Beiträge, die mit work getaggt sind
Montenegro: ‘Ekipa’, the first union magazine run by youth and for youth
The first issue of 'Ekipa', which translates from Montenegrin as ‘the team’, was launched in January 2025.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
> Google Cofounder Exhorts Employees to Work 60-Hour Weeks to Create AI Designed to Replace Them
But yea, the #tech #HigherEd and #academia are rushing to embrace, including certain small campuses with #librarians who should know better.
#AI #Internet #assholes #BringBackGuillotines #jobs #work #labor #exploitation
Google Cofounder Exhorts Employees to Work 60-Hour Weeks to Create AI Designed to Replace Them
A top boss at Google has made it clear that employees should make enormous sacrifices to develop AGI, as long as it makes him money.Joe Wilkins (Futurism)
«OpenAI searches for an answer to its copyright problems:
Why is OpenAI paying publishers if it already took their work?»
#openai #ai #ki #copyright #work #stealing #industry #copyleft #cc
OpenAI searches for an answer to its copyright problems
OpenAI made deals with publishers — after it had already taken their work. There are only a few ways that makes sense, and one of them points to a new future for the web.Elizabeth Lopatto (The Verge)
#blog #it #tech #work
Don't put me in a box
I'm trying to find a new assignment as a self-employed Test Consultant, and this confronts me with some facets of job searching that I don't really enjoy.Maaike Brinkhof (Maaike Brinkhof's blog)
#technology #tech #it #business #work #workculture #techdebt #blog #indieweb #smallweb
"Ask for forgiveness, not permission" – The Real Cost of Moving Too Fast
In Germany, there’s a saying: “Besser um Vergebung bitten als um Erlaubnis fragen” ("Better to ask for forgiveness than permission") or “Gleich mal Fakten schaffen” ("Make decisions fast and set facts").The IT Blog
'Sure, you might feel like you’re temporarily winning because you’re working more hours than the “opposing team”, but where does all of this end? Working the occasional overtime isn’t going to kill anyone, but doing it repeatedly and gleefully as part of your identity just might.'
No, Elon, ‘working the weekend’ is not a superpower
We urgently need to push back on unhealthy narratives that demand we work more and harder.Tim Duggan (The Sydney Morning Herald)
If your work requires Microsoft Intune or similar MDM, to get email/teams/slack. don't accept it. It opens your device up for them to access private data and disable/delete your phone (even if they say they wont, they can)
#privacy #android #iphone #work #email #outlook #microsoft
Never accept an MDM policy on your personal phone
In this new age of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), employees can bring personally owned devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc...) to their workplace, and to use those devices to access privileged company information and applications.Christopher Demicoli (
New paper by Martin Krzywdzinski & Florian Butollo:
#work #labor #digitalization #covid #socialscience #research #sociology #openaccess @WZB_Berlin @WZB_GlobalWork @towardsfairwork
The COVID-19 Crisis, Digitalization, and Organizational Change
A new Discussion Paper by Martin Krzywdzinski and Florian Butollo presents the findings of the research project “Automatization, digitalization and virtualization of work in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis.”Weizenbaum Institut
Charlotte Bailey for Prospect #UK:
#Longreads #Journalism #Reporting #Asbestos #Industry #Health #Toxic #Work
Asbestos: A Corporate Coverup, a Public Health Catastrophe
"In the UK, thousands of people are still dying every year from exposure to the asbestos fibres in our homes, schools and workplaces. My dad was one of them."Cheri Lucas Rowlands (Longreads)
Less doing, more describing · “One of the simplest ways to improve your work.”
#Communication #Marketing #Promotion #Narrative #Work #Product #Blog #Website
Research & Development would like to remind you that unauthorized time shifts do NOT count towards overtime.
If you feel that the regular flow of time has been broken, slowed, accelerated, or [CLASSIFIED], then alert local authorities as immediately as may be possible.
This message brought to you by the Office of for the Preservation of Normalcy.
#ttrpg #time #work
Office for the Preservation of Normalcy - I feel confident enough to post these now. A...
I feel confident enough to post these now. A collection of all the existing posters after some edits from the other post that got 13k notes! These are full size/quality. Go nuts. You may use them for wallpapers, tabletop campaigns, whatever.preservationofnormalcy (Office for the Preservation of Normalcy)
Even allowing for the fact that Iceland's economy is not a direct parallel to the UK, this report should encourage us to shift to a four day work week!
I think it comes down to the appearance of the words, for me, since they're how I learnt English, it's more aesthetically pleasing, and honestly that's how I edit and write anyway -- does it look/feel correct? Then yes, it is correct. It's like I learnt the rules and then internalised the appearance as the right kind of beautiful (this is how edit grammar and punctuation, too)
Please note that I'm not saying that the version of English I use is more correct than any other English, language or dialect! I'm just musing on how I experience writing and editing and how it feels to do the work I do
#work #writing #thoughts #editing #learning
But today I feel better, and focused, and I need a job.
So if anyone in LA needs a lead host and waiter with about a decade of experience, who can also do prep work, cashiering and simple barista work for pretty much any job imaginable (I wouldn't mind trying something new):
We should talk :D
#jobs #losangelesfires #work #jobsearch #jobhunt
5. Parenting being unpaid, but a lot of work, often makes the main-carer parent a dependent of one kind or another. Being dependent can be quite a powerless, even humiliating, position in society.
#Society #Work #Labor #Money
Conflict in South Korea reopens wounds examined by 2024 Nobel laureate
When the Nobel committee recognized Han Kang in October for her body of work exploring “the fragility of human life,” it could not have known how relevant the theme would feel in South Korea just two months later.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
With a Trump administration on the horizon, the future of the FTC is in doubt. But the coalition for a new privacy law includes many of Trumpland's most powerful blocs – like Jan 6 rioters whose location was swept up by Google and handed over to the FBI. A strong privacy law would protect their Fourth Amendment rights – but also the rights of BLM protesters who experienced this far more often, and with far worse consequences, than the insurrectionists.
The "we do it with an app, so it's not illegal" ruse is wearing thinner by the day. When you have a boss for an app, your real boss gets an accountability sink, a convenient scapegoat that can be blamed for your misery.
The fact that this makes you worse at your job, that it loses your boss money, is no guarantee that you will be spared. Rich people make great marks, and they can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. Markets won't solve this one – but worker power can."
#Work #WageSlavery #WorkerSurveillance #Bossware #Privacy #AI #DataProtection #FTC #USA
#WritingCommunity #WriterCommunity #BloggingCommunity #BloggerCommunity #WednesdayWeeklyBloggingChallenge #Challenge #Wednesday #blog #Weekends #Work #Workaholic
Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: How I Spend My Weekends
Hi everyone! I hope you’re all well. Today is Wednesday, and it’s time for another post in the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge hosted by Long and Short Reviews. If you’d like …GEORGE L THOMAS
The conversation at the Radio Academy event in London entitled 'Is Radio Racist?' became heated when the chairman, 'LBC' morning show presenter James O’Brien [JO], was questioned by 'BBC Five Live' overnight presenter Dotun Adebayo [DA] about the absence of ethnic...
[continues]#radio #radioindustry #media #broadcasting #racism #discrimination #grantgoddard #work #job #employment
Check it out and let me know what you think!
#OMG #LOL #Blog #Post #Website #Author #Writer #Blogger #Loops #Work #HSTPathways #NewJob
Editor's Note: Vacation is 'Vacation' for Many Grassroots Journalists - HorizonMass
Another reason why BINJ can use your support during our big annual fundraiserJASON PRAMAS (HorizonMass)
The Implications Of Remote Work Conference | Brilliant and Brief: PhD Lightening Talks
The Hoover Institution and Stanford Institute of Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) along with additional support from the Templeton Foundation hosted a virtua...YouTube