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Beiträge, die mit Somalia getaggt sind

Somali Journalist Falls Victim to Al-Shabaab Blast in Mogadishu #Somalia #WestAfrica #AlShabaab #Blast #falls #journalist #Mogadishu #Somali #victim

Somalia Calls for UN Investigation of Israeli Strikes, Supports Gaza Ceasefire #NorthAfrica #Somalia #WestAfrica #calls #ceasefire #Gaza #investigation #Israeli #Somalia #strikes #supports

US and Israel Consider African Nations for Gaza Refugees #NorthAfrica #Somalia #WestAfrica #African #Gaza #Israel #nations #refugees

#US and Israel look to #Africa for moving #Palestinians uprooted from #Gaza
The contacts with #Sudan, Somalia and the breakaway region of #Somalia known as Somaliland reflect the determination by the U.S. and #Israel to press ahead with a plan that has been widely condemned and raised serious legal and moral issues.

Somalia and North Western State of Somalia Deny Plans to Resettle Gaza Palestinians #NorthAfrica #Somalia #WestAfrica #deny #Gaza #north #Palestinians #plans #Resettle #Somalia #state #western

Sudan Declines U.S. Proposal to Host Palestinians in Gaza Plan #NorthAfrica #Somalia #WestAfrica #Declines #Gaza #host #Palestinians #plan #proposal #Sudan #U.S

⚡#America's 🇺🇸 President #Trump has banned all travel from the following nations:

#Afghanistan 🇦🇫
#Yemen 🇾🇪
#Iran 🇮🇷
#Libya 🇱🇾
#Syria 🇸🇾
#NorthKorea 🇰🇵
#Somalia 🇸🇴
#Bhutan 🇧🇹
#Venezuela 🇻🇪
#Cuba 🇨🇺
#Sudan 🇸🇩

32 additional countries have also received restrictions, although not total outright bans. Follow for updates

#SomaliaSomalia Declines U.S. Plan to Relocate Gaza Inhabitants #Somalia #Declines #Gaza #inhabitants #plan #Relocate #Somalia #Trump #U.S #US

The #USA and #Israel have reached out to officials of #Sudan , #Somalia and #Somaliland to discuss using their territories as potential destinations for resettling #Palestinians uprooted from #Gaza under President #Trump 's proposed postwar plan. Don't have these states/regions already enough problems and conflicts ?


#North Africa #Somalia #West AfricaUS and Israel Consider Relocating Palestinians to Africa #NorthAfrica #Somalia #WestAfrica #Africa #Israel #Palestinians #Relocating

#usa #israel #palestine : #gaza / #ethniccleansing

„Officials from #Sudan, #Somalia and the breakaway region of #Somaliland were contacted regarding the proposal, the AP reported, citing U.S. and Israeli officials as sources.“


See also:
„US and Israel look to Africa for resettling Palestinians uprooted from war-torn Gaza“

Flüchtlingscamp Dadaab: Was, wenn die US-Gelder ausbleiben?

Es ist eines der größten Flüchtlingscamps der Welt: Dadaab, im Norden Kenias, an der Grenze zu Somalia. Fallen die US-Hilfsgelder aus, spüren es die Menschen hier als erstes. Von Karin Bensch.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/afrika/dadaab-kenia-usaid-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#USAID #Kenia #Somalia #Dadaab

Help my displaced aunt in Somalia find housing



What exactly does "#Trump" have to do with the reiteration of a #Pentagon statement?

I'll tell ya. They want to maintain his image as "untrustworthy rogue", even as he slaps you in the face with the truth so you stop believing the truth of your government's #Imperialism, for one.

The: "...Pentagon's initital assessment is that multiple ISIS operatives were killed, and ... (🤣) no civilians were harmed..."

Trump announces airstrikes against #ISIS targets in #Somalia

USA führen Luftangriff auf IS-Terroristen in Somalia aus

Die USA haben nach eigenen Angaben bei einem Luftangriff in Somalia mehrere IS-Terroristen getötet. Präsident Trump sprach von einem gezielten Angriff auf ein ranghohes Mitglied - einige Details bleiben offen.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/afrika/somalia-luftschlag-usa-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#USA #Somalia #IS

Selektive Empathie?
Norwegischer Flüchtlingsrat
„Im Sudan herrscht größte Hungerkrise – und die Welt zuckt nur mit den Schultern“
Der Norwegische Flüchtlingsrat wirft der internationalen Gemeinschaft vor, die humanitäre Krise im #Sudan zu vernachlässigen. Die Lage in dem nordafrikanischen Land sei dramatischer als in der #Ukraine, in #Gaza und in #Somalia zusammen, sagte Generalsekretär Egeland der Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

Die humanitäre Krise im #Sudan ist größer als die Krisen in der #Ukraine, #Gaza und #Somalia zusammen.
Es stehen 24 Millionen Menschenleben auf dem Spiel.


About the refuges and warmongers


As a result of the wars unleashed by the U.S. after September 11, 2001, 38,000,000 civilians were displaced.
This is the second highest result in world history. Only World War II resulted in more refugees.
Direct military aggressions, the so-called "war on terror" which led to the creation of ISIS, and economic strangulation have all led to disastrous consequences for the people of a number of states in the Middle East and North Africa, forcing ordinary people to flee their homes, cities, villages and states to other countries.

According to a report https://t.co/MLXyekTZTQ by the Watson Institute for International Studies (an interdisciplinary research center at Brown University, Rhode Island, USA) and with the assistance of Boston University:

1. #Afghanistan - 5.9 million refugees
2. #Pakistan - 3.7 million refugees
3. #Yemen - 4.6 million refugees
4. #Somalia - 4.3 million refugees
5. #Philippines - 1.8 million refugees
6. #Libya - 1.2 million refugees
7. #Syria - 7.1 million refugees

The report is based on data from 2001 to 2020 + some data collected in 2021.
It is based on the UN data, U.S. documents and information from public sources.

However, the report itself states that 38,000,000 is a very conservative estimate and in reality, the figure can reach from 49,000,000 to 60,000,000, which actually reaches the figures of World War II.


To these processes can be added the huge number of refugees from #Ukraine after the U.S.-backed coup d'état and civil war that broke out there.

#nato #NATO #military #occupation #war #europe #eu #poland #USA #us #britain #germany #france #italy #canada #australia #qatar #refugees #poverty #Iraq #Libya #Afghanistan #western #warmongers #deepstate #history