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Beiträge, die mit student getaggt sind

Free lesson plan for #journalism #trainers #teaching #student #journalists how to create a structured #news #report. Please adapt for your own purposes. #print, #television #radio #digital #online #social #media.

Image of a construction kit created by Media Helping Media using Gemini AI

Since I learned about it in the late 90s I've been kind of in love with #Antioch College. However, like several of the people I loved in high school, I still don't know much about it. I've been reminded of it now, and am greedily devouring the wikipedia page. I was under a few misconceptions, including the idea that it was dead. It's not dead! I think!?

I'm very interested in learning what it's like to be a #student or #professor there. I am fascinated by #AlternativeCollege situations in #highered.

If, by any chance, anyone who sees this is or was any of the following:
  • A prof
  • A student
  • An administratorI'd love to exchange some messages.
And if you know of any #documentary or #longform #journalism about Antioch (I'm searching...), especially in the past 20 years, please let me know. I'm super interested.


Here's my idea of #MutualAid, in which the aid is actually mutual. If you have any use for production music or sound effects, please consider getting a cheap subscription to the below site, where you'll have access to over 150000 assets for your projects and I'll receive a little something to help me pay the bills via my affiliate link. Thanks a lot. If it's not for you, boosts are much appreciated instead. https://www.zapsplat.com?aff=11 #SFX #Media #RoyaltyFree #Film #Student #Creatives

𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗔𝗵𝗺𝗮𝗱 𝘄𝗲𝗿𝗱 𝗻𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗴𝗲𝗱𝘄𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝗚𝗮𝘇𝗮: '𝗕𝗶𝗷 𝘄𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗹𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗸𝗮𝗻 𝗶𝗸 𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗷𝗸 𝗵𝘂𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗻'

"Teleurgesteld", is het eerste woord dat Ahmad Alkhaldi te binnen schiet op de vraag hoe hij zich voelt. De 24-jarige dokter werkt al een jaar lang in een ziekenhuis in Khan Younis. Maar officieel is hij eigenlijk geen dokter. "Het kan niet...


#Student #Gaza #Wapenstilstand

In #India🇮🇳, our Ride Pal helped an #elderly woman with both #digital and physical #shopping! The elderly is #grateful to have a Ride Pal, who thinks beyond giving #rides. Our Ride Pal wrote a #blog, illustrated it with #pictures, and created a lovely #video!

#PalUpNow! #teenagers🚀 #student #com...
Ride Pal Sreeja pals up with a senior lady | #palupnow #elderly #love #joy #teenagers #girlpower
Ride Pal Sreeja pals up with a senior lady | #palupnow #elderly #love #joy #teenagers #girlpower

Hallo. Ich bin #neuhier. Und #Vater. Nebenbei auch #Student der #Philosophie und #Germanistik (wobei es Teilzeitgermanist besser trifft). In meiner Freizeit auch hin und wieder #Autor
Freue mich auf den #Austausch und spannende Gespräche.

Katherine Francke of #Columbia Law School on how her defense of #student #protests against Israel's killing in #Gaza has led to the end of her teaching and faculty roles.

Harassment by colleagues, students trying to trick her into social-media-ready misstatements, the university president's abandoning her to the Congressional wolves to save her own skin...

"Rather than defend the role of a university in a democracy, in
fostering critical debate, research, and learning around matters of vital public concern, and in educating the next generation with the tools to become engaged citizens, Columbia University’s leadership has demonstrated a willingness to collaborate with the very enemies of our academic mission."

And the slaughter in Gaza continues.



In #India🇮🇳, our Ride Pal helped an #elderly woman with both #digital and physical #shopping! The elderly is #grateful to have a Ride Pal, who thinks beyond giving #rides.

Our Ride Pal wrote a #blog, illustrated it with #pictures, and created a lovely #video!

#PalUpNow! #teenagers🚀 #student #co...
Ride Pal Sreeja pals up with a senior lady | #palupnow #elderly #love #joy #teenagers #girlpower
Ride Pal Sreeja pals up with a senior lady | #palupnow #elderly #love #joy #teenagers #girlpower

RaiNews by undefined
Corteo degli studenti a Torino, fumogeni e uova contro la polizia

Momenti di tensione durante la manifestazione organizzata dai collettivi pro Palestina e da una parte dei centri sociali

Student parade in Turin, smoke bombs and eggs thrown at the police.

Moments of tension during the demonstration organized by pro-Palestinian collectives and some social centers.

#Palestine #Italy #proPalestinian #student #Turin

In #India🇮🇳, our Ride Pal helped an #elderly woman with both #digital and physical #shopping! The elderly is #grateful to have a Ride Pal, who thinks beyond giving #rides.

Our Ride Pal wrote a #blog, illustrated it with #pictures, and created a lovely #video!

#PalUpNow! #teenagers🚀 #student #co...
Ride Pal Sreeja pals up with a senior lady | #palupnow #elderly #love #joy #teenagers #girlpower
Ride Pal Sreeja pals up with a senior lady | #palupnow #elderly #love #joy #teenagers #girlpower