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In each peertube instance there is that list of other peertube instances that it follows and that are followed by it. (You find it via "? More info" -> "Network")

What do these 2 lists in #peertube mean?screenshot of the "Network"-tab in #Peertube showing one list "Followers of tchncs (45)" and another one "Subscriptions of tchncs (29)"

Does the number of other instances influence the #videos or #channels I find via my instances search and who can find me? I thought we all do federate with each other? Or is it like a block-list in negative (all other peertube instances are blocked except those on the Network list?)
Followers of tchncs show videos from the tchncs instance on their own instance while the subscriptions mean that the tchncs instance shows videos from the subscribed instances. So, in the end this influences the number of videos etc. indeed you can find on the instance.

But it is possible to configure an instance A so that the search includes videos etc. from instances in a public index no matter if the instance A follows them or not. See https://docs.joinpeertube.org/admin/configuration#global-search