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Beiträge, die mit DeepSpace9 getaggt sind

Time to purge my phone of memes. This one is my favorite, but I'm setting it free. Time for someone else to watch over it for a while :blobhaj_heart:

#StarTrek #DS9 #DeepSpace9
Post by logically-loving-jim-kirk

Things My (non-trekkie) Friend Has Called Garak So Far:

"dinosaur boy"

"crocodile husband"



"that gay stegosaurus"

"the fuckin.. flamboyant bearded dragon you keep talking about"

"Julian!" (pause) "wait no that's the boyfriend"

"Geordi right?"

"one of your spocks, the lizard one"

*human names but the first letter replaced with a G*, i.e. "Gatthew" "Gimothy" "Gackary" etc
