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Beiträge, die mit Television getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit Television getaggt sind

Amber Ruffin entertains viewers every Saturday on 'Have I Got News For You' and often on 'Late Night with Seth Meyers.' Eugene Daniels is the coward who invited and then fired Amber from entertaining at the White House Correspondents' dinner, an event that is now a waste of time.
#media #humor #television #HowToRuinAnEvent #cowardice

Intéressante l'émission Ça ira ! La grande émission de l' @humanite_fr !
on le savait, et à la façon d' @acrimed, il y a aussi des medley qui veulent tout dire concernant la couverture journalistique de la tragédie dans la bande de Gaza...
juste signaler aussi que Rami Abou Jamous est un journaliste, qui a reçu le prix Bayeux fin 2024, et qu'il est aussi un habitant avec sa famille à Gaza, cela aurait été chouette de pouvoir le dire....


En l’espace de quelques heures, un reporter de la chaîne palestinienne “Palestine Today” et un autre du média panarabe “Al-Jazeera” ont perdu la vie suite à des bombardements israéliens le 24 mars dans le nord et le sud de la bande de Gaza. Ce qui porte à plus de 200 le nombre de journalistes ayant péri depuis le début de la guerre dans l’enclave palestinienne.#géopolitique #guerreisraël-hamas #médias #télévision #bandedegaza #palestine #moyen-orient #conflitisraélo-palestinien

Science vs Severance: The Neuroscience of Split-Brain Syndrome. https://www.the-scientist.com/severance-versus-science-the-neuroscience-of-split-brain-syndrome-72825 #neuroscience #media #television

"About Television - Pierre Bourdieu" 🔥 *

*auto-translate feature helps.

#Television #Journalism


Legacy Media Still Trusted in Japan, But Portal Sites Main Source for Latest News https://www.byteseu.com/837182/ #Japan #Media #newspaper #SNS #Television
Legacy Media Still Trusted in Japan, But Portal Sites Main Source for Latest News

Free lesson plan for #journalism #trainers #teaching #student #journalists how to create a structured #news #report. Please adapt for your own purposes. #print, #television #radio #digital #online #social #media.

Image of a construction kit created by Media Helping Media using Gemini AI

Free lesson plan for #journalism #trainers #teaching #journalists who are just starting off in their #careers about what is #news and where it comes from. Please adapt for your own purposes - feedback welcome. #media #television #radio #digital #online #social #print.
Student journalists in Jaffna, Sri Lanka, learning how to broadcast original news stories which they have produced. Photograph by David Brewer of Media Helping Media.

Free lesson plan for #journalism #trainers #teaching #TV and #video #journalists how to 'let the pictures tell the story' when producing #news for #broadcast or #digital output. Please adapt for your own purposes - feedback welcome. #journalists #media #television.

News conference in Macedonia

🎙️ ■ RTVE pone sobre la mesa la solicitud para expulsar a Israel de Eurovisión 2025 ■ El presidente de la cadena pública, José Pablo López, ha confirmado que llevará el asunto al Consejo de Administración

#musica #television #eurovision #los40 #israel #rtve #expulsiones #guerra #festivaleurovision
Eden Golan alzando la bandera de su país, Israel, durante el desfile inicial de la Gran Final del Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión 2024 en Malmö. / Martin Sylvest Andersen

🎙️ ■ RTVE pone sobre la mesa la solicitud para expulsar a Israel de Eurovisión 2025 ■ El presidente de la cadena pública, José Pablo López, ha confirmado que llevará el asunto al Consejo de Administración

#los40 #israel #rtve #expulsiones #musica #festivaleurovision #guerra #television #eurovision
Eden Golan alzando la bandera de su país, Israel, durante el desfile inicial de la Gran Final del Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión 2024 en Malmö. / Martin Sylvest Andersen

Finland’s MTV to be sold to Norwegian media company Schibsted Media https://www.byteseu.com/779558/ #commercial #company #Finland #Finnish #Finns #independent #journalism #Media #MTV #nordics #Norway #sale #Schibsted #Sweden #Television #Telia
The MTV logo in the media company’s facilities in Helsinki on 25 February 2025.

Elon Musk is one of the most destructive people in the world, as he takes his chain saw to begin the destruction of the government of the United States, but almost as destructive are the butchers at MSNBC who recently canceled host Joy Reid and who now canceled shows hosted by Ayman Mohyeldin, Katie Phang and Jonathan Capehart:
https://nypost.com/2025/02/24/media/msnbc-drama-intensifies-as-network-axes-shows-hosted-by-3-more-lefty-anchors-in-wake-of-joy-reids-ouster-sources/ #politics #television #butchery #media

"The best we've had in our lifetime"

GOP lawmakers defend #Musk snatching #Congress' power

"Congress' constitutional power to set the budget... Still, it's shocking to see the #GOP grunts actively argue for their irrelevance on national #television...

they were happy to fanboy out while the Dept of Government Efficiency stripped the #legislature of its purpose."

#ElonMusk #Coup #Corruption #Politics #USPol #News #Press #Media #US #USA
Headline from Salon:
"The best we've had in our lifetime": GOP lawmakers defend Musk snatching Congress' power

By Alex Galbraith
Published February 23, 2025 12:24PM (EST)

That time Knowlton Nash was the most famous news anchor in Canada
Knowlton Nash, a name synonymous with Canadian journalism, dedicated his life to shaping the world of news broadcasting. For a decade, he stood at the helm of CBC Television's flagship news program, The National, and gained a place in the hearts of many Canadians from coast to coast.His steady voice,...
#journalism #media #television #politics #Toronto #Halifax

No humans were harmed in the making of the True Crime Case Files YouTube channel. Why? Because all the murder victims and storylines in 150 videos with names like “Sheriff Murdered After Affair With His Secretary Got Exposed” and “Wife Secret Affair with Neighbor’s Teenage Daughter Ends in Grisly Murder” were AI-generated. @404mediaco spoke to the founder of the channel, which had millions of views before it was taken down, about where he got the idea, and what he was trying to achieve (he claims a noble goal).


#Tech #Technology #TrueCrime #Television #Entertainment #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday

"Gaza “Côte d’Azur”, et si c’était possible?". "Il s'agit d'un dérapage éditorial", affirme le directeur de l’info de France Télévisions Alexandre Kara. "Le choix qui a été fait est en désaccord profond avec l’ADN de Franceinfo, une chaîne où l’on privilégie la nuance et le recul. C’est un choix qui ne nous ressemblait pas". Le directeur de France Info, Laurent Delpech s’est mis en retrait de la chaîne https://www.lefigaro.fr/medias/otages-palestiniens-gaza-cote-d-azur-et-si-c-etait-possible-le-directeur-de-l-info-de-france-televisions-s-explique-apres-les-derapages-sur-franceinfo-20250213

#Politique #Medias #Television #Trump #Gaza #Guerre #Tourisme

Sid Seixeiro and Meredith Shaw were just fired from Breakfast Television
Viewers of Toronto's Breakfast Television on CityTV woke up to a surprise on Monday morning: co-hosts Sid Seixeiro and Meredith Shaw are no longer with the show.The news was announced on-air on Monday morning by City's Devo Brown."Thank you for waking up with BT," Brown said. "Wanted to shar...
#television #media #news #job #Toronto

En fait, les journalistes sur France Info qui ont réagi sur la séquence "tourisme à Gaza" ont dit bien pire que l'extrait qui circule sur les réseaux. "Si on a peur des punaises de lit, le Hamas et le Hezbollah ça risque de faire un peu plus désordre", a notamment ironisé l'éditorialiste Michel Mompontet. Et tout ce petit monde a ri en plateau. Atroce. https://www.liberation.fr/checknews/france-info-deplore-et-supprime-une-sequence-qui-imaginait-gaza-en-petit-paradis-touristique-20250206_L2QOROSHUBEMVF5TPBUSHYBA7U

#Politique #Trump #Gaza #Palestine #Media #Israel #Tourisme #Scandale #Television #Journalisme

Monday 21 January 1963

Britain’s Biggest Ever Heli-Lift Rescue - 283 Flown From Fylingdales White Hell. Four RAF Whirlwinds flew again and again through an 80 mph gale, which at times whipped up a 50 foot curtain of snow, to rescue the men and women from the missile-spotting base on the Yorkshire moors.

#SocialHistory #History #Cars #Theatre #Television #1960s #Weather
Helicopter rescuing men and women trapped in the snow.

Devant l’entrée du bâtiment de la #télévision syrienne, il faut désormais piétiner deux portraits de #Bachar el- #Assad avant d’y pénétrer Ce rituel semble amuser toujours autant les deux jeunes combattants de Hay’at Tahrir el-Cham, désormais gardiens du temple. Le drapeau de la révolution a été accroché sur l’immeuble en béton brut dont seule la façade avant a été « embellie » par des vitres façon gratte-ciel new-yorkais, histoire de cacher la misère #syrie

Chríochnaíomar ag breathnú ar Crà ag mo theach mháthair aréir. Tá sé gruama, an-gruama agus chomh dochreidte le seó teilifíse ar bith, ach is iontach an teilifís é. Sa Ghàidhlig le fotheidil Bhéarla.

We finished watching Crà at my mother's house last night. It is very dark and implausibe but great television. In the Gaelic with English subtitles. Crà roughly translates to both anguish and destruction.


#Crà #Television #Gaelic #Gàidhlig
A man stands at the side of a bog with a brooding sky behind him talking into a telephone

🎙️ Gracie Gato joined Matt Connarton Unleashed to share the inspiring story of Adam’s World, her new animated series celebrating neurodiversity! 🌟

Hear her journey as a single mom, her vision for inclusion, & plans to pitch the show to networks.

Watch: https://youtu.be/8-hm8DwFBMg
Support: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/corruptnh/adams-world #autism #NHPolitics #adamsworld #writer #Journalism #television