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Beiträge, die mit marriage getaggt sind

spouse: owning a bike is like eating chips in church. people look at you like you're an idiot, but secretly they want one

me: people look at you like you're an idiot when you're out on your bike?

him: people look at me like I'm an idiot no matter what I do

I mean, I think he's wrong, but points for self-deprecating humor, dude 😆💜


If you've been thinking about Divorce - now is the time.

Project 2025 will make your marriage a noose around your neck you can not get out of.

My advice to young women? Don't get married at all until the christo-fascists are out of power. You will certainly regret it. You will be property, not a person.


#Marriage #Divorce #CivilRights #HumanRights #WomensRights
A stick figure drawing of a man in a maga hat who has a woman on a leash. The woman is crawling on the ground, while the man walks behind her holding the leash as if she were a dog. He is smiling. She is sad. Text reads Do Not Get MARRIED!!

We talk a lot on our show about the... erm... complicated marriage between the #AncientGreek gods Zeus & Hera (tl;dr: siblings, who are married. Zeus often cheats on Hera. Hera brutally punishes the mortal who Zeus cheated with).

In one of our myth ret-cons, I recast Io as Dr. Io, a therapist who finally got Zeus and Hera to break up 😂

📷 :https://philamuseum.org/collection/object/19555

#MythologyMonday #Zeus #Hera #Marriage #Io #Art #MastoArt #Museum #GreekMytholgoy #GrecoRomanMyth #mythology #myths
Drawing titled Jupiter and Juno (1631). The detailed line drawing shows a man with a beard (Zeus) lounging on a throne with a woman in a crown (Hera), looking lovingly at him. In the bottom left of the image is a large bird.

कृष्णा गांव के ग्रामीणों की प्रेरणादायक पहल: सामूहिक प्रयास से बेटियों का कन्यादान।


#uttarakhand #dehradun #india #press #news #inspirational #rural #village #CommunitySupport #marriage #NewThinking

Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters

#Voting isn’t #marriage – it’s public transport.

You are not waiting for ‘the one’ who is absolutely perfect. You are getting the bus. And if there isn’t one going exactly to your destination, you don’t stay at home … you take the one going closest to where you want to be.

You don't ask what the packages are the bus driver keeps dropping in quarters of the town you couldn't even find on a map. You don't ask why hospitals, kindergartens and mosques explode, only seconds after the ride goes on, with everybody still inside of the buildings.

When you see other passengers vowing they'll never take that bus again, you remind them of their real destination, which is the shopping center, and that the bus driver feels absolutely miserable about "whats going on". If they persist, you point your fingers at them and scream "antisemitism", or "the seats for non-whites are in the back."

Voting isn’t marriage – it’s public transport.

#democracy #Gaza

Iraq slashes legal age of consent to nine years old – so old men can marry young children - World News - Mirror Online


It is an irony of logic that the people who are least suitable for #marriage get married the greatest number of times.
Hedy Lamarr seated in a large white divan in 1938