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Beiträge, die mit echo getaggt sind

"The topicality of #Plato's #Allegory of the #Cave in relation to the #media #echo #chamber" by Peter Müller

Mr. Mueller's "Philosophical morsel from 08.04.2022" with a current reference of "Plato's Allegory of the Cave" fits from my point of view perfectly to a comment, where I also try Plato's Allegory of the Cave and to my essay "#Digital #Tribalism".

More on: https://philosophies.de/index.php/2022/05/20/platons-hoehlengleichnis/
"The topicality of #Plato's #Allegory of the #Cave in relation to the #media #echo #chamber" by Peter Müller

"The topicality of #Plato's #Allegory of the #Cave in relation to the #media #echo #chamber" by Peter Müller

Mr. Mueller's "Philosophical morsel from 08.04.2022" with a current reference of "Plato's Allegory of the Cave" fits from my point of view perfectly to a comment, where I also try Plato's Allegory of the Cave and to my essay "#Digital #Tribalism".

More on: https://philosophies.de/index.php/2022/05/20/platons-hoehlengleichnis/
"The topicality of #Plato's #Allegory of the #Cave in relation to the #media #echo #chamber" by Peter Müller

"#Filter #bubble - no access, closed society!" or "Nothing new from the #echo #chamber!"
- a feature on the phenomenon of "#digital #tribalism" -

Microfontest as Intro: "Test, Test, Di-gi-tal Tri-ba-lism..."

This essay represents the final part of my "Trilogy on Media Theory" (https://philosophies.de/index.php/category/medientheorie/) as it recurs to the previously postulated need for an "#informational #filtering #system" to reduce the "information overload" in #digital #media.

More at: https://philosophies.de/index.php/2022/01/21/digitaler-tribalismus/
"#Filter #bubble - no access, closed society!" or "Nothing new from the #echo #chamber!"
- a feature on the phenomenon of "#digital #tribalism" -

"#Filter #bubble - no access, closed society!" or "Nothing new from the #echo #chamber!"

- a feature on the phenomenon of "#digital #tribalism" -

Microfontest as Intro: "Test, Test, Di-gi-tal Tri-ba-lism..."

This essay represents the final part of my "Trilogy on Media Theory" (https://philosophies.de/index.php/category/medientheorie/) as it recurs to the previously postulated need for an "#informational #filtering #system" to reduce the "information overload" in #digital #media.

More at: https://philosophies.de/index.php/2022/01/21/digitaler-tribalismus/
"#Filter #bubble - no access, closed society!" or "Nothing new from the #echo #chamber!"

- a feature on the phenomenon of "#digital #tribalism" -