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Beiträge, die mit genai getaggt sind

LibGen is a wonderful evidence machine for all of the inevitable lawsuits to come. Kudos to The Atlantic and Alex Reisner on creating a great tool 👏


#GenAI #law #journalism

I’m a paying customer of 404 Media, but I can’t bring myself to read more than the first couple of sentences of their recent “AI Slop” and “Brainrot” stories: https://www.404media.co/tag/ai/

It is beyond belief how terrible people can be. And how eager Big Tech is to facilitate them.

Very hard to avoid burn-it-all-down-and-sow-the-ruins-with-salt thinking.


DeepSeek 1,5B talked my Raspi 5 to death. I just wanted it to explain the Pythagorean theorem to me but suddenly it stopped working. 🤷

After a cold reboot the Raspi works again and I will switch the LLM. 😅

#RaspberryPi #DeepSeek #genAI
Screenshot of my Raspi 5 after a local Deepseek talked the Raspi  to death.

Wenn ihr mir folgt, habt ihr wahrscheinlich kein Amazon Echo in Hörweite stehen. Wer sowas kauft, hat ganz sicher die Kontrolle über sein Leben verloren. Das Gerät hat nicht umsonst mehrere #BigBrotherAwards »gewonnen«.

Aber vielleicht kennt ihr ja Leute, die sich selbst was vormachten und dachten, sie seien auf der sicheren Seite, wenn sie anklicken, dass der Echo (Dot/Spot) die Spracherkennung selbst machen soll, statt alle Tonaufzeichnungen in die Amazon-Cloud zu schicken. Tja, diese Option schaltet Amazon Ende des Monats ab. Weil der Bullshit-Generator Alexa+ sonst nicht profitabel sei.


Update: https://fedifreu.de/@chpietsch/114241310611465468

#Amazon #Echo #AmazonEcho #Alexa #AlexaPlus #chatbot #genAI #dontCallItAI #Lauschdöschen

[Next.ink] - Nous avons découvert des milliers de sites d’info générés par IA : tous nos articles

Entamée début 2024, notre enquête sur les soi-disant « sites d'information » générés par #IA (#GenAI) a donné lieu de multiples révélations depuis la publication de ses premiers articles, début février. Signe de l'ampleur de cette pollution médiatique : notre enquête nous avait permis d'en identifier une centaine en octobre 2024, 500 à Noël, 1 000 fin janvier, plus de 2 000 mi-février, près de 3 000 début mars...


#IntelligenceArtificielle #PollutionDuWeb
#RevueDePresse #Press

Werbung rund um KI könnte man sich doch auch freundlicher vorstellen, nicht?

Und vielleicht etwas inhaltlicher?
#GenAI #Ad #SAP
Werbung eines SAP-Dienstleisters am Hauptbahnhof Zürich: «Gen-AI ist benutzerfreundlich – auch für unfreundliche Benutzer»
#genai #ad #sap

The LA Times published an op-ed warning of AI’s dangers. It also published its AI tool’s reply | US news | The Guardian

#Journalism #Press #AI #GenAI

Initially I thought this might be a hoax, however Trump really did post a generative AI video of his vision for Gaza, and it is worrying as it is bizarre https://www.politico.eu/article/donald-trump-posts-gaza-riviera-ai-video-sunbathing-benjamin-netanyahu/ #uspol #trump #gaza #genai

Heute stellte Jens Gehres #KIPITZ auf dem Handelsblatt GovTech-Gipfel 2025 in Berlin vor. KIPITZ, das KI-Portal des ITZBund, zeigt, wie die Bundesverwaltung #GenAI nutzen kann.

Mehr zu KIPITZ: https://live.handelsblatt.com/kipitz-einfacher-und-souveraener-zugang-zu-ki-technologien-als-schluessel-zur-modernisierung-der-verwaltung/

Copyright Foto: Handelsblatt GovTech-Gipfel
Jens Gehres auf der Bühne des GovTech-Gipfels. Copyright Foto: Handelsblatt GovTech-Gipfel

Reading a lot of "benchmark" articles comparing DeepSeek and ChatGPT.

My conclusion is that generative AI benchmarks are just vibes.

It's a lot like I was comparing two cars by opening the door, peering inside, and concluding "the car on the left feels more sustainable".

#genai #slop #ai

Should content generated by #GenAI hold #copyright? The question seems simple, and to many, the answer is a clear no. But what level and nature of interaction with GenAI tools is sufficient for an author to receive copyright to their work?

In this essay for The Digital Constitutionalist, Zachary Cooper, Volker Stocker, and William Lehr discuss the potential disruptions to creative industries and the threats to international copyright regimes. ➡️ https://digi-con.org/the-new-age-legal-economic-challenges-to-copyright-and-creative-economies-in-the-era-of-generative-ai/
The New Age: Legal & Economic Challenges to Copyright and Creative Economies in the Era of Generative AI.

If would be interesting to see the overlap between

(a) Sectors where unionization activity and other labor unrest has appeared; and
(b) Sectors where the AI maniacs are claiming AI will soon take over jobs

My suspicion is that one of the functions of generative AI is labor discipline: frighten workers so that they stop making demands of employers for fear of losing their jobs or benefits. Labor discipline is a well-documented strategy the powers that be have been using for at least a century for exactly this purpose. Clara Mattei's excellent book and articles on this subject, which I think make this case incontrovertibly.

I don't think it's coincidental that there is so much enthusiasm for generative AI among powerful state and corporate actors despite a corresponding dislike and fear of it among working class folks: that's a common pattern in labor disciplining policies and is how they function. I also don't think it's coincidental that the generative AI rhetoric, and the latest hype cycle, kicked off in the wake of COVID-related state interventions: as Mattei argues, austerity policies are consciously brought to bear on behalf of wealthy capitalists whenever the state is forced by circumstances to take actions benefiting workers. The recent historic rise in unionization activity was met with mass layoffs (read: labor discipline), a rise in interest rates (read: financial pain inflicted on the non-wealthy) and attempts to "cool off" the economy (read: force a bunch of people to become unemployed, another labor disciplining tool). I think generative AI is, in part, an attempt to squash hope and force workers to be docile again through fear and acquiescence, which again is a labor disciplining strategy Mattei has documented is consciously brought to bear by the powers that be.

Therefore it wouldn't surprise me at all to find that (a) is nearly identical to (b), or contained within it.

#AI #GenAI #GenerativeAI #labor #LaborDiscipline #austerity

Everything is a Remix (2023 Edition) - YouTube

Interesting; recommended.

#Culture #Copying #Memes #Media #Music #Creativity #AI #GenAI

Every time I run into discussions over generative AI on social media, and read more than three comments, I really just want to scream into the void.

It doesn't even always take three before someone goes "people will just pay more for quality!"

#AI #GenAI
#ai #genai


There are many problems with this policy. They need stating.

1) The technology does not deliver the promised benefits. It's snake oil. I know - I work close to this world;
2) The environmental impact of LLMs and gen AI in particular is massive;
3) Promised privacy safeguards obviously can't be trusted - nor commitments on data ownership;
4) Who is implementing? If the usual Big 4 then the waste of public cash will be epic. I have seen this up close

#AI #GenAi
#ai #genai

📈 NVIDIA's Data Center revenue surged 112% YoY, but can this growth last? 🛠️ Our blog explores critical investment questions to help you evaluate their future.

Read & comment: https://www.spsanderson.com/steveondata/posts/2024-12-26/ 🔍

#AI #Stocks #Programming #LM #GenAI #Blog

"To access our latest innovations in AI driven #enshittification, please disable your regional regulations."

#Meta #GenAI #EuropeanUnion #legislation #privacy
Mark Zuckerberg posting on Threads about not being able to launch new AI features in EU. Quote posted with "I love being European".

When I create #socialmedia and #blog content with images, I want to make my writing accessible to visually impaired readers. #GenAI tools can assist with this task.

Click on my latest blog post to learn how I accomplish this.


The AI Reporter That Took My Old Job Just Got Fired - https://www.wired.com/story/the-ai-reporter-who-took-my-old-job-just-got-fired/ "A local newspaper in Hawaii experimented with AI-generated presenters to engage and boost its readership. After two months, the bots have been shelved." #genAI #journalism

An ‘Interview’ With a Dead Luminary Exposes the Pitfalls of AI

radio host, Lukasz Zaleski, would have invited Ms. Szymborska himself, but never did for a simple reason: She died in 2012

The station used artificial intelligence to generate the recent interview — a dramatic example of technology replacing humans, even dead ones

#Poland #Polish #OffRadioKrakow, #radio #media #LukaszZaleski #WislawaSzymborska #deepfake #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #GenAI #technology #tech


Get Ready for Generative AI’s Next Assault On Your #Privacy - https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/get-ready-for-generative-ais-next-assault-on-your-privacy/ it's going to get worse... #GenAI

Now with added generative AI: a new way to abuse the broken copyright system - https://walledculture.org/now-with-added-generative-ai-a-new-way-to-abuse-the-broken-copyright-system/ #genai,#copyright

LinkedIn was down. A lot of people were panicking.

But rather than panic, I saw an #opportunity.

Using all of my strength I ran to the nearest LinkedIn datacenter. I was able to gain access because I made a #personal #connection with the security guard. I actually invested in their ceramics business while I was talking to them.

Once I’d gained access to the servers I was able to deploy a fix I’d written using ChatGPT #AI #genAI.

I fixed LinkedIn, and walked out of the datacenter where everyone was applauding.

I say this not to brag or show off, but to share a story of how you have to show #leadership in the moment, and step up when you can. The CEO of LinkedIn called me that night to thank me. #influencer #hustle #horseownership