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Beiträge, die mit society getaggt sind

An interesting way to look at the influence of #China (#PRC) on other #countries: the #ChinaIndex.

The highest-"ranking" country in Europe is mine: #Germany.

»The China Index seeks to establish an interactive world map that visualizes the PRC‘s evolving influence in different countries. The Index captures PRC influence across nine Domains: #Academia, Domestic Politics, #Economy, Foreign Policy, #Law Enforcement, #Media, #Military, #Society, and #Technology. Each of these Domains contains 11 Indicators corresponding to an observable phenomenon of PRC influence, and presents comparable data collected by regional partners through collaboration with local experts.«


Monday's papers: Wealth concentration, brain stimulus and airline safety

Finland is feeling the effects of an early 90s tax reform that created separate categories for earned and capital income.


#Media #Domestic #Economy #Health #Society #Travel


These ‘48 laws of power’ could go some way to explaining why autistics don’t do very well socially :ablobthinkingeyes: 🤣


(From the bestselling '48 laws of power’ by Robert Greene)


#Society #Power #Capitalism #Wealth #Homelessness #Poverty #Intersectionality #Autism #ActuallyAutistic #Neurodivergent

Obama was the last true president of the United States. The presidency stopped being a legitimate position after Trump interfered to win his first election, and Americans did nothing about it.

America itself has been collapsing since 9/11. Bin Laden and Al Qaeda won the War on Terror.

#US #Politics #Society #Obama

Sanna Marin to publish memoirs in English and Finnish

Finland's former prime minister's book, titled 'Hope in Action: A Memoir About the Courage to Lead' in English, will be published in November.


#Politics #Domestic #Entertainment #Society #Culture #Media

A journalist who has experienced being a "trailing spouse" to accompany his wife on an overseas assignment says men should be more involved in addressing gender inequality issues in Japan. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/03/japan/society/japan-gender-equality/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #japan #society #internationalwomen039sday #women039sissues #journalism #kyodo #kazuyoshikonishi

During the nearly 500 days Efrat Machikawa waited for her 80-year-old uncle Gadi Moses to return home from Hamas captivity, she transformed her life, dedicating herself to diplomacy and humanitarian efforts. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/02/24/japan/society/israel-hostage-family-interview/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #japan #society #israel #hamas #gaza #middleeast #israelhamaswar #palestinians #efratmachikawa

I wrote this five years ago:

“Democracy or capitalism? Pick one.

If, like me, you grew up in the 80s, you probably unthinkingly accepted the neoliberal maxim that democracy and capitalism go hand-in-hand. This is one of the greatest lies ever told. Democracy and capitalism are polar opposites.

You cannot have a functional democracy and billionaires and trillion-dollar corporate interests and Silicon Valley’s Big Tech misinformation and exploitation machinery. What we’re seeing is the clash of capitalism and democracy and capitalism is winning.

Are we past a tipping point? I don’t know. Perhaps. But we can’t think like that.

Personally, I’m going to keep working to effect change where I feel I can be effective: in creating alternative technological infrastructure to support individual freedoms and democracy.

We’ve already laid the infrastructure of techno-fascism. We’ve already created (and are creating) the panopticons. All the fascists need to do is move in and take the controls. And they will do so democratically, before destroying democracy, just as Hitler did.

And if you think the 1930s and 40s were something, remember that the most advanced tools to amplify the destructive ideologies of the time were less powerful than the computers you have in your pockets today. Today we have machine learning and are on the brink of unlocking quantum computing.

We must ensure the 2030s are not like the 1930s. Because our advanced centralised systems of data capture, classification, and prediction plus a hundred years of exponential increase in processing power (note: I do not use the word “progress”) mean the 2030s will be exponentially worse.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, we have a common enemy: the nationalist international. The problems of our time transcend national borders. The solutions must also. The systems we build must be both local and global at once. The network we must build is one of solidarity.

We created the present. We will create the future. Let’s work together to ensure that that future is the one we want to live in ourselves.”

– In 2020 and beyond, the battle to save personhood and democracy requires a radical overhaul of mainstream technology


And that’s why I’m working on building the Small Web.


With ZERO funding from the EU and multiple rejections from NLNet/ngi (because they still don’t get it).


(That’s from 2022. We were also rejected in 2024 for my work on Kitten, Domain, and Place as outlined in my talk, linked below, but I was too tired to write about it again.)


So for fuck’s sake, if you agree with my vision for a technological (and thus societal) future different from the hellscape we currently inhabit, and want to help us explore one possible path towards it, please fund our damn work. (Because, clearly, the EU is adamant about not doing so.)


Other ways to help:

- If you know of folks that are ethically compatible who offer no strings funding, please try to secure some for us (my time is 100% spent on coding at the moment).

- If you know of conferences that pay their speakers, ask them to have me speak on the Small Web. It can be as technical or non-technical as you like and I won’t do it for free but I’m happy to accept, within reason, what they can afford (in addition to travel and accommodation being covered) and any fees received go to Small Technology Foundation, our not-for-profit.

- Help share this far and wide.

Once Domain is released and we have the first Small Web host running on small-web.org – hopefully the first of many that will be run by other folks in the future – and we start taking commercial sign-ups for Small Web places, we should eventually have the money problem solved (because apparently that’s a problem you have to solve to gain the privilege of working for the common good in our world because our system is unabashedly shortsighted).

So, yeah, anyway, g’morning! How’s your day going so far? :)

(You made it this far? You deserve a hug. And don’t worry, I’m just venting. Things will get better. It’s just frustrating swimming upstream all the time.)


#SmallWeb #SmallTech #humanRights #democracy #anarchy #BigWeb #BigTech #capitalism #neoliberalism #technoFascism #technology #fascism #society #freedom #personhood

#palestine #gaza #westbank #berlin #warcrimes #ihl #icc #icj #society #globaljustice #propagandakills #childrensrights 👇🏽 #culturalheritage #forensicarchitecture

🔴 #livestream


Hello! 👋🏼 We are pleased to welcome you to the page of the social critique journal #Spilne. We are a #leftist Ukrainian #journal focused on #economics, #politics, #history, and #culture.
The editorial team shares egalitarian and #anticapitalist views. Therefore, in our publications, we discuss how to transform #society so that there is no place left for exploitation, #inequality, and #discrimination.
Follow us and share our posts!
#commons_journal #introduction #socialism #Ukraine #progressive

Let’s talk cost. Poverty is expensive. It leads to crime, poor health, and economic stagnation. We already spend trillions dealing with its consequences.

UBI attacks the root cause. It’s not a handout—it’s an investment. A society where people aren’t constantly in crisis is a productive society.

You deserve a UBI ❤️

#UBI #UBI4ME #UniversalBasicIncome #poverty #CostOfLiving #living #UBISavesMoney #society #SocialChange #policy #politics

U.S. President Donald Trump drew flak for suggesting residents of Gaza move abroad so U.S. companies could rebuild it after the Israel-Hamas war. The reality of life in the strip means there are no good options. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/02/07/world/society/gaza-exit-reality-echos/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #society #israelhamaswar #gaza #palestinians #donaldtrump

...well, for me, the situation there is quite unclear - but I guess I see it like this: the fact that some people from "one side of the conflict" would organize terrorist attacks is not, in my opinion, mutually exclusive with the fact that some people from "the other side of the conflict" would organize the murder of civilians as part of a targeted territorial expansion.
After all, even the term terrorism is such a great label - see the saying that:
"Terrorism is the war of the powerless and war is the terrorism of the powerful".
Finaly, I prefer to leave it to people who follow the situation in more detail to argue to the point of blood about who is shedding the blood of the other side more unjustifiably in that area - ideally, of course, people would reject their superior warmongers on both sides.
I was actually most interested in this summary:
"We’re fed mountains of stories by the rich and powerful explaining why things must remain as they are — but they are only stories.
Every #sociopolitical status quo throughout history has had power-serving narratives explaining why things are as they are and justifying why the people in charge live so much more comfortably than the ordinary folks doing the real work in this world. #People used to be told that #kings received their authority directly from God, and were therefore better and more worthy than the unwashed masses. Today we have different rulers with different narratives justifying their rule and explaining why vast inequality is fine and good, but those #narratives are exactly as fictional as the old stories about the divine right of kings.
Today we are trained to believe that the #plutocrats who rule our society attained their vast fortunes through hard work and clever innovation, and are entitled to every penny because they are the most productive members of our society."


#israel #gaza #genocide #terrorism #anarchism #anarchy #society #palestine #civilians

There may be no nasty impulse to punish ‘skivers’, but the end result – the most vulnerable hit hardest – is exactly the same. Labour follow Tory (and quite possibly, if we knew what they were) Reform leads.


#Society #UkPolitics #Ryan #Disabled #EnglishPolitics
The UK Chancellor, Reeves points a finger

HIGH LIVING. To lodge in a garret, or cockloft

A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)

#books #literature #dictionaries #history #society #language #slang @histodons
Image imitating a page from an old document, text (as in main toot):

HIGH LIVING. To lodge in a garret, or cockloft

A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)

🚨#Jobalert: The application deadline for the tenure track assistant professorship #Media, #Society and the #GoodLife at @zemki is February 6 (in 2 days):


re-reading this piece about the rise of psychopathic societies &, hoo, boy...
#reading #lecture #usa #freePalestine #society #psychology

I've always struggled to relate to what I learned in school. Much of it focused on material subjects.

I wish we had explored topics that truly impact us, like understanding and managing emotions. Why aren't these essential lessons part of our education system?

#school #society #emotions

A typically 'to the point' article by Ryan. One of the reasons I look at the Gruaniadn (well for gawds sake, Toynbee is just senile, Jenkins demented and as for many others....)

Institutionalised cuelty and mistreatment. No wonder people increasingly fear old age and incapacity.

And in England (well the UK as they control all of us at the moment), Labour acquiesce in lonely painful lives and deaths.


#UkPolitics #Health #Care #Society #Neglewct #Abuse

The #information #society 2.0 - We inform us to death

For this purpose, in the 1st part of the whole text a #media-theoretical #diagnosis, in the 2nd part a media-theoretical #pathogenesis and in the last part a media-theoretical #treatment #plan shall be established. So first, let's start with the diagnosis.

"Hiding things in your room."

More at: https://philosophies.de/index.php/2021/10/31/die-informationsgesellschaft/
The #information #society 2.0 - We inform us to death

You know, online and offline I see so much "thank you, firefighters!". Yeah, thank you? For what!? Nobody lifted a finger to help me or gave a damn about me: up until the moment I witnessed the flames and bugged out I saw not a single "first responder" doing a lick of work.

#disaster #government #society #wildfires #PalisadesFire #fire #CaliforniaFires #self #thoughts

FMEP Fellow Ahmed Moor interviews Israeli author, academic, and political commentator Ori Goldberg about how Israeli #society reckons - or not - with Palestinians, with committing this genocidal war in #gaza and with the centrality of the military in Israeli society.

The two discuss Ori's path to becoming a dissident, including how he navigates Zionism, anti-Zionism, and his sense of belonging in Israel.

📲 Video credit: Foundation for Middle East Peace - FMEP


The #information #society 2.0 - We inform us to death

For this purpose, in the 1st part of the whole text a #media-theoretical #diagnosis, in the 2nd part a media-theoretical #pathogenesis and in the last part a media-theoretical #treatment #plan shall be established. So first, let's start with the diagnosis.

"Hiding things in your room."

More at: https://philosophies.de/index.php/2021/10/31/die-informationsgesellschaft/
The #information #society 2.0 - We inform us to death

#UKPolitics #inequality #society
Something many of us have recognised for a long time. #capitalism depends on #elites & #social_stratification which makes a mockery of the claims of the #meritocratic right wing b.s. 'they' that would have us believe in upward movement. It has never been harder to climb the 'social ladder' than now. (if that's your thing 😎 ) Thanks @fkamiah17 https://tribunemag.co.uk/2024/12/the-new-property-feudalism

Ain't I but a Genius! Facing a public toilet wall recently I suddenly understood how not only #SocialMedia but the whole #society works.
How do you germans say,

#medien #gesellschaft #politik #sozialemedien #Soziologie #sozialpsychologie
Musk mit erhobenem Zeigefinger offenbar in einem Klo hinter pinkelnden Männern stehend, Spruch: Frechheit siegt.

You have technospheres and then you have technospheres. Some support more social than others. We need one that can carry a #society and it ain't the current #fedi for sure.


My mind, a blunt instrument, fixates on a hypothesis of Trump's last term critiquing our obsession with him and his ability to control the narrative akin to a puppet master or master strategist. And my singular obsession with this train of thought grates within the obvious greater context. For me, it follows, is the original hypothesis correct? Or...

#media #journalism #debate #philosophy #culture #WorldAffairs #InternationalPolitics #Society #BbcNews #Hyperfocus #UsPol #UkPolitics

The #information #society 2.0 - We inform us to death

For this purpose, in the 1st part of the whole text a #media-theoretical #diagnosis, in the 2nd part a media-theoretical #pathogenesis and in the last part a media-theoretical #treatment #plan shall be established. So first, let's start with the diagnosis.

"Hiding things in your room."

More at: https://philosophies.de/index.php/2021/10/31/die-informationsgesellschaft/
The #information #society 2.0 - We inform us to death

#Job ‼️🚨: Assistant Professorship for #Media, #Society and the #GoodLife at @zemki, @unibremen. We are looking for a young innovative colleague who wants to research and teach in an exciting environment.

Deadline is February 6th, 2025

ℹ️ https://zemki.uni-bremen.de/en/job-advertisement-tenure-track-professor-for-the-subject-area-media-society-and-the-good-life/