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Beiträge, die mit OpenStreetMap getaggt sind

OpenStreetMap supports mapping surveillance cameras.

Cameras can be identified by location and type.

The area being observed can be disclosed.

Surveillance under Surveillance/https://sunders.uber.space is an OpenStreetMap instance focused on surveillance cameras, the data used is not visualized on the OpenStreetMap.org instance.

Website: https://www.openstreetmap.org
Mastodon: @openstreetmap

#OpenStreetMap #Surveillance #CCTV #Privacy #FacialRecognition #Tracking #BiometricData #VoicePrint #Gait
Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France.
Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France (1x zoom).
Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France (2x zoom).
Screenshot: Surveillance cameras mapped in Paris, France (3x zoom).

Urgent Call for #Mappers and Validators!

Following the #earthquake in Morocco’s High Atlas mountains, #OpenStreetMap needs your support to help map affected area & aid relief efforts.

No prior experience is required.

- Join the project in HOT's Tasking Manager: https://tasks.hotosm.org/projects/15468

- How to map via MapGive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir-3K0pjwOI

- Learn OSM: https://learnosm.org/en/

- Slack https://slack.hotosm.org/

#MoroccoEarthquake #SeismeMaroc #HumanitarianMapping #OpenMapping #DisasterResponse
Graphic from Humanitarian Open Street Map Team, showing a photo of a partially collapsed building, an analog stopwatch sitting on a small pile of debris dust on a piece of wood, the Open Mapping Project 'HOT 'logo, and the hashtag #MoroccoEarthquake