Beiträge, die mit folktales getaggt sind
#Wales #folklore #mythology #folktales #WelshFolklore #storytelling
Literal Hungarian folktales I found in archives:
- Princess Rosalia Lemonfarts
- The Diamond Prince in a Rubber Suit
- The Magic Flying Penis
- Rapunzel, but it's a bloke who makes a rope from his body hair
- Saint Peter got drunk and puked the first 🌈
- The Princess who became a Prince
#folklore #folktales #storytelling
#folklore #folktales
(Thompson folktale motif index X1115, in case anyone is wondering)
#folklore #folktales #storytelling #WTF
When he visits his giant friends, they feed him by cutting their own food into tiny portions, and ask him to dish about the events at court. Initially he beheads one of them on instinct, but manages to revive the giant and apologize for the knee-jerk questing reaction.
#FolktaleMoment #folktales #folklore
#folklore #folktales #translation
A princess really wants a pet donkey but her father refuses. Her magical aunt finds a way to convince the father (with some clever spells) to allow the donkey anyway.
When princess kisses the donkey on the nose, it turns into a handsome prince. Turns out he had been cursed.
In return for saving him, the princess asks the prince to buy her a new donkey.
#folklore #folktales
Folktales for Election Time
There are many elections happening around the world, so I thought it was timely to collect some folktales on the topic. They can be used to spark discussions on leadership, democracy, choices, and social responsibility.
Read here:
#election #elections #election2024 #politics #folklore #folktales #storytelling #leadership
I am just proud that I could remember all the stories (out of 206) they chose 😅😅
#folklore #folktales #school
Read here:
#folklore #folktales #nature #animals #storytelling #birds
*Native bird name* = Pidgeon
*Native songbird name* = Blackbird
*Native raptor name* = Eagle
*Native antelope name* = Deer
*Native name for jackal* = Clever Fox
*Native name for any feline* = Tiger
#folklore #folktales #storytelling #translation
You can find many of the stories on my blog:
#storytelling #geology #folklore #folktales
However, my vote goes to Rhodochrosite because it reminds me of the German legend of King Laurin's Rose Garden. Laurin was a Dwarf king of the mountains called the Rose Garden, and all of their mineral treasures. That always reminded me of Rhodochrosite (lit. a rose-colored mineral).
For Turquoise legends, see here:
#folklore #folktales #legends
Princess is sad >> Everyone else is sad to be respectful >> No one is spending on entertainment on vices >> People are saving a lot of money >> People are giving a lot of dowry and inheritance to their kids >> King is taking in a lot in taxes and bureaucratic fees.
#folklore #folktales
It features into some of my favorite folktales and legends:
- The City of Brass (1001 Nights), where djinn are captured in copper vessels and adventurers explore a magical city
- The Copper Forest, a Hungarian folktale where one of the stereotypical three princesses is actually in love with the enemy king, and finds a way to marry him in the end
#folklore #folktales #storytelling #minerals
#StorytellingPSA #storytelling #folktales #folklore #books
If you source the folktales in your book as "Aboriginal", "Native American" or - my personal favorite - "African", you immediately tell me that you have done zero research on any of them.
Do better.
#storytelling #folktales #folklore #books
Hispanic Snow Whites do exist.
#folklore #folktales #storytellingPSA #Disney
I don't think my publisher would go for it, but now I want to work on it anyway...
(* no, not THAT way, just in terms of violence or complexity.)
#folklore #folktales #AmWriting #books #nature #animals
The hero of the folktale finds out that the king he works for used to be the King of the Land of Eternal Youth. He was exiled from his kingdom by spiders because he was cruel to them and wanted to kill them off.
So now the Land of Eternal Youth is ruled by friendly spiders.
#folktales #folklore #animals
It is about a centipede and a slug running a race to a shrine. Obviously the centipede gets there first, but when the slug arrives, centipede is still taking his sandals off, so slug enters the shrine first.
#FolktaleMoment #folklore #folktales
"Old man cheats crocodile by playing on its ignorance of agriculture."
#folklore #folktales #animals #FolktaleMoment
One of those folktales where someone has to make a princess laugh, except this time the suitor is a well built blacksmith from Gascogne, and he walks in and the princess immediately smiles

Edit: the blacksmith's helper is a nicotine-addicted tobacco-farting rat
#folklore #folktales
Quaint and adorable explanations for horrifying natural phenomena.
So far I have had cicadas growing "little umbrellas" (parasitic fungus) and a wasp rewarded by God with grubs turning into his children (wasp that puts eggs in live grubs). 😬 😬
#nature #animals #folklore #folktales
Folktales are expensive y'all
#folklore #folktales #publishing
According to a Lepcha folktale, bats are the only creatures that don't have to pay taxes 😄 That's because the King of the Birds and the King of the Rats couldn't decide who should tax them.
"So that is why the bat is free from all taxation. Everybody in the world pays some sort of revenue, even we human beings, but the bat is free and doesn’t."
I guess the bat took the "tax" out of "taxonomy"...
😄 🤷♀️ 🦇
#folklore #folktales #nature #animals
The Russian tale "Prince Ivan, the Firebird, and the Grey Wolf" has been translated to English in the 19th century by Edith Hodgetts as
"The Grey Wolf and the Golden Cassowary"
And now I can't not imagine the prince trying to wrangle
(This is why you double check translations, people)
😬 😆
#folklore #folktales #storytelling #animals #birds #nature #FolktaleMoment
She was a calico cat raised by a poor old woman. When they ran out of food, the cat turned herself into a beautiful geisha to earn money for the old lady. She enchanted everyone with her marvelous singing and dancing.
However, when a ship captain spied her true form (eating fish heads), she chased him in a dark cloud and kidnapped him from his ship.
🐱 💃 ⛈️
#cats #folklore #folktales #Japan
Read here:
#folklore #romance #folktales #kiss
I was at the ELTE Museum of Natural Sciences first, in the Mineral Collection. I told folktales and legends related to Corundum (mineral of the year 2024). First to kids, then adults.
Then I was at the Polaris Observatory telling legends about the Northern Lights.
Full house each time, and great fun 😊 ❤️
#storytelling #folktales #museums #astronomy
It's getting a bunch of trolls.
How is THIS a post getting the trolls?!
"Adults should read literature, not infantile gibberish."
"Tales for adults are called fantasy fiction. Or the news."
"Doesn't this organization do anything else but stories?"
What. The. Hell.
#WTF #folklore #folktales #reading #storytelling
Well I just found a Tamil version where the woman dumps all four of them, saying they should care about her own qualities, and not bicker about who did what for her.
And then she goes to the king and requests a proper husband.
#folklore #folktales #feminist #storytelling