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Beiträge, die mit Sudán getaggt sind

Research on #genocide in #Gaza:

Attempts to achieve extinction of families in Gaza is genocide.

If the attempts are proven being systematically one must speak in terms of crime of (human) extermination.

The #usa should look at this before accusing anyone in #Sudan as it facilitates genocide in Gaza.

"BLM 2024 Year In Review: Global Events & Insights"

(Black Liberation Media formerly known as Black Power Media.)


#Palestine #Haiti #Senegal #BurkinaFaso #Sudan #YearInReview

#Egypt has banned the entry of #Palestinians coming from #Syria, #Libya, #Sudan,and #Iraq into their country!

No reason has been given for the decision!

@palestine group

The number of people going hungry or otherwise struggling around the world is rising, while the amount of money the world’s wealthiest nations are contributing toward helping them is dropping. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/12/24/world/society/global-hunger-crisis-deepens/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=mastodon #worldnews #society #wealth #aid #food #hunger #syria #sudan

The Gold Rush at the Heart of a Civil War

Famine and ethnic cleansing stalk Sudan - 26 million people face acute hunger or starvation. But the gold trade is humming - billions of dollars of gold are flowing out of Sudan, enriching generals and propelling the fight





Irish President Michael D Higgins drew special attention to the wars in Gaza, Ukraine and Sudan in his Christmas message.

#Ireland #AntiWar #Christmas #Message #President #MichaelHiggins #War #Gaza #Ukraine #Sudan

While we are still gathering and validating the data from this year, conflicts in #Sudan, #Ukraine, #Palestine, the #DRC and elsewhere, and sudden and slow onset disasters from the Americas to the Horn of #Africa, give us no reason to believe that the number of internally displaced people will decrease from the record of 75.9 million at the end of 2023. https://reliefweb.int/report/world/rising-displacement-renewed-commitment-solutions-2025


#Gaza #Palestine #Syria #Lebanon #Iraq #Somalia #Sudan #DRC #Congo #health #trauma #unitedhealthcare #socialism #socialworker #ptsd

Egypt’s Health Minister highlights urgency of providing medical support for Syria, calls for Arab solidarity https://www.byteseu.com/553663/ #ArabSolidarity #Egypt #Health #KhaledAbdelGhaffar #Lebanon #Palestine #Sudan #Syria
Egypt’s Health Minister highlights urgency of providing medical support for Syria, calls for Arab solidarity

Two colleagues just returned from Renk, South Sudan, interviewing people who’ve lost everything as they fled the atrocity-ridden conflict in #Sudan. Losing possessions has been devastating. Losing contact with family in the mayhem even worse. My Daily Brief today…

📰 English: https://www.hrw.org/the-day-in-human-rights/2024/12/09?story=paragraph-9915

📰 Français: https://www.hrw.org/fr/news/2024/12/09/fuir-le-soudan

📰 Deutsch: https://www.hrw.org/de/news/2024/12/09/flucht-aus-dem-sudan

🔊 Listen: https://www.hrw.org/video-photos/audio/2024/12/09/escape-sudan-daily-brief-december-9-2024

#Egypt-s war on migrants continues unabated as the regime is set to adopt an asylum law & continues its mass deportations to war-torn #Sudan

Meanwhile, the EU provides grants & loans to keep the regime in line for its role in Israel's genocide in #Gaza 1/


Rise up, fallen fighters
Rise and take your stance again
'Tis he who fight and run away
Live to fight another day
. . .

As a man sow, shall he reap
And I know that talk is cheap
But the hotter the battle
Ah, the sweeter Jah victory.


#Gaza #Palestine #Genocide #antiwar #peace #imperialism #riseup #Syria #Lebanon #Africa #Sudan #Congo #Haiti #SouthKorea #Georgia

" Krusi:
#Völkermord :
Die Täter sind keine Israelis, also dürfen die das!"

Humanitäre Krise im #Sudan "Familien, die nur noch Gras zum Essen haben"

Stand: 05.12.2024 11:59 Uhr

Die Lage im Sudan gilt als größte humanitäre Katastrophe der Welt. Für die Menschen ist die Situation aussichtslos. Und nun ist auch noch das größte Flüchtlingslager im Land unter Beschuss geraten.


#Deutschland #UN #Genocid #ICC #IStGH #Israel

🌐 ■ Un mundo sin voluntad: la "inacción" de los poderosos impide atender las emergencias humanitarias ■ Un informe de MSF y el IECAH evidencia el fracaso de un planeta con poco corazón ante los 36 conflictos abiertos hoy. Intereses, dob[…]

#crisishumanitaria #ayudahumanitaria #gaza #medicossinfronteras #msf #global #conflictosarmados #emergencias #sudan
Una mujer grita abrazando el cuerpo de su hijo, muerto en un ataque de Israel, en la morgue del hospital Nasser de Khan Younis (Gaza), el día de Navidad de 2023. (Belal Khaled / Anadolu via Getty Images)
Un grupo de palestinos trata de lograr comida de una ONG en Khan Younis, al sur de Gaza, el 19 de noviembre de 2024. (Hatem Khaled / Reuters)
Campamento de Médicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) e la frontera sudanesa, en una imagen de archivo. (Patrick ROBERT / Corbis via Getty Images))


#huffingtonpost #WORLD #人権 #ガザ #パレスチナ #国連 #人道支援 #スーダン #jinken #gaza #paresuchina #kokuren #jindoshien #sudan

Selektive Empathie?
Norwegischer Flüchtlingsrat
„Im Sudan herrscht größte Hungerkrise – und die Welt zuckt nur mit den Schultern“
Der Norwegische Flüchtlingsrat wirft der internationalen Gemeinschaft vor, die humanitäre Krise im #Sudan zu vernachlässigen. Die Lage in dem nordafrikanischen Land sei dramatischer als in der #Ukraine, in #Gaza und in #Somalia zusammen, sagte Generalsekretär Egeland der Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

Die humanitäre Krise im #Sudan ist größer als die Krisen in der #Ukraine, #Gaza und #Somalia zusammen.
Es stehen 24 Millionen Menschenleben auf dem Spiel.


US: Vetoes Gaza ceasefire
Russia: Vetoes Sudan ceasefire

Maybe we shouldn't be picking sides between these two, but building a side AWAY from these two?

#US #Russia #Gaza #Sudan #UN

I don’t bring joy into any room lately. I don't bring joy because I currently have none. There's currently a #genocide happening in #Palestine, #Sudan, the #Congo, and some other places we probably don't know about.

#Gaza is not background noise.

The genocide is not something we can grow used to.

We are living through some of the worst crimes humanity has known. In #Palestine and #Lebanon but also elsewhere, in #Sudan or #Congo.

The powers that be will never stop this, since they want and profit from it, it's up to us to stop them.

It's only us, there's no one else...


"We now have international standards for measuring and responding rapidly to #FoodEmergencies: mechanisms that are standardized, transparent, and based on complicated calculations. This means that those seeking to use #FamineAsAWeapon have to deny, subvert, or challenge these metrics and measurements." - #AlexDeWaal

Engineers of Calamity


#famine #FamineDenial #FamineDenialism #GenocideDenial #Gaza #Sudan #Tigray #Palestine

@sudan @palestine @israel

While I am still recovering from the election and getting over the anger over the paradigm that put him back into office, I find I cannot deny the humanity of those suffering including Sudan, Congo, Haiti, and Gaza. Children are dying. We must continue to fight for humanity. We must act! #Haiti #Sudan #Congo #Gaza #BDS