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Beiträge, die mit academia getaggt sind

"The AIC [Academic Industrial Complex] framework brought renewed attention to the role of the academy in directly supporting criminal punishment systems and military industrial complexes. [2] At the same time, if non-profits have been essential sites for access to life-saving and sustaining resources, universities have remained important locations for generating critical dissent. In recent years, students and teachers have found that space shrinking and made vulnerable through attacks on critical and ethnic studies programs, centers, and faculty members; the elimination of tenure track lines and adjunctification of labor; and the cutting of state funds and increased privatization on the backs of students in the form of unbearable debt. [3]"

— Incite! Women of Color Against Violence: The Revolution Will Not Be Funded, p. xii

Also timely, given that universities have been sites of struggle against the ongoing genocide in Gaza in retaliation for the Al-Aqsa Flood operation. The universities' implicit bargain with the capitalist ruling class of funding-for-workers, at the expense of an education-first model, has left these sites painfully vulnerable -- and sadly, largely ineffective at making material gains.

#palestine #gaza #israel #FreePalestine #academia
Incite! Women of Color Against Violence: The Revolution Will Not Be Funded (Paperback, 2017, Duke University Press)

Robert McChesney, a #media scholar, #author, and co-founder of media advocacy #nonprofit #FreePress, died from cancer at 72


#journalism #journalist #democracy #academia #activism #obituary #RIP

An interesting way to look at the influence of #China (#PRC) on other #countries: the #ChinaIndex.

The highest-"ranking" country in Europe is mine: #Germany.

»The China Index seeks to establish an interactive world map that visualizes the PRC‘s evolving influence in different countries. The Index captures PRC influence across nine Domains: #Academia, Domestic Politics, #Economy, Foreign Policy, #Law Enforcement, #Media, #Military, #Society, and #Technology. Each of these Domains contains 11 Indicators corresponding to an observable phenomenon of PRC influence, and presents comparable data collected by regional partners through collaboration with local experts.«


Für das #NotizLab haben @StefanTSiegel, @silvia_retzlaff und ich eine neue Webseite gebastelt.

Ihr könnt dort auch unseren #Newsletter abonnieren, den wir auf das neue System umgestellt haben. Wer also in Bezug zu #Wissensmanagement oder #PKM in #Academia (#AcademicKnowledgeManagement) hat oder ganz generell dazu auf dem Laufenden bleiben will, was wir über #DigitaleNotizen denken/arbeiten, ist dort gut beraten:


“Government isn't the only target for this hostile takeover…”
—Gil Duran, 'Reboot' Revealed: Elon Musk's CEO-Dictator Playbook
#musk #doge #journalism #academia #socialmedia

Are #universities being taken over by the "analytics-industrial complex"? Maybe, but I think the author conflates actual developments and data company dreams and sales pitches.

#academia #university_rankings


If you are involved in any way in helping to organize a conference in the US at this time, it is imperative that you offer online attendance and speaker options.

And not just because it's the right thing to do for environmental and accessibility reasons (but you should do it for those reasons, anyway).

#Professional #Education #ContinuingEducation #Academia #Science #Math #Art #Design #Theatre #Film #Media #Tech #Technology #History #Archaeology #Business #Literature #Library #Conference
A speaker presenting at a large conference, looking out over a large audience

#genocide #fascism #academia #Palestine #FirstAmendment

Inhaltswarnung: Machtmissbrauch Academia

This is such a privileged thing to say but the recent attacks on #academia is finally really striking home. #yale prof suspended for ai new’s false claim, #palestinian protestor student from #colombia stolen from his pregnant wife, 400 mil of gov funding taking from #columbia, #22students expelled or have their diplomas revoked from #columbia.

It feels it’s illegal to have an opinion in academia, the ultimate place to form new ideas and opinions.

What could this look like?

The most direct way for #highered and #academia to hit back is through military contracts and biotech.

Basically, R1 schools would need to halt all cooperation with the government and starve them of tech transfer and technical competencies they need to maintain national security and compete with rivals.

Ask Americans, would they like to see China vault head ahead of them and assume the mantle of global hegemon because Trump wanted to own the libs?

I am saying it once more.

If #academia and #highered do not QUICKLY develop a coordinated strategy of resistance, then MAGA will pick them off one by one.

“Half of this stuff you can’t just do and the other half is insane,” said Joseph Howley, a professor of classics at Columbia. “If the federal government can show up and demand a university department be shut down or restructured, then we don’t have universities in this country.”

#uspol #democracy


Apparently slander by AI slop can get you fired now:

“Yale has suspended an international law scholar and outspoken defender of Palestinian rights, after an AI-powered, far-right website called Jewish Onliner accused her of ties to a group on a U.S. sanctions list”


#AI #Gaza #Palestine #USA #USPol #Academia #Yale #FarRight

#JabRef got a new cool new feature, to quickly see where bibliographic information is still incomplete. You might think, JabRef has already an Integrity check? Well, this feature's key focus is primarily on identifying missing required fields and to providing a quick overview.

Read more about in our blog post and try it out in the latest developmemt version


#opensource #java #javafx #bibliography #academia #academic #texlatex #bibtex

How Democracies Die - An Interdisciplinary Inquiry

Brainstorming toward a new course for undergraduate non-specialists

What would you put on the syllabus?

Looking for specific readings and resources.

#academia #histodons #politics #media #democracy #crowdsourcing

Meanwhile, in #BadEconomy #fuckery

> Google Cofounder Exhorts Employees to Work 60-Hour Weeks to Create AI Designed to Replace Them https://futurism.com/google-sergey-brin-60-hour-week-ai

But yea, the #tech #HigherEd and #academia are rushing to embrace, including certain small campuses with #librarians who should know better.

#AI #Internet #assholes #BringBackGuillotines #jobs #work #labor #exploitation

Me, July 2023 (see picture for full quote) or click here:

The Internet, March 2025: @encyclia

I like how this whole Academic #Fediverse is taking shape.

@ankrjoe @Lambo @brembs @neuSoM @melaniebartos
#academia #academicchatter #UnisImFediverse #UnisInsFediverse #Orcid #scientificPublishing
Research data and publications

Another idea is that research data repositories, OER repositories or publication repositories could be connected to Fediverse via Activity Pub. Each item of such a database would then be easily commented and shareable. Additionally, each reference to this item could be listed below it in the respective repository. You can imagine this as if every PID or DOI had a kind of inbox, in which a notification appears whenever someone references it. Perhaps this will yield new (more transparent?) metrics for measuring outreach and citations, which are praised and criticized in equal measure in the scientific community.

Update. I applaud this open letter from 48 US scientific societies to US researchers, educators, and academics.

"Today, science is under threat…We need scientific research to support the health and safety of people and our planet. We need policy decisions that are grounded in research and data…We will champion scientific integrity, including academic freedom, the inclusion of diverse perspectives, and policies grounded in scientific evidence…Scientific truths are nonpartisan. It has never been more important to recommit to scientific knowledge, and to ensure you have access to data, are free from censorship, and are able to do your valuable work."

#Academia #Censorship #DefendResearch #Takedowns #Trump #USPol #USPolitics

I personally was hit hard by Israel telling a mild-mannered book-loving academic that they would kill him.

They told him, your choice, die alone or with your family. Choose where you want to be bombed.

They killed him and his family.

All he did was read and teach literature.
And speak the truth.

(that bomb you hear is real)

RIP Refaat Alareer

#gaza #genocide #academia

Fellow comrades in #academia - there’s a very cool project launching called Science Homecoming, that allows you to find local papers from your hometown and encourages you to pitch them an opinion piece about the current attacks on #science and #highered.

I pitched a piece to my hometown paper and they got back to me in about 10 minutes saying they definitely wanted to see it. So think this is a simple thing to do with high impact potential

More info here 👇

"ReprodubiliTea in the HumaniTeas" starts again next Monday! Check out the full winter 24/25 programme here: https://ub.uni-koeln.de/kurse-beratung/reproducibilitea-in-the-humaniteas.

Our #ReprodubiliTea in the HumaniTeas sessions are informal meetings for #humanities scholars of all career stages to learn about and discuss #OpenScience practices, the (lack of) #replicability and #reproducibility of published studies, research ethics, and generally how to improve research practices.

Join our mailing list: https://lists.uni-koeln.de/mailman/listinfo/reproducibilitea-humaniteas

Poster with the ReproducibiliTea hex sticker/logo and a photo of a tea pot pouring tea in a china cup.
Title: ReproducibiliTea in the HumaniTeas
Text: Come and discuss Open Science practices over a cup of tea and biscuits!
Mondays 4:00–5:30 p.m.
Room 4.006, USB and via Zoom

#introduction #introductions

Hello Fediverse,
I am a researcher in #geoscience, focusing mostly on hydrogeology, hydrology, evaporation and rock weathering. I am affiliated with Charles University (Czech Republic).
I am here to stay in touch with – and share – news about #science and academic life. That's why I chose #Fediscience as my home server and will mostly contribute to the tags #academia and #academicchatter.
I am in my mid-thirties and live near Prague with my family. I enjoy reading #books and spending time in nature. Addicted to #coffee.

Fragen 🧐 zu rechtlichen Aspekten ⚖️ rund um #OER? Unsere Juristin Yulia unterstützt gerne bei individuellen Problemen. Außerdem gibt sie Tipps zum Urheberrecht, Lizenzen und KI. Wann? 📆 Morgen geht's los 🚀✨ und dann jeden ersten Donnerstag während unserer Online-Sprechstunde, dem twillo Thursday: https://www.twillo.de/oer/web/twillo-thursday/

#OERde #CCLde #academia #AcademicMastodon #AcademiaEdu #hochschuldidaktik #FediLZ #FediCampus #OpenEducation


I'm looking for names and/or connections of any academics, independent researchers, or prominent figures *anywhere*, but *especially* in #Canada who have at least *some* connection to *any* fields related to:

- #Genocide (in general)
- #Trans Genocide
- #Geopolitics as they relate to trans people

I've been asked to lead a significant and urgent project related to the present crisis, and I've dropped all other tasks to support this. I wish I could provide more details publicly, but these details will have to follow.

- Feel free to either post or DM me names/info or to connect

#academia #research #transgender #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia

If you worry, like me, about a #Trump tax on #university #endowments, read this new article by Gregory Conti.

(I link to a free version at Compact Magazine. But the same article appears behind a paywall in the Chronicle of Higher Education.)

First, there's far more interesting history here than I thought.

Second, he takes us through a useful exercise. Consider the strongest historical rationales for tax-exempt university endowments and ask how well they apply today. You don't have respond as he does to conclude that we should be preparing our defense.

#Academia #USPol #USPolitics

One of my roles at the moment is marking undergraduate assignments, specifically policy briefs

There is little more demoralising in this role than opening yet another #AIGenerated flurb of words with no citations, or fake citations, or citations that bear little resemblance to the text they are associated with

Yes, I am checking

Because its not fair on the #students who do the work themselves

#teaching #academia

We're serious about raising awareness for New Social platforms. This week we sent 250 hand-built 'X-scape Kits' to journalists, academics, and charity leaders in the UK - full of information on New Social. The timing wasn't a coincidence. #SocialMedia #Charity #Journalism #Academia

New Social

Being a grad student is great because even though my school has a multi BILLION dollar endowment, I still make <$40k while in a major metro area, and receive the shittiest possible insurance from #unitedhealthcare .

So yeah, when we #eattherich i will be starting with my provost (who is estimated to make around $1mil, btw)

#politics #economics #academia

Projektmitarbeiter:in im Bereich digitale Bildungsmedien gesucht 🤓 ! Lust auf das Erstellen von Lernobjekten als #OER? Im Projekt DigiBound zur Förderung der Boundary Management-Kompetenzen von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Umgang mit digitalen Medien ist zum 1.3.25 eine Stelle an der @tibhannover zu besetzen. Alle Info zur #Stellenausschreibung gibt's hier 👉 https://www.tib.eu/de/die-tib/karriere-und-ausbildung/stellenangebote/detail/stellenausschreibung-nr-2-2025

#OERde #CCLde #academia #AcademicMastodon #AcademiaEdu #hochschuldidaktik #FediLZ #FediCampus #OpenEducation

15 Months of Genocide: Academic Complicity in the Destruction of Gaza, w/ Ussama Makdisi


Scholasticide in Gaza, and US Academic Complicity.

#Scholasticide #Genocide #Gaza #Israel #USA #Academia #Complicity

Driving myself half insane trying to locate an English translation of the Manchu epic of Umesiben Mama. There are at least two study volumes in English about it, but no actual text. Honestly this should be illegal. If you publish a whole book about a never-translated epic, include the text!

#GrumbleGrumble #academia #epics #translation #folklore #WomensEpics

Universities are continuing to retaliate against staff for participating in Gaza campus protests https://mondoweiss.net/2024/12/universities-are-continuing-to-retaliate-against-staff-for-participating-in-gaza-campus-protests/
#gaza #usa #academia #warcrimes #genocide #massmurder

🧭 Community Feed Update 🧭

It's that time of the week again!

Last week the @academia Community Feed saw a big jump in followers - we hope that means more academics are exploring the Fediverse in the turn from X! 👩‍🔬

You can see all 62 of our Community Feeds in this thread: https://newsmast.social/@newsmast/111840234033144502

#Fediverse #Academia #CommunityFeed #Feed #Mastodon #SocialMedia

Two months ago I was writing a paper on the pre-teen autistic boy who was targeted by the Australian Federal Police and groomed (by them) further down the track into radicalisation until they could charge him with terrorist offences.

My housemate and I had a conversation about how almost all these people in Australia who have apparently committed acts of terrorism are actually teenagers, and how that's something that needs to be looked at..

Well, today the Guardian is running a story, "AFP and Asio warn of 'shocking' numbers of teens in terrorism cases".


#AusPol #Australia #policing #Criminology #CriminalJustice #university #uni #Academia #Media