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Beiträge, die mit People getaggt sind

At the beginning the 'enemies' were the #Jews
(Jude Will Not Replace us)
Then the #Media
(believe only me)
Then #liberal/#Democrats ('woke')
then #Latin immigrants
(parasitic criminals that bring diseases)
& (they eat the pets!)
Then the #FBi
Then Women (in general)
then #Gays to follow #Trans
('god' does not want them !!! the children the children ..)
Then #Books
Now #People who work for the #Government

#MAGAs have so many 'enemies'
they'll find more
to justify their idiocy of hatred.

Local press accuses city officials of secrecy. Officials sue, to silence local press, not feeling ironic at all. Judge sides with the fascists! Orders paper to remove editorial! Paper will appeal. Wowza.
#Louisiana #people #press #freedoms #first #amendment #rights #silence #critics #USA #judge #newspaper #editorial #abuse #bench #state #judicial #reprimand #disciplinary #action #maybe https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/5155749-mississippi-clarksdale-editorial-press-freedom/

Programs don't kill people, computers do

The world outside our computers is unpredictable and interacting with it can make programs unreliable. However, programs must interact with the wider world to do anything useful.
– from Peter Saxton

💻 https://crowdhailer.me/2025-02-06/programs-dont-kill-people-computers-do/

#world #computer #programming #it #code #unpredictable #interactive #kill #people #killpeople #blog #blogpost

...well, for me, the situation there is quite unclear - but I guess I see it like this: the fact that some people from "one side of the conflict" would organize terrorist attacks is not, in my opinion, mutually exclusive with the fact that some people from "the other side of the conflict" would organize the murder of civilians as part of a targeted territorial expansion.
After all, even the term terrorism is such a great label - see the saying that:
"Terrorism is the war of the powerless and war is the terrorism of the powerful".
Finaly, I prefer to leave it to people who follow the situation in more detail to argue to the point of blood about who is shedding the blood of the other side more unjustifiably in that area - ideally, of course, people would reject their superior warmongers on both sides.
I was actually most interested in this summary:
"We’re fed mountains of stories by the rich and powerful explaining why things must remain as they are — but they are only stories.
Every #sociopolitical status quo throughout history has had power-serving narratives explaining why things are as they are and justifying why the people in charge live so much more comfortably than the ordinary folks doing the real work in this world. #People used to be told that #kings received their authority directly from God, and were therefore better and more worthy than the unwashed masses. Today we have different rulers with different narratives justifying their rule and explaining why vast inequality is fine and good, but those #narratives are exactly as fictional as the old stories about the divine right of kings.
Today we are trained to believe that the #plutocrats who rule our society attained their vast fortunes through hard work and clever innovation, and are entitled to every penny because they are the most productive members of our society."


#israel #gaza #genocide #terrorism #anarchism #anarchy #society #palestine #civilians

Li agradava seure, veure com passava la gent per davant i pensar en la fugacitat de la vida.

📍València, País Valencià.
📷 Minolta X700
🎞 Ilford XP2 400 asa

#photography #fotografia #35mm #analògic #people #blackandwhite #bnw #bw #nb #streetshots #street #ilford #ibelievefilm

Amid the Israel-Hamas cease-fire, Gaza is full of grief and defiance https://www.byteseu.com/690910/ #CeaseFire #Conflicts #defiance #effect #Family #Gaza #Gazans #Grief #Home #hope #Israel #NowLeveledJabalia #palestinians #people #thousand #War
Amid the Israel-Hamas cease-fire, Gaza is full of grief and defiance

There’s a #reason these #people are fucking #stupid and proud of it.

Für User, die andere User suchen oder sich sonstwie vernetzen möchten, gibt es mittlerweile verschiedene Verzeichnisse für das #Fediverse.

ICH finde das nützlich, verstehe aber auch die Bedenken diesbezüglich, die einige User immer mal wieder äußern. Jedoch bleibe ich dabei, dass es jedem User selbst überlassen sein sollte, sich in so ein Verzeichnis einzutragen - oder auch nicht. Also bitte keine Grundsatzdiskussion unter diesem Beitrag, es soll lediglich der Information dienen.

Bislang kenne ich 3 Verzeichnisse, vielleicht gibt es ja noch mehr?

-> fediverse.info Ein "Fediverse People Directory", in dem man sich selbst ganz einfach eintragen kann. Lediglich ein bestimmer Hashtag muss in der eigenen Bio seines Fediverse-Accounts eingetragen werden, dann kann man seine Daten in das Verzeichnis eingeben.
-> Fedikarte.de Wunderbar und mit viel Liebe programmiert, auch hier kann man sich eigenständig ein- und austragen.
-> mastodir | Das Mastodon-Verzeichnis Hier kann man User vorschlagen, die "interessant" sind.

Verschiedene Fediverse-Verzeichnisse, um Fediverse-User zu finden.

#fediverse, #verzeichnis, #people, #directory, #fedikarte, #user, #usersuche, #vernetzt, #vernetzung, #neuhier, #fediserve, , #mastodir, #gemeinsamstatteinsam

« Silence, according to western and eastern tradition alike, is necessary for the emergence of persons. It is taken from us by machines that ape people. We could easily be made increasingly dependent on machines for speaking and for thinking, as we are already dependent on machines for moving. »

— Ivan Illich

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/738547392106872832/silence-according-to-western-and-eastern

#quotes #IvanIllich #silence #people #AI

A Last Moment Of #Warmth Before The #AntiTrans #Storm hits.

The next few years will be hard for #transgender #people. I reflect on my own feelings of warmth after my #wedding to Zooey, #Christmas with my #wife and #family, and the feelings of an uncertain #future.

#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Media #RoleModels #Representation #Culture


Why are people mean?
Do they get joy from being mean?
Do they not realize?
Do they not care?
Is it some superior thing?
Are they hollow inside?
Just taught or genetics?
Why are people mean.............


Deaths in Gaza from Israel-Hamas war top 45,000 Palestinians, officials say https://www.byteseu.com/566333/ #body #child #CivilDefenseAgency #Conflicts #DeathToll #Gaza #Hamas #HamasMilitant #HealthMinistry #IslamicJihadMilitant #Israel #PalestinianJournalist #palestinians #people #SeparateStrike #War
Deaths in Gaza from Israel-Hamas war top 45,000 Palestinians, officials say

Turkey Destroys Arms Convoy Captured by Syrian Kurdish Fighters https://www.byteseu.com/548555/ #BasharAlAssad #Israel #NationalIntelligenceAgency #NATO #People'sProtectionUnits #SyrianDemocraticForces #Turkey #YPG
Turkey Destroys Arms Convoy Captured by Syrian Kurdish Fighters

عضوة #لبرلمان الكندي ماكفرسون ترتدي #شارة #البطيخ للتضامن مع #الشعب #الفلسطيني
"لقد ارتديت علماً عدة مرات لدعم أوكرانيا وكندا".. عضوة البرلمان الكندي هيذر ماكفرسون ترتدي شارة البطيخ في مجلس العموم رمزاً للتضامن مع الشعب الفلسطيني ضد الإبادة الإسرائيلية
#Canadian Member of #Parliament McPherson wears a #watermelon badge in solidarity with the #Palestinian #people.

#gaza #palestine #غزة #فلسطين

why should you and your family die because you were born here or there? #israel #palestine #hamas #muslim #christian #jew what about #buddhism they don't seem to start wars? #people what a bunch of bastards

It’s perfectly ok for other people to be wrong. Just let them be wrong. #people #life