
The #ProgrammingLanguage does not play the most important role for me, as I have already come into contact with all languages ( #ruby , #python & #golang ), albeit to varying degrees.
#githubpages #programming #coding #staticsitegenerator
Dynamic Neural Network Animation
Random Forest Classifier
Linear Regression Sandbox
Clustering Explorer
Check them out:
#Programming #MachineLearning #NeuralNetworks #Python #AI
I want to document the way you might have a possibility to use the same software to make a similar website. @Madiator2011 already done that with Lets go over: where you get the code, how do you set it up, how do you publish, how do you manage accounts, and most importantly, how do you modify everything, so it will look like your own thing.
#blog #blogging #webdev #website #python #programming #BDServer
#article #python #freesoftware #wordpress #squarespace #gnu #linux #webdev #opensource
#Django #Python #testing #blog
Simplifying the Testing of Unmanaged Database Models in Django (Updated for Django 4.2 in 2024)
This blog post explains how to simplify the testing of unmanaged database models in Django 4.2. It addresses the challenges of testing unmanaged models and provides a solution using the `IS_MANAGED` flag to control table creation during testing.Tobias McNulty (Caktus Group)
#ai #artifacts #blog #canvas #coding #editor #ia #news #openai #picks #python #tech #tecnologia
OpenAI Canvas: un nuovo editor per la scrittura e il coding collaborativo
OpenAI Canvas: una piattaforma che trasforma il tuo workflow di scrittura e coding in un unico ambiente di collaborazione in tempo reale con l'AI di ChatGPTGraziano (Gomoot : tecnologia e lifestyle)
#manpageblog might be your solution and comes in a simple and familiar manpage design without big dependencies as a static blog generator.
You can find more about manpageblog right here:
#opensource #alternatives #wordpress #blogging #python #sitegenerator #bsd #minimalism #minimalistic #fediverse #tech
GitHub - gyptazy/manpageblog: manpageblog is a small, lightweight blog engine written in Python and offers several advantages in a look of a man page (Unix like manual page).
manpageblog is a small, lightweight blog engine written in Python and offers several advantages in a look of a man page (Unix like manual page). - gyptazy/manpageblogGitHub
My current client work is winding down so I can take on additional clients.
Don't miss this rare opportunity to work with the one and only Mariatta.
🎯 Lead Software Engineer roles
✅ 20+ years of professional experience in tech
✅ award winning open source contributor
✅ Expertise in #Python, #Django, APIs, automations
#Programming #MachineLearning #NeuralNetworks #Python #AI
There's a new Python package on PyPi, it's about forecasting the weather, and I am the author!
In the blog post I am talking about my first time publishing to PyPi, how stressful is to show one's work publicly, but also to show how easy it is to be a part of PyPi.
#python #pypi #weather #weatherforecasting #blog #programming
#Plone #Python #Media
Passwords with Polars
Wrangling csv password manager exports - I've used several approaches to password management. Not all passwords have been migrated when...Thomas T Burgess
Again, ***please boost for reach.***
It’s a mind-opening experience and might just be the right thing to steer clear of stress:
And if you’re a Pythonista, you have a neat head start:
#python #code #guile #gnu
Going from Python to Guile Scheme - a natural progression | Zwillingssterns Weltenwald | 1w6
Do, 10/01/2015 - 21:42 — Draketo Python is the first language I loved. I dreamt in Python, I planned in Python, I thought I would never need anything else. - Free: html | pdf - Softcover: