Beiträge, die mit minerals getaggt sind
President Tshisekedi is also in negotiations with Trump ally and Blackwater founder Erik Prince to help collect and secure taxes from mining operations
#Trump #ErikPrince #Congo #Minerals #USSoverignWealthFund
Nichts wirklich überwältigendes aber zumindest Funde.
Der rote hat ein wenig Achatbäbderung.
Bei dem gelblichen vermute ich mal, das da oben drauf mal ein Amethyst saß, der aber verwittert ist.
Der andere mit der scharfen Farbtrennung, sieht einfach nur interessant aus.
Viele Funde habe ich nicht, einen Stein mit Achatbänder. Wobei ich den echt noch mal kräftig putzen muss.
Und, einen kleinen Calcedon. Der hat mich doch quer zu meiner Laufrichtung angelächelt.
Hier noch ein Bild in die untergehende Sonne.
#geopolitics #Russia #UnitedStates #MafiaState #RevengePolitics #authoritarianism #ForeignPolicy #allies #NATO #Europe
#geopolitics #MafiaState #Putin #Russia #US #ForeignPolicy #RevengePolitics
Nach ner Stunde sind wir dann doch durchgefroren wieder nach Hause zum Aufwärmen. Trotz der Sonne, ist der Wind recht frisch und bläst durch alles durch und das bei 5 Grad. Aber eben auch trocken.
Meine Tochter ha zwei hübsch Steine gefunden, aber nichts "wichtiges". Bei mir ist einer dabei, der anscheinend ein schwaches Achatband hat. Das muss ich mir noch genauer ansehen.
Und dann der beste Fund für heute, ein Calcedon. Den habe ich sofort erkannt, obwohl ich bisher noch keinen gefunden hatte. Der war es einfach, gleich beim sehen erkannt.
Das warum, seht ihr im Bild
“No one in this world wants to live in a world where it’s the #law of the strongest & international borders can be violated from one day to the next,‘” Macron said. This is a line Trump would never say — he talks of making a deal, but does not accuse #Russia of taking Ukrainian land.
#geopolitics #StandWithUkraine
Trump’s false claims on the sum the US has spent are the predicate for his demand that Ukraine pay upwards of $500B to the US under a still-being-negotiated #minerals agreement.
#FactCheck #TrumpLies #geopolitics
#BlueMinerals #PinkMinerals #MineralsArrangedByColor #Minerals #Geology
It features into some of my favorite folktales and legends:
- The City of Brass (1001 Nights), where djinn are captured in copper vessels and adventurers explore a magical city
- The Copper Forest, a Hungarian folktale where one of the stereotypical three princesses is actually in love with the enemy king, and finds a way to marry him in the end
#folklore #folktales #storytelling #minerals
#geology #minerals #MinCup24
From: @MineralCup
Mineral Cup (
Attached: 1 image Hey look! A #MinCup24 blank bracket for you! (Anyone want to write our alt text? It’s been that kind of year.)Mastodon
Incidentally, it's also the weeked of the Budapest Mineral Show. Where people can vote for Mineral of the Year 2025 and Fossil of the Year 2025 😊 3 candidates each. The geologists at the booth are lobbying hard for their favorites. I was won over by the opal lobby. And got a button!
(Also pictured is a pink opal bracelet. Because pebbles!)
#MinCup24 #minerals #geology #shiny #jewelry #image
I posted about the Roses in the Mountains legends here in the last round:
Vote for underground rose gardens full of rhodochrosite flowers, and legendary Dwarf kingdoms 😄
#folklore #folktales #legends #minerals
Dr. Zalka Csenge Virág (
Today's #MinCup23 vote has my favorite: Rhodochrosite! #Thread There's a legend from South Tyrol about King Laurin's Rose Garden. (That part of the Dolomites is actually called Rosengarten)
Calcite reminds me of a story from Costa Rica. A chief called Nandayure owned a magic wand that could make disappear anything that contained calcium. One day he saw his people dancing, wearing lots of white body paint, and grew so angry at the decorations he aimed the wand at them. You know what else has calcium? Bones. Oops.
(He managed to reverse the spell by destroying the wand)
#folklore #folktales #minerals #gemstones #thread
*Cracks knuckles*
I'm voting corundum, because folklore (and because as a kid I had a book on gemstones, and padparadscha seemed so magical).
I'm going to make this a thread, because rubies and sapphires figure into a whole bunch of tales and legends.
#folklore #folktales #mythology #gems #minerals #thread #corundum
Stibnite is also known as kohl, used as an eyeliner since Ancient Egypt.
There in an Egyptian folktale where a dervish puts magic kohl on the eyes of a young man, rendering him invisible so he can sneak into the king's palace to see a princess.
A wily old woman catches the trespasser by burning buffalo dung - the rancid smoke makes the guy tear up, and the tears wash the magic kohl from his eyes. Oops.
#folktales #folklore #minerals
Fun fact, the Hungarian version of D&D had gemstone-based magic, and lucky characters got to use amethyst to purify alcoholic drinks 😄
#ttrpg #DnD #folklore #minerals #MinCup23 #mythology
Support quartz and vote for it here:
#TeamQuartz #MinCup23 #mineral #minerals @MineralCup 9/?
Round 1 Match 2
It’s time for familiar favourites! Do you prefer the ominous scarlet of Cinnabar, or the familiar charm of Quartz? One needs to be handled with care, while the other is the cornerstone of every childhood rock collection. Which will it be?Mika McKinnon (Mineral Cup)
So remember, whenever you check the time, you should thank the tiny little quartz crystal vibrating thousands of times a second!
Show your appreciation for quartz by voting here:
#TeamQuartz #MinCup23 #minerals #mineral 8/?
Round 1 Match 2
It’s time for familiar favourites! Do you prefer the ominous scarlet of Cinnabar, or the familiar charm of Quartz? One needs to be handled with care, while the other is the cornerstone of every childhood rock collection. Which will it be?Mika McKinnon (Mineral Cup)
Original photo © Garitzko:
#TeamQuartz #MinCup23 #minerals #mineral @MineralCup 6/?
© Ashley Van Haeften:
Make sure you vote for quartz here:
#TeamQuartz #MinCup23 #minerals #mineral @MineralCup 5/?
Round 1 Match 2
It’s time for familiar favourites! Do you prefer the ominous scarlet of Cinnabar, or the familiar charm of Quartz? One needs to be handled with care, while the other is the cornerstone of every childhood rock collection. Which will it be?Mika McKinnon (Mineral Cup)
Have you ever visited a museum or gallery and seen something carved out of rock crystal? Well that's just a colourless variety of quartz. This is a Fatimid (#Egyptian) jug carved from quartz, late 10th to early 11th century
Photo © Dallas Museum of Art
#TeamQuartz #MinCup23 #art #minerals #mineral @MineralCup 4/?
Vote for quartz here!
#geology #mineral #minerals @MineralCup 3/?
Round 1 Match 2
It’s time for familiar favourites! Do you prefer the ominous scarlet of Cinnabar, or the familiar charm of Quartz? One needs to be handled with care, while the other is the cornerstone of every childhood rock collection. Which will it be?Mika McKinnon (Mineral Cup)
#mineral #minerals #MinCup23 #TeamQuartz @MineralCup 2/?