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Beiträge, die mit China getaggt sind


Beiträge, die mit China getaggt sind

Oh boy.

#InternationalPolitics really is a game of poker between the big 4 now.

- #Russia has forced itself at the table
- #China trusts no one
- the #USA is going all in
- and the #EU hasn't even picked up its cards to dare a look


China property giant Vanke reports annual loss of $6.8 bn

> #HongKong-listed #Vanke is part-owned by the government of #Shenzhen and was #China's fourth-largest #realestate firm by sales last year, according to research firm CRIC.

> Vanke has seen [..] the resignation of its CEO [..] the company said was "due to health reasons".

> That month, Chinese outlet the Economic Reporter cited sources as saying Zhu had been "taken away by public security authorities" https://today.rtl.lu/news/business-and-tech/a/2290318.html #economy

#Groundbreaking | First year of Article 23 law not just a few cases | Chris Yeung | At Large

📖Read the full article: IG Story link


On the face of it, the 2024 NSL has been implemented with restraint. But from a broader perspective, the overall impacts of the two national security legislations have been enormous and profound.

True, the number of sedition cases is small. But the cases and the law itself...
#law #politics #journalism #China #HongKong #China

"A prominent computer scientist who has spent 20 years publishing academic papers on cryptography, privacy, and cybersecurity has gone incommunicado, had his professor profile, email account, and phone number removed by his employer, Indiana University, and had his homes raided by the FBI. No one knows why.

Xiaofeng Wang has a long list of prestigious titles. He was the associate dean for research at Indiana University's Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, a fellow at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a tenured professor at Indiana University at Bloomington. According to his employer, he has served as principal investigator on research projects totaling nearly $23 million over his 21 years there.

He has also co-authored scores of academic papers on a diverse range of research fields, including cryptography, systems security, and data privacy, including the protection of human genomic data. I have personally spoken to him on three occasions for articles here, here, and here."


#USA #Universities #HighedEd #IndianaUniversity #FBI #China

#Jingzhi #Media #Group has officially launched Jingzhi #Chronicle, an English-language #platform dedicated to #decoding #China’s rapidly evolving #consumer #landscape. Building on the success of its #Chinese counterpart, Jingzhi #Zhijie, the platform aims to equip #global #brands, #investors, and #industry #leaders with #culturally nuanced #insights into the country’s “Neo-#Luxury #Era”, where #sophistication, #cultural depth, and #innovation redefine #consumption. https://cnbusinessforum.com/chinas-neo-luxury-era-jingzhi-chronicle-unveils-2025-market-insights/

I also think your presidents visit to #Trump did some good & was very important.

But different than most think. I believe that it was a distraction and he was pulling the attention from something else. In consultation with the other European Powers.

But I don't know exactly what it is.

Only that, starting with the Ukrainians in Feb., there have been some delegations coming & going to #China.

Including a visit of Putins "Joker" (#Shoigu) and France.

🔸Sismo en el sudeste asiático

#Myanmar _ Dos aviones procedentes de #India han aterrizado en la ciudad birmana de Naipydó. Este vuelo representa uno de los primeros contingentes humanitarios procedentes del extranjero. En las próximas horas se espera, además, que #China envíe un convoy de 17 camiones con insumos esenciales.

La gravedad de la crisis se acentúa ante la destrucción que han sufrido las redes aeroportuaria y vial.

How Elon Musk’s SpaceX Secretly Allows Investment From China

As a U.S. military contractor, SpaceX sees allowing Chinese ownership as fraught. But it will allow the investment if it comes through secrecy hubs like the Cayman Islands, court records say. “It is certainly a policy of obfuscation,” an expert said.

#News #ElonMusk #SpaceX #China #Investing #Business #Musk


Pretty much everyone with rank & name internationally has been in or around #China recently !

Exept #Trump who is been visited for a friendly golf match in his finca.


Anybody else see the "Maralago Accords " as extortion on a global scale??

*in a NY mafioso accent:
"Oh, ya wanna do bidness with the US?? You're gonna need to pay for protection"

#uspol #trump #treasury #china #trade #international

US to send advanced military hardware to Philippines

> Deterrence is necessary around the world, but specifically in this region, in your country, considering the threats from the communist Chinese, and that friends need to stand shoulder-to-shoulder to deter conflict,” the #US defense chief told Marcos, according to a transcript.

> The #Philippines is embroiled in tensions with #China over contending territorial claims in the #SouthChinaSea https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/philippine/pete-hegseth-visits-manila-meets-with-philippines-president-marcos-03282025155827.html #SouthEastAsia

🇬🇧 China, Russia, and Other International Rescue Teams Arrive in Myanmar. By MPA
🇮🇹 Cina, Russia e altre squadre internazionali di soccorso in arrivo in Myanmar Di MPA
Fonte---> https://t.me/MyanmarUprisingMedia/86
#Myanmar #earthquake #china #russia #india

China plant ambitionierte Weltraummissionen: Von Mars-Proben bis zur Erforschung des Neptunmonds Triton. Das "Deep Space Exploration Laboratory" treibt die Pläne voran. #Raumfahrt #China https://winfuture.de/news,149930.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

In #China platzt die KI-Blase bereits: Viele neu gebaute Datenzentren stehen leer und Schmuggler bleiben auf Nvidia-Chips sitzen. https://winfuture.de/news,149920.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Hegseth commits US to defense of Pacific territories against China

> US Defense Secretary #PeteHegseth has reaffirmed the Trump administration’s defense commitments to America’s Pacific territories of Guam and Northern Mariana Islands and that any attack on them would be an attack on the mainland.

> Hegseth touched down in Guam from Hawaii on Thursday as part of an Indo-Pacific tour, [..] in which he is seeking to shore up traditional alliances to counter #China https://www.benarnews.org/english/news/pacific/guam-china-hegseth-03272025211828.html
U.S. Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth speaks to service members at the Defense Personnel Accounting Agency on Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, U.S. Mar. 25, 2025.

 (DOD/Madelyn Keech via Reu

China brandishes cutter for snipping deep-sea cables

> #China has unveiled a compact device for cutting deep-sea cables, introducing a potential new dimension in underwater warfare.

> This month, the South China Morning Post (SCMP) reported that China has unveiled a deep-sea cable-cutting device capable of slicing through the world’s most fortified undersea communication and power cables at depths of up to 4,000 meters. https://asiatimes.com/2025/03/china-brandishes-cutter-for-snipping-deep-sea-cables/#
Move signals growing militarization of ocean floor, where critical infrastructure vulnerabilities intersect with strategic power projection

After a lengthy & detailed discussion of the Court of the Tangerine Tyrant's political attack on Columbia University, @adamtooze makes an interesting argument about the next major problem for the university sector in the USA; the likely attrition against China, which will then cause significant issues for a sector dependent on both Chinese Students & funding for China related academic undertakings.

There may be (more) trouble ahead

#politics #China #universities


Online-Betrug ist ein profitables Geschäft. In #Südostasien lassen Mafiagruppen Zwangsarbeiter dafür schuften. Nun gehen die Behörden in #Thailand und #China strenger dagegen vor. #Ausbeutung https://www.nd-aktuell.de/artikel/1190102.menschenhandel-milliardengeschaeft-mit-online-zwangsarbeit.html

An interesting way to look at the influence of #China (#PRC) on other #countries: the #ChinaIndex.

The highest-"ranking" country in Europe is mine: #Germany.

»The China Index seeks to establish an interactive world map that visualizes the PRC‘s evolving influence in different countries. The Index captures PRC influence across nine Domains: #Academia, Domestic Politics, #Economy, Foreign Policy, #Law Enforcement, #Media, #Military, #Society, and #Technology. Each of these Domains contains 11 Indicators corresponding to an observable phenomenon of PRC influence, and presents comparable data collected by regional partners through collaboration with local experts.«


Exclusive: Secretive Chinese network tries to lure fired federal workers, research shows


A network of companies operated by a secretive Chinese tech firm has been trying to recruit recently laid-off U.S. government workers, according to job ads and a researcher who uncovered the campaign.

#Musk #DOGE #China #USA #MAGA #firings #Trump #press

"DOGE’s approach to the #Pentagon is unlikely to produce significant savings long-term. Those require a pivot away from the US grand strategy of global military dominance and the #hubris that comes with it. President #Trump seems to have some understanding that the Pentagon budget is overkill. Only a month ago he expressed interest in arms control agreements with #China and #Russia...

But then..."

"#DOGE wants to cut the Pentagon — by 0.07%" 🤣🤭🤡

https://responsiblestatecraft.org/doge-pentagon-2671396652/ #diplomacy #

I see a lot of people discussing the USofA government sharing plans to start a war with China with a journalist on Signal.

I see nobody talking about the USofA government planning to start a war with China.

#uspol #Signal #Journalist #War #China

"It's because of China alone, really, that the entire world now has an abundance of cheap manufactured goods, from gadgets to air conditioners, and increasingly higher-end items like cars. But it hasn't significantly redounded to the benefit of Chinese shareholders. There's been a bit of a rally lately, but mostly it's been pretty dead money.

I think there is a sense in which successful efforts like China’s Made in 2025 initiative can be understood as an Operation Warp Speed policy across several key industries that have managed to harness private initiative but also made it so that private industry keeps plowing those profits back into more research and investment, leaving little left over for the shareholder.

And so what I worry about when I read Thompson and Klein talk about Operation Warp Speed is that they're right, and that this kind of public-private interplay is necessary for actual abundance, but that the US economy, as it operates, can't withstand the sustained, costly investment necessary for it to work; that our existing economic model has too much riding on a perpetual rise in the value of financial assets and that this would be threatened if profits keep having to get reinvested for the public good.

And that, therefore, what reads like a happy, wonky replication of a successful endeavor actually amounts to a dramatic rethinking of our political economy that would require a tremendous amount of will on both sides of the aisle, and a totally new way of establishing broad-based economic stability. It might be good and necessary, but getting there is a political project far beyond getting liberals to see things through a new lens."


#USA #China #Abundance #Manufacturing #Liberals #Economy #Liberals

wir müssen nur Taiwan ausklammern und die Uiguren und die vielen ungerechtfertigten Hinrichtungen, dass das Rechtssystem Sippenhaft betreibt und dass China jeden mit brachialer Gewalt unterdrückt, der andere Meinungen auch nur zur Kenntnis nimmt. Also einfach jegliches Gewissen ausklammern.
Aber dann ist China ein großartiger Partner für "Die Wirtschaft". Hauptsache die deutschen Konzerne fahren Gewinne für die ohnehin schon viel zu reichen Aktionäre ein.
Zum Kotzen!


Wirtschaftstreffen in Peking: Buhlen um die Gunst europäischer Konzerne

Chinas Führung hat zum alljährlichen China Development Forum geladen. Dort sind Europäer jetzt viel gefragter als zuvor. Und Trump macht es China leichter, sich als zuverlässiger Partner zu präsentieren. Von M.v. Mallinckrodt und B.Eyssel.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/weltwirtschaft/china-development-forum-wirtschaftstreffen-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#China #ChinaDevelopmentForum

E-Mobilität: Chinesischer Autobauer BYD steigert Gewinn deutlich

Der chinesische Autohersteller BYD hat 2024 seinen Gewinn um ein gutes Drittel gesteigert. Beim Umsatz zogen die Chinesen jetzt sogar an Tesla vorbei. In Deutschland will BYD sein Händlernetz ausbauen.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/byd-autobauer-china-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#BYD #Autohersteller #China

The US elites are fighting with time against a demographic shift that is overdue. Inevitably this will be a political shift, affecting the UK Fr De Israel oligarchs (Anglo Saxons and Zionists united). The demographic shift in the US causes anglo-saxon-franco-zionists to become a minority in their own empire. Hence the brutal and abrupt hostility against rivals of this global hegemony, Russia, China, India, Islam.

#neoliberalism #marxism #totalitarianism
#Russia #China #India #BRICS

China plant freiwillige Exportbeschränkungen nach japanischem Vorbild aus den 1980ern. Ziel: US-Zölle und Handelsbarrieren vermeiden. Fokus auf E-Fahrzeuge und Batterien. #China #Handelspolitik https://winfuture.de/news,149788.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia