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Even deeper in the lunar mythology rabbit hole:

There are ancient Greek sources that claim that the Fair Helen came from the Moon.
According to them, Moon people were fifteen times larger than us and laid eggs instead of giving birth. And since Helen came from an egg, she had to be a Moon woman.

Please readjust your Iliad retellings to include an 80-foot tall lunar Helen accordingly.

#mythology #GreekMythology #storytelling
You’d think she could have saved a lot of bother and unnecessary horse-building by stepping over the fabled walls of Troy and propelling herself home on a trireme.
being 80 feet tall must have made it easier to launch all those ships.
The Man in the Moon is a rabbit to the Chinese..
But it's a hare to ancient Celts in Ireland, possibly because there were no rabbits till the Normans brought them in the 12th C.
The Romans probably kept rabbits in Britain, but the rabbit wasn't established till the Normans brought them.

I know you didn't mean a literal rabbit hole.

Scary Helen.
Helen went to Egypt and her cloud hologram went to Troy., so she could be any size. Arriving in two eggs with her brothers and sisters in Sparta is very Kryptonian. Bits of the eggshell hang still in the acropolis. The Spartan secret police were called krypteia. At 12 boys wore only a red cloak.

The Greeks learnt from the Egyptians that the moon had not always been there. But that's another tale.
this is news to me! 🤯