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Beiträge, die mit translation getaggt sind


¿Realmente es tan difícil para los editores de periódicos como #ElNorte o #Reforma traducir el inglés #tariffs al término correcto en castellano: #Aranceles? Una cosa somos la perrada en comunicaciones informales, y otra deberían ser son los editores profesionales.

Ya hago suficientes corajes cuando dicen amar o encariñarse en lugar de calcular.

#News #Media #Newspaper #Translation #Traducción #Editores #English #Spanish #Inglés #Castellano
A news layout featuring headlines related to the automotive industry, including stock declines, government compliance with trade agreements, and political updates. Accompanying images depict parked cars, automotive manufacturing, and a political figure.

#PalUpNow! Conecta A Personas Ansiosas Con Compañeros Solidarios✈️🚙.

🤟🏽Be a Pal!
🤟🏽Get a Pal!

#spanish #blog #languages #translation #MentalHealthMatters🌸 #communities
🌼PalUpNow! Conecta A Personas Ansiosas Con Compañeros Solidarios
🌼PalUpNow! Conecta A Personas Ansiosas Con Compañeros Solidarios

Lost in Translation: AI’s Influence on Anime and Manga: Jonny Lobo examines the growing use of AI and Machine Translations in the anime and manga industries. In addition to independent research, he speaks with translators Kim Morrisey, Zack Davisson, and Matthias Hirsh for their insights on the topic.

Link: https://hera.fyi/aitranslation

#anime #manga #ai #chatgpt #translation #journalism

Driving myself half insane trying to locate an English translation of the Manchu epic of Umesiben Mama. There are at least two study volumes in English about it, but no actual text. Honestly this should be illegal. If you publish a whole book about a never-translated epic, include the text!

#GrumbleGrumble #academia #epics #translation #folklore #WomensEpics

Lost in Translation: AI’s Influence on Anime and Manga: Jonny Lobo examines the growing use of AI and Machine Translations in the anime and manga industries. In addition to independent research, he speaks with translators Kim Morrisey, Zack Davisson, and Matthias Hirsh for their insights on the topic.

Link: https://hera.fyi/aitranslation

#anime #manga #ai #chatgpt #translation #journalism

As per normal, a header that poses a ‘question’ probably has the answer NO - faster than reading it.

Anecdote to come, I studied Greek at school. A set text was ‘The Lysitrita’, taught by an ever so ‘holy’ Irish teacher. He attempted to censor the translations but was continuously embarrassed by his pupils asking for clarification of phrases such as ‘Lion on a Cheesegrater’ (really and don’t ask me!)


#USPol #Translation #Lysistrata #Aristophenes

I translated a text with deepl today. It isn't very good, but I noticed that translating my corrections back into the original language often made the original text better. The translator thus showed me how to become my own editor. Maybe this is the true value of #LLMs . They have no reasoning ability, no curiosity. They prefer to make mistakes than to work out implications. They are pure collective language oracles, the quintessential proof-readers.

#translation #LLM #AI #writing

19th century British folktale translators be like

*Native bird name* = Pidgeon
*Native songbird name* = Blackbird
*Native raptor name* = Eagle
*Native antelope name* = Deer
*Native name for jackal* = Clever Fox
*Native name for any feline* = Tiger


#folklore #folktales #storytelling #translation

The more research I do for this #WomensEpics reading project, the more epics I find out about that need English translations a.s.a.p. Like. Seriously.

#epics #folklore #translation #translator #AmReading #bookstodon

So by the way, the epic of Princess Fatima was an amazing read. But sadly the longest English translation to date only includes 11 episodes out of 455. And even those in an abridged version.

Who do we talk to about getting a fuller translation?...

#epics #WomensEpics #translation #literature #AmReading #folklore #women

Also, while on the topic of King Arthur legends:

Please for the love of god someone translate Escanor to English!

We have an actual Arthurian love-hate romance for grumpy Sir Kay. How is this not a thing yet?!

#storytelling #KingArthur #translation #medieval #histodons #literature

Update. I missed this from last year: "We broadly review the advantages and limitations of…machine #translation…and propose that translation can serve as both a short- and a long-term solution for making science more…accessible, globally representative, and impactful beyond the academy. We outline actions that individuals and institutions can take to support multilingual science."

#Multilingualism #MultilingualResearch

For those who want to read sites in Russian, Arabic, Spanish, French, German and many other languages.

@Theaitetos (Рцяэыоод) Extension for full-page translation, translates reasonably well.
Set up hotkey (F1...F12) for full-page translation.
#translation #extensions for #firefox or #chrome