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Beiträge, die mit psychology getaggt sind

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #psychology / #trauma / #dehumanization / #interview

„The Israeli writer has published a new book reflecting on the power of fiction in a country at war with Hamas. In an interview with Le Monde, he bemoans the fact that Palestinians are no longer considered human beings, but 'faceless enemies.‘“


New in our digital #collection:

➡️ Handbook of #children and screens: #DigitalMedia, development, and well-being from birth through adolescence

🔗 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-69362-5

This #OpenAccess handbook synthesizes the current #research about the impacts of digital #media on children across development.

#Psychology #MassMedia #Internet #Parenting #Neuroscience #Technology #MentalHealth
book cover 'Handbook of children and screens'

Just published my first Substack today, and I’m excited to share it with you! It’s also available on my blog. It’s a short read, about 5 minutes long, and there’s even an audio version

Today’s post is called “Left Brain, Right Brain, Who’s the Master?” It’s a philosophical exploration of how the structure of our brains might explain the current crisis in American politics, and what we can do about it. I hope you’ll take a look and let me know what you think!

#brain #psychology #neurology #McGilchrist #trump #musk #doge #project2025 #leftbrain #rightbrain #thiel #renegirard #scapegoat #politics
https://neurodoctor.com/2025/03/23/left-brain-right-brain-whos-the-master/ t
Iian McGilchrist
Peter Thiel
Rene Girard
Left/right brain graphic

SciAm tips us that the #movieindustry KNOWS how to push our 'buttons' using #neuropsychology andmost likely have been for a century. Typically it's your BUY BUTTON, which is why manufacturers of consumer products spend millions for placement in #HollyWeird films.

"Movie Math Reveals the Formula for a #Hollywood 'Blockbuster' "
https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/movie-math-reveals-the-formula-for-a-hollywood-blockbuster #Movies #Psychology #Consumerism

Israeli strikes latest bloody chapter in war of extraordinary civilian casualties | #Israel #Gaza #war

My view. The madness of men! To unpack that, in a population, it's predominantly men that start & make excuses for these bloody wars. Even during "peace times" in "civil life", (some) men causing fights, looking for fights, is so common, & that!, in of itself, is why society perceives male violence as "normal"

(A % of) Men are violent (& glorify it)



#Neoliberals #MicroPsychology vs #Communists #MacroPsychology: From Flatland to Spaceland Part II

"In Part I of this article I contrasted sixteen ways in which communist macro-psychology differs from #liberals micro-psychology as it is practiced in the United States...

In Part II of my article, I will describe how even when communist psychology books are translated from #Russia-n into English, they are unconsciously or consciously distorted or censored..."
https://www.greanvillepost.com/2025/03/13/neoliberal-micro-psychology-vs-communist-macro-psychology-from-flatland-to-spaceland-part-ii/ #psychology

Another fantastic episode -

- this time exploring the #psychology of those who defend Israel's crimes.

"Indy Nile" uses humour like a chef to cut through to the serious issues.


#gaza #palestine #comedy

re-reading this piece about the rise of psychopathic societies &, hoo, boy...
#reading #lecture #usa #freePalestine #society #psychology

Helloooo! Let's try this #introduction #mastodon.. #newhere
I'm Caroline from The Netherlands, have been eyeing all the beautiful #photography accounts (amongst others)
Hope to connect on this platform!
Other interests: #sleeptoken #coffee #sarcasm #mentalhealth #psychology #science #sciencefunfacts #metalmusic #blues #soul #love #kindness #helpingothers and so on

I'm not, in any way, shape or form a photographer but here are some shots 😆
Can't remember what time this was. Thoroughly enjoyed this walk though.
Morning stroll
It's me!

#introduction Hi everyone! My name is Caro, I am an assistant prof in philosophy @ UC Santa Cruz, though I spend as much time as I can em Lisboa. I write about why it's hard to change people's minds, social identities, ideology, ignorance, etc.
Beyond #philosophy and #psychology, I'm interested in #feminism, radical politics and history, wonky public policy (esp. about #housing, #cities, and #education), #technology and #politics, and getting lost in Wikipedia. (Languages: EN/PT/ES)

Like many people, if you tell me to "let that sink in", I will actively refuse to do so, even if your point is valid and important.

There are many psychological reasons for this

New Substack: No, I will not "let that sink in"!


People don’t like being told what to do

There are many ways to use words to emphasise how important the point your making is. You can say “This is important”. Or “I can’t believe that!” Or “Get a load of this!” Those who appreciate brevity may want to start the statement with straightforward “woah!” There are a lot of options for emphasis, is what I’m getting at.

But the difference between all these and “let that sink in”, is that the latter is an instruction. Or a command. Like a Victorian lord snapping his fingers at a downtrodden groundsman. “I say, you there, yokel: comprehend these words and appreciate their value, there’s a good lad”.

It’s… grating, you know?

Basically, people don’t like being told what to do. And someone saying “let that sink in” is exactly that.

#SubversiveThought of the day:
"We Acquire Our Emotional #Education In Our #EarlyChildhood! Our First Contacts... Our Parents... Our Early #Teachers! Sometimes They Teach Us Wrong! You Were Taught Wrong!"


https://www.tumblr.com/weirdlandtv/168227540137/we-acquire-our-emotional-education-in-our-early #Psychology
Subgenius Bob-like cartoon character with pipe talking atcha.

🫥 How you scroll matters: Passive social media use linked to loneliness


#media #socialmedia #psychology #loneliness

About boundaries.

I’ve noticed a pattern about people who tell me I should have boundaries.

It’s that they usually mean (once it’s explained to me) I should have boundaries to keep out the needs and wishes of those less powerful than me or equal to me.

A thread. 🧵


#Power #Hierarchy #Society #Capitalism #Exploitation #Oppression #Boundaries #Psychology

“Christmas, children, is not a date. It is a state of mind. ” ― Mary Ellen Chase

#mentalhealth #psychology #life #community #mind #news #media #art

A question: Can anyone recommend any good, academic works that analyze "moral panics" through the ages?

From the "Witchcraft Panics" of early modern Europe to the "Satanic Panic" of the 1980s to the modern anti-trans panic and TERF movement - I could use some good scholarly analysis of their psychology and how they propagate.

I eventually want to write a book about witch tales from German folklore, and it may be useful to compare the witchcraft panics of the past with more modern variants - so that I can show that while the context changes, the basic phenomenon is still with us.

#history #psychology #folklore #witchcraft #SatanicPanic #TERF

Inhaltswarnung: Mental Health Misinformation, Stigma and Victim Blaming. Long Post

Last week, we had a story about scientists who put bats on a treadmill. This week, a neuroscientist teaches rats to drive. And they love it!

From @ConversationUS: "We crafted our first rodent car from a plastic cereal container. After trial and error, my colleagues and I found that rats could learn to drive forward by grasping a small wire that acted like a gas pedal."


And here's the treadmill bats story ICYMI: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/vampire-bats-treadmills-metabolism

#Animals #Rats #Bats #Science #Psychology


Be Your Own Light.

I figured we needed this again, this week.

#commentary #blog #psychology #philosophy
A silhouette of a man carrying a lantern, creating his own light in a dark place.

"...many #psychiatrists and #psychologists refuse to entertain the idea that society as a whole may be lacking in #sanity.” —#ErichFromm

With the mainstream media finally reporting that “depression is not caused by low levels of serotonin,” many people ask me: Why does psychiatry repeatedly get it wrong when it comes to not only to its theories of mental illness but in so many other areas?"

The Core Error of #Psychiatry/ #Psychology: Certainty about “#ConsensusReality


I know I have said this before but it still bugs me:

Where are the resources for #neurodivergent parents who are raising neurotypical children?
(Or any children really)

Like, there is so much literature on parenting ND kids, but the other way around is one hell of a ride too.

#parenting #psychology #ADHD

Why is #psychotherapy not considered capitalism's call center? After all, there is no school of #psychology that claims that systematic economic predation is problematic for mental health.

Psychotherapy has as a goal making you compatible with whatever funds it. That's what it means to be 'healed.'

#psychology #capitalism #mentalhealth


"Even the highly cited examples of 150-people networks have been criticised as overwhelmingly skewed towards rich, educated, and industrialised societies, with non-western cultures rarely mentioned. Confirmation bias may well be a factor in the popularity and acceptance of Dunbar’s number."


#sociology #psychology #anthropology #ecology #PopularScience #SocialNeworks #correlation #nuance #context #friendship #PopCulture #WEIRD

THE ILLUSION OF MORAL DECLINE by Adam M. Mastroianni and Daniel T. Gilbert (Nature, 2023).

"In a series of studies using both archival and original data (n = 12,492,983), we show that people in at least 60 nations around the world believe that morality is declining, that they have believed this for at least 70 years and that they attribute this decline both to the decreasing morality of individuals as they age and to the decreasing morality of successive generations. Next, we show that people’s reports of the morality of their contemporaries have not declined over time, suggesting that the perception of moral decline is an illusion. Finally, we show how a simple mechanism based on two well-established psychological phenomena (biased exposure to information and biased memory for information) can produce an illusion of moral decline."

#Nature #Illusion #Memory #Moral #Past #Psychology

