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Beiträge, die mit FACTCHECK getaggt sind

"An entire #liberals cottage industry of #factchecking #Trump... on news and #socialmedia... removing Trump from major social media platforms, did not diminish his support nor expunge dangerous #disinformation from the echo chambers primed to receive and propagate it.

The end of the #factcheck era ...is worth examining because of how it heralds another liberal failure... just another capitulation in the battle against #fascism.

I used "itsaclickwall@gmail.com" 😎


In Europe, journalists keep repeating that the end of fact-checking announced by Meta / Facebook is *only for the US*. But what does that even mean? Are users in the rest of the world not exposed to content produced by US-based users? Why does the rest of the world presumes there's no change for them?
#Meta #FactCheck #journalism #BigTech

Statement on #Meta’s Announcement to Gut Moderation and Fact-checking - https://algorithmwatch.org/en/full-statement-on-meta-announcement/ #Trump #contentmoderation #factcheck

Det är snack om att #demokraterna, och vänstern i Europa, har kommunicerat till medelklass och släppt låginkomsttagarna. Blivit #woke.
Medan högern pratar om det väljarna bryr sig om.

Min tanke är att om vänstern/demokraterna börjar slira på sanningen och kommunicera som högern då kommer vänsterväljarna att faktagranska och ta avstånd i högre grad än högerväljare.

#sverige #svpol #PoliticalCommunication #USA #GOP #DNC #factcheck #Media

Iran’s Press TV claimed Hama in Syrian government hands after rebels entered city https://www.byteseu.com/547200/ #Conflicts #FactCheck #Hama #Iran #Syria
Iran’s Press TV claimed Hama in Syrian government hands after rebels entered city

#auspol #RE #Nuclear #ABCRN #FactCheck

Where do the LNP (Lying Nasty Party) get the figure of 68,000km of extra powerlines that are needed for wind and solar power.

Yes, I accept that there may need to be new powerlines, as evidenced by the nearby wind farm. But the existing coal power stations all needed them built creating jobs and boosting economy.

But the lines have minimal impact on landowners in the long term in my opinion, still being able to run livestock and crop under them. In my experience a lot less of impact that the gas wells and associated infrastructure and roads to them.

The other problem not ever mentioned, is the management, storage and costs for 1,000s of years of the nuclear waste!

https://www.europesays.com/1639769/ Fact Check: 2019 image of an helicopter falsely linked to recent attacks related Israel-Lebanon conflicts #Conflicts #DFRAC #FactCheck #Israel #Lebanon #Misleading
DFRAC Fact Check

Misleading, Cadbury (Australia) also uses fresh milk.

The use of the phrase ‘is one of the only’ is imprecise. It comes from the Hersey website, a cynic might suggest it is deliberately confusing.
