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Beiträge, die mit minerals getaggt sind

War-torn Congo has a deal for Trump: President Tshisekedi wants help kicking out rebels in exchange for access to minerals used by US high-tech firms through the US Sovereign Wealth Fund launched last month

President Tshisekedi is also in negotiations with Trump ally and Blackwater founder Erik Prince to help collect and secure taxes from mining operations

#Trump #ErikPrince #Congo #Minerals #USSoverignWealthFund


Diese drei Steine sind es dann geworden.
Nichts wirklich überwältigendes aber zumindest Funde.

Der rote hat ein wenig Achatbäbderung.
Bei dem gelblichen vermute ich mal, das da oben drauf mal ein Amethyst saß, der aber verwittert ist.
Der andere mit der scharfen Farbtrennung, sieht einfach nur interessant aus.

Auf einer Hand liegen drei Steine im Sonnenlicht.
Unten mittig liegt ein Stein der oben und unten rötlich gefärbt ist und in der r Mitte ein breites weißes Band mit Löcher besitzt.
Links oben ist ein gelblicher Stein, der ein schmales Achatbanf mittig hat und oben etwas, das wie verwitterten Amethyst aussieht.
Der Stein recht ist mittig Farblich als auch vom Gestein unterschiedlich. Die eine Hälfte ist schwarz u d die andere Hälfte ist ein leicht rötliches Gestein.

Ich konnte das schöne Wetter einfach nicht zu Hause absitzen und da wir gut zu Nachmittag gegessen haben, war so ein Abstecher auf dem Acker zum Mineralien suchen, gar keine schlechte Idee.

Viele Funde habe ich nicht, einen Stein mit Achatbänder. Wobei ich den echt noch mal kräftig putzen muss.
Und, einen kleinen Calcedon. Der hat mich doch quer zu meiner Laufrichtung angelächelt.

Hier noch ein Bild in die untergehende Sonne.

Ich halte einen kleinen Calcedon zwischen Daumen und Zeigefinger in die Sonne.
Durch die Sonne leuchtet der Stein  blutorangefarben im Licht

#VanHollen called Friday’s display in the Oval Office “a despicable display of bullying” by #Trump & #JDVance against #Zelensky. He also characterized the Trump admin’s rare #minerals deal as an “#extortion” of #Ukraine.

#geopolitics #Russia #UnitedStates #MafiaState #RevengePolitics #authoritarianism #ForeignPolicy #allies #NATO #Europe

In another interview, on NBC’s Meet the Press, #Republican #House Speaker #MikeJohnson suggested that President Volodymyr #Zelensky of #Ukraine should step down if he doesn’t sign #Trump’s deal [#extortion] on rare #minerals & agree to end the #war. “Something has to change. Either he needs to come to his senses & come back to the table in gratitude, or someone else needs to lead the country to do that,” Johnson said.

#geopolitics #MafiaState #Putin #Russia #US #ForeignPolicy #RevengePolitics

Eine meiner Töchter und ich waren wieder auf einem Acker und haben nach Halbedelsteinen Ausschau gehalten.

Nach ner Stunde sind wir dann doch durchgefroren wieder nach Hause zum Aufwärmen. Trotz der Sonne, ist der Wind recht frisch und bläst durch alles durch und das bei 5 Grad. Aber eben auch trocken.

Meine Tochter ha zwei hübsch Steine gefunden, aber nichts "wichtiges". Bei mir ist einer dabei, der anscheinend ein schwaches Achatband hat. Das muss ich mir noch genauer ansehen.
Und dann der beste Fund für heute, ein Calcedon. Den habe ich sofort erkannt, obwohl ich bisher noch keinen gefunden hatte. Der war es einfach, gleich beim sehen erkannt.

Das warum, seht ihr im Bild


#Macron, practicing the #flattery that allied leaders often try to employ w/Trump, commends #Trump for working with #Ukraine’s president, #Zelensky, on the rare #minerals agreement.

“No one in this world wants to live in a world where it’s the #law of the strongest & international borders can be violated from one day to the next,‘” Macron said. This is a line Trump would never say — he talks of making a deal, but does not accuse #Russia of taking Ukrainian land.

#geopolitics #StandWithUkraine

#Trump once again makes false claims about #US & European #aid to #Ukraine, saying that America has spent $350B while #Europe has spent $100M. In fact, acc/to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Europe has allocated $138B compared with $119B from the United States.

Trump’s false claims on the sum the US has spent are the predicate for his demand that Ukraine pay upwards of $500B to the US under a still-being-negotiated #minerals agreement.

#FactCheck #TrumpLies #geopolitics

Me: "I like going to mineral shows."

Person A: "I know! I use crystals for healing too!"

Person B: "Actually I don't believe in crystal healing."

Me: "... actually I like geology."

Persons A and B: *blank stare*


#minerals #crystals #geology

It's the #MinCup24 finals! There were ups and downs, but my favorite Rhodochrosite has made it to the finals! Please vote for this lovely pink mineral that has inspired many legends 😊



For today's round of #MinCup24 the storytelling vote goes to copper 😄

It features into some of my favorite folktales and legends:

- The City of Brass (1001 Nights), where djinn are captured in copper vessels and adventurers explore a magical city

- The Copper Forest, a Hungarian folktale where one of the stereotypical three princesses is actually in love with the enemy king, and finds a way to marry him in the end

#folklore #folktales #storytelling #minerals

It’s Mineral Cup time! See below for the bracket. Who will be crowned king of the crystals this year? *You* might think this is low stakes, but if so you clearly haven’t met many geologists…

#geology #minerals #MinCup24

From: @MineralCup

So, it's September, and it's time for the Mineral Cup! My favorite time on Mastodon 🥰

Incidentally, it's also the weeked of the Budapest Mineral Show. Where people can vote for Mineral of the Year 2025 and Fossil of the Year 2025 😊 3 candidates each. The geologists at the booth are lobbying hard for their favorites. I was won over by the opal lobby. And got a button!

(Also pictured is a pink opal bracelet. Because pebbles!)

#MinCup24 #minerals #geology #shiny #jewelry #image
Bookmarks featuring the candidates. Mineral of the Year 2025 candidates are Opal, Hematite and Aragonite. Fossil of the Year candidates are Viviparus, radiolaria and Equisetites. The bookmarks say VOTE! in colorful letters. They also double as rulers.
Photo of the voting table. There is a cardboard box for the voting slips, decorated with photos of all the candidates. Also colorful information pamphlets on the candidates as well as bookmarks and postcards, and small baskets of giveaway minerals.
Up close photo of my hand, holding a button on my palm. Button has a photo of a colorful piece of opal, and a yellor border that reads "Mineral of the Year Candidate 2025 - Opal". I am also wearing a bracelet of pale pink opal pebbles.

They just announced Mineral and Fossil of the Year 2024 in Hungary! Mineral is corundum, and fossil is the woolly mammoth.
Also, Mineral Resource of the Year will be copper.


#minerals #MinCup23 #fossils #gems

Loot from today's mineral fair. A very pretty agate pendant, a charoite pendant, and some carnelian pebbles because the archeologist in me loves carnelian. 🥰

#minerals #shiny #jewelry #agate #carnelian #charoite #image
A bracelet made of irregular pebble shaped carnelian beads (about the size of peas), next to a teardrop shaped polished pebble that has white and black patterns with some vivid light purple (charoite) mixed in. The agate pendant is round, marbled black and white, with some branching dendrite features.
Close up of the two pendants, showing the back of the agate pendantwithwhite, black, and translucent stripes.
Close up of the two pendants, showing the front of the agate pendant with dendrite features. Part of the orange carnelian bracelet also visible.

Here is the Telluric Tarot card for zircon. It's the Knight of Pentacles, standing for hard work and determination (along with dandelions).

#MinCup23 #zircon #minerals #tarot #image
Watercolor tarot card showing an orange colored zircon crystal against a background of dandelions.

Also, rhodochrosite has its own card in the Telluric Tarot too 😊 It's the Knight of Cups.

#minerals #MinCup23 #tarot #image
Tarot card featuring a watercolor image of a rhodochrosite crystal surrounded by fir branches with reddish cones on them.

Today in #MinCup23 I am hoping rhodochrosite will win.
I posted about the Roses in the Mountains legends here in the last round:

Vote for underground rose gardens full of rhodochrosite flowers, and legendary Dwarf kingdoms 😄

#folklore #folktales #legends #minerals

For today's #MinCup23 match I already posted folklore (see retoots), but I just wanted to add that topaz is also a card in the Telluric Tarot deck, and I will never stop gushing about this deck 😄 Topaz is the Strength card, by the way.

#tarot #TarotCards #minerals #art #witchy #image
A tarot card depicting a watercolor image of a topaz crystal surrounded by aloe vera leafs and flowers. The card has a yellow-orange color palette. The text says IX - Topaz & Aloe Vera

Today's #MinCup23 match is calcite vs opal. This'll be a thread.

Calcite reminds me of a story from Costa Rica. A chief called Nandayure owned a magic wand that could make disappear anything that contained calcium. One day he saw his people dancing, wearing lots of white body paint, and grew so angry at the decorations he aimed the wand at them. You know what else has calcium? Bones. Oops.
(He managed to reverse the spell by destroying the wand)
#folklore #folktales #minerals #gemstones #thread

Today's #MinCup23 match is corundum vs lawsonite.

*Cracks knuckles*

I'm voting corundum, because folklore (and because as a kid I had a book on gemstones, and padparadscha seemed so magical).

I'm going to make this a thread, because rubies and sapphires figure into a whole bunch of tales and legends.


#folklore #folktales #mythology #gems #minerals #thread #corundum

Don't have any folklore for today's #MinCup23 match, but I am voting cavansite because I have a very nice little specimen of it at home.


I don't have anything folkloric to say about today's #MinCup23 match, but they are both featured in the Telluric Tarot by Lunaria Gold (my favorite deck ever).

Crocoite is 7 of Wands, dioptase is Page of Cups.

#tarot #minerals #art #flowers
Photo of two colorful tarot cards. The one on the left features large green-blue dioptase crystals surrounded by lilies of the valley. The one on the right has spiky red crocoite crystals surrounded by yellow furze flowers.

Today's #MinCup23 match is stibnite vs sodalite.

Stibnite is also known as kohl, used as an eyeliner since Ancient Egypt.

There in an Egyptian folktale where a dervish puts magic kohl on the eyes of a young man, rendering him invisible so he can sneak into the king's palace to see a princess.

A wily old woman catches the trespasser by burning buffalo dung - the rancid smoke makes the guy tear up, and the tears wash the magic kohl from his eyes. Oops.

#folktales #folklore #minerals

There is a "Greek myth" going around in esoteric circles about Dionysus and Amethyst, but it's actually a 17th century fakelore invention. Probably based on this belief.

Fun fact, the Hungarian version of D&D had gemstone-based magic, and lucky characters got to use amethyst to purify alcoholic drinks 😄

#ttrpg #DnD #folklore #minerals #MinCup23 #mythology

Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz whose colour is caused by iron replacing silicon and then exposure to gamma radiation. Its name comes from the Greek amethystos (not drunk) - it was thought that amethyst could cure drunkenness 🥴 #TeamQuartz #MinCup23 #minerals #mineral @MineralCup 10/?
A cluster of shiny purple amethyst crystals.

Label text: Quartz var. amethyst SiO2. South America. BIRUG 29432.

Quartz often contains inclusions of other minerals, such as this rutilated quartz glowing in the morning sunshine in the NHM London Mineral Gallery 🌟

Support quartz and vote for it here: https://mineralcup.org/2023/campaigns/round-1-match-2

#TeamQuartz #MinCup23 #mineral #minerals @MineralCup 9/?
A hexagonal crystal of quartz filled with golden needles of rutile. There are so many rutile needles inside, it almost looks like a mass of golden hair.

Label text: Fine bronze needles in quartz (Venus hair stone). Piz Aul, Switzerland.

This website provides a great summary of how quartz clocks work: http://explainthatstuff.com/quartzclockwatch.html

So remember, whenever you check the time, you should thank the tiny little quartz crystal vibrating thousands of times a second!

Show your appreciation for quartz by voting here: https://www.mineralcup.org/2023/campaigns/round-1-match-2

#TeamQuartz #MinCup23 #minerals #mineral 8/?

A quartz oscillator is used to regulate time inside most watches and clocks. This is because quartz is piezoelectric, which means that when it’s squeezed, it generates an electric current. This also works the other way round too: when an electric current passes through it, it vibrates at a certain frequency. The quartz oscillator is circled in the picture below

Original photo © Garitzko: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Armbanduhr_Rueckseite.jpg
#TeamQuartz #MinCup23 #minerals #mineral @MineralCup 6/?
The inside of a basic ISA K63 low priced quartz wristwatch movement. Bottom right quartz crystal oscillator (circled in red). Bottom left button cell watch battery. Top right oscillator counter. Top left the coil of the stepper motor that powers the watch hands.

Just look at all the detail you can carve into quartz! This is the Lothair Crystal, a 11.5cm wide piece of rock crystal engraved with scenes from a biblical story

© Ashley Van Haeften: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lothair_Crystal

Make sure you vote for quartz here: https://www.mineralcup.org/2023/campaigns/round-1-match-2

#TeamQuartz #MinCup23 #minerals #mineral @MineralCup 5/?
A circular piece of colourless quartz mounted in an ornate golden frame. There are several scenes carved into the quartz showing people interacting with each other.

Art lovers! Vote quartz! There's a long history of quartz being carved into beautiful pieces.

Have you ever visited a museum or gallery and seen something carved out of rock crystal? Well that's just a colourless variety of quartz. This is a Fatimid (#Egyptian) jug carved from quartz, late 10th to early 11th century

Photo © Dallas Museum of Art

#TeamQuartz #MinCup23 #art #minerals #mineral @MineralCup 4/?
A jug carved from colourless quartz. There are various animals and floral patterns carved into the quartz. The base, handle and lid/spout are made of gold with colourful enamelling.

I know many people are upset ice didn't make it into #MinCup23. Well, why not vote #TeamQuartz? The oldest name for quartz is the Greek word κρύσταλλος (kristallos) which was first used 300-325 BCE. Kristallos means cold - it was believed that crystals were a type of ice that couldn't melt because it was made by the gods ❄❄❄

Vote for quartz here! https://www.mineralcup.org/2023/campaigns/round-1-match-2

#geology #mineral #minerals @MineralCup 3/?

A fact for the #etymology nerds! The word quartz describes one of its physical properties. It comes from the German word "Quarz" which has origins in various Slavic words for "hard" (e.g., Czech "tvrdý", Polish "twardy", Serbian/Croatian "tvrd"). Quartz is a pretty hard mineral as it's 7 on the Mohs hardness scale

#mineral #minerals #MinCup23 #TeamQuartz @MineralCup 2/?
The Mohs hardness scale. The left column shows the hardness of minerals: Talc is 1, gypsum is 2, calcite is 3, fluorite is 4, apatite is 5, orthoclase is 6, quartz is 7, topaz is 8, corundum is 9, diamond is 10.

The right hand column shows the hardness of various everyday objects: A fingernail is 2.5, a copper penny is 3.5, a knife/glass plate is 5.5, a steel nail is 6.5, a masonry drill bit is 8.5.