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Beiträge, die mit FDroid getaggt sind

Having just read that the dogebags have taken vital funding from #tor and #fdroid (among others) I'd like to advertise my favourite bot to those whose timeline is as much of a display of the general fucked-upness of current affairs as mine. It's @scream It won't change anything, it just periodically toots a scream so I don't have to. It helps me cope.


This week in #FDroid (TWIF) is live:

- #afreerdp / #freerdp big update for your #rdp needs
- #DeltaChat & #ArcaneChat message edits & deletes
- Hello new #Fossify Calc, goodbye old Calc
- #Jami welcomes #Skype refugees
+ 7 new apps
+ 231 updates
& 170 archived apps

Scroll by https://f-droid.org/2025/03/27/twif.html

Kampf um US-Fördermittel für wichtige Open-Source-Projekte! 😲 Nach einem Trump-Dekret klagt der Open Technology Fund (OTF) für Tor, F-Droid & Let's Encrypt. Steht die Zukunft freier Software auf dem Spiel? 🤔 Mehr dazu hier: https://www.heise.de/news/Nach-Trump-Dekret-Kampf-um-US-Foerdermittel-fuer-Tor-F-Droid-und-Let-s-Encrypt-10328226.html #OpenSource #Tor #FDroid #LetsEncrypt #OTF #USA 🇺🇸💻🌍 #newz

so i downloaded this #opensource recipe app from #fdroid, #twilirecipes, but it won't start without an #AI API token
Screenshot of Twili Recipes app:
"LLM service: [ ] Perplexety, [ ] Anthropic, [ ] OpenAI
⚠️ Please provide token"

Y'all, how are we feeling about #Fdroid these days? I've not been following anything related but am coming back to Android.

Am besten über #fDroid die App beziehen, dort werden Apps von der Community gescheckt

Und ja, damit kann man die Videos Datenschutzfreundlich sehen und ohne Werbung, was noch mal positiv dazukommt (so lange sie nicht ins Video eingebettet ist)

Recently it is some days that I can't use @fdroidorg's #onion website. Is the #Tor site down?

Mise à jour F-Droid : je ne peux plus ouvrir F-Droid. Génial.

#OpenSource #FOSS #FDroid #Android

This week in #FDroid (TWIF) is live:

- Client 1.22.0 is now suggested for all
- #Element fixes a #CVE
- #SessionMessenger enables Groups v2
- #SimpleX improves group management
- 10 new apps
- 110 updates

all right here https://f-droid.org/2025/03/20/twif.html

#psa "WG Tunnel" was updated in
https://floss.social/@fdroidorg/114156536409537012 .
It broke my setup, please make sure to export the tunnel config. The config is deleted when uninstalling the app, which is required for installing the previous version. 😢
I haven't been able to figure out what exactly broke.


//edit: fixed post language setting

This week in #FDroid (TWIF) is live, but boring. Yes, the cycles run and run, yes 9 new apps are now included, yes 138 more updated. But as things go, with unattended updates, it's all background noise.

What's special? It's the week of UI rewrites:
* #Auxio got #MaterialDesign
* #BadgeMagic is now #Flutter powered
* #Spotube is now #shadcn UI themed

Enjoy: https://f-droid.org/2025/03/13/twif.html

Anyone has a good launcher to recommend for Android that is available on F-Droid?

I don't need a lot, so minimal stuff is welcome.

#Android #fdroid

Concerning this message:

> https://toot.fedilab.app/@apps/114143043177883325

Services from our server:

- Default in-app translation service that is also allowed to be used by small fediverse instances

> https://translate.fedilab.app

- #Nitter which is only accessible through the #Fedilab app to avoid rate limits.

- #FDroid, so you can get updates for beta releases and all updates immediately.

> https://fdroid.fedilab.app

- #Fediplan, to schedule your messages

> https://plan.fedilab.app

- Our dev Mastodon instance

Installing FOSS apps on your phone sometimes certainly feels like an eternal XKCD 927 purgatory.

- Apps by GrapheneOS for some GrapheneOS apps (and assorted ✨other✨ apps).
- Obtainium for installing apps directly from source/repos.
- Neo Store for installing apps who cannot be arsed to have .apk files in their repos (#AntennaPod), yet without dealing with the typical F-Droid shenanigans.
- Accrescent, because hell, why not! The more, the merrier!
- And, of course, Google Play Store for the corporate goblins.

#FOSS #GrapheneOS #Obtainium #NeoStore #FDroid #Accrescent #GooglePlayStore #XKCD #XKCD927

[fDroid - NewPipe]

Does anyone know something new about the Situation with NewPipe and it's issues in terms of not working correctly and error of downloading video/audio of YouTube? 🤔

I read briefly something about YouTube changing it's code base so quickly that the maintainer of the App cant keep up or something like that.

Just a casual User wondering about recent developments... 🙄

#App #NewPipe #fDroid #YouTube #Google

[fDroid - NewPipe]

Weiß jemand etwas Neues über die Situation mit NewPipe und dessen Probleme in Bezug auf nicht korrekte Funktion und Fehler beim Herunterladen von Video/Audio von YouTube? 🤔

Ich habe kurz etwas darüber gelesen, dass YouTube seine Code-Basis so schnell ändert, dass der Entwickler der App nicht mehr mithalten kann oder so ähnlich.

Nur ein Gelegenheitsnutzer, der sich über die jüngsten Entwicklungen wundert... 🙄

#App #NewPipe #fDroid #YouTube #Entwicklung

ich kenne kein Ivory, nie gesehen und auch nicht benutzt.
Ich habe früher Tweetdeck geliebt und nach meinem Empfinden kommt da nur #Fedilab ran

Nur echt aus dem #fDroid Store, wegen Datenschutz

#fedilab - erste Schritte:
1) Download über #fdroid
2) rumgesucht und den Menüpunkt "Listen" gefunden ✅
3) 10 Listen angelegt in der Hoffnung, ein System in meine Follows zu bekommen ✅
4) eingesehen, dass ich auch mit Fedilab noch ein bisschen Erfahrung sammeln muss um das Fediversum zu durchblicken ✅

Der Anfang ist gemacht 😁

This week in #FDroid (TWIF) is live:

- if you do read this you're a #luddite
- #RISCV builds our catalogue
- change your #Mastodon client
- #freeminer takes on #Luanti
- fresh #OpenConnect
- update #QUIK SMS
- #shatteredpixeldungeon 3.0 introduces The Cleric
- #warsmash brings Warcraft III into your hands

Up to 209 apps touched upon in https://f-droid.org/2025/03/06/twif.html

Bro will the update be available on #fdroid ?

Petition for F-Droid to add comments and/or reviews on app pages.

#FDroid #Android

We have just added #Firefox Klar to our #FDroid repository of apps. Firefox Klar is a browser with a unique approach to privacy: it is designed around the idea that the user does not want to keep any personal info around. It makes it really easy to just wipe everything and start from zero. In the past, Firefox Klar was included in @fdroidorg but it has become too hard to maintain the free fork that strips out the Google proprietary bits. Hopefully #Mozilla will make a #free build possible again.

Small nit, it's "found futo keyboard in the FUTO #fdroid repository" 😉 We'd like to have all FUTO apps in f-droid.org but those 3 are not FLOSS for now.

just found futo keyboard in #fdroid. Didn't realize it was made by the #grayjay folks. It seems to work really well.

Another way to stream live in the #Fediverse is via #Peertube.

PeerTube Live (helps you to create a live stream from your device)
PeerTube Live (hilft Dir, einen Live-Stream von Deinem Gerät zu erstellen)

This week in #FDroid (TWIF) is live:

- #K9Mail developer quits Mozilla, thanks @cketti for all the good work
- #surveillance laws want #backdoor access in #France again
- #FOSSGIS 2025 in March, get the app
- #onionshare crash fix soon
- #RiMusic might be in danger
- #SimpleX has group growing pains
- #Termux GUI is finally available
- #Threema Libre reacts
- #VLC with Remote Access
- #XScreenSaver has nice privacy policy

Click for +218 lines of news: https://f-droid.org/2025/02/27/twif.html

Coucou Masto, quelqu'un sait-il pourquoi, quand je change de dépôt préféré pour #fedilab, de #fdroid à Fedilab Apps, j'ai ce message ?
un message d'erreur lorsque je tente de basculer le dépôt préféré pour Fedilab de F-Droid à Fedilab Apps

Ich möchte gern die #MicroG Services unter #LineageOS 22.1 installieren. F-Droid warnt mich bei der aktuellen Version (vom 23.12.24), dass diese für eine ältere Android-Version entwickelt wurde. Kann mir jemand sagen ob das ein Problem ist? Auf welche Probleme sollte ich mich ggf. einstellen? Kann ich mir mit der Installation etwas kaputt machen, oder funktionieren sie im Zweifelsfall einfach nicht und gut?

#unplugtrump #fdroid

To be clear with Google users. We will not wait the appeal.
Our best move for having less problems (and losing our time) with them is to remove the part of the app that allows to register an account.
But don't hesitate to move on #FDroid. Thanks to our custom repository (https://fdroid.fedilab.app) you will get updates immediately.

This week in #FDroid (TWIF) is live:

- the faster you test 1.22.0 the faster the #MaterialDesign3 UI update is released. Do.Your.Part!
- #DeltaChat and ArcaneChat tell stories about #RIIR
- #emacs is more complete
- #CLT2025 sched app is live
- monitor your #BTC mempool

And 100 more apps in the news at https://f-droid.org/2025/02/20/twif.html

Hey People. I bought a new cell phone and I want to install #PixelDroid, so I need to download #fdroid.

Does anyone have the link for the APK?

#feditips #Feditip

Danke für Tipp-Reihe! Solche Tipps sind wichtig, ich stelle immer wieder fest, dass viele daran interessiert sind, ihre Privatsphäre zu schützen, wissen sich aber nicht zu helfen. Oft ist es für den Durchschnitts-User kompliziert, sich zu schützen.

Ich möchte ergänzend die FOSSIFY Apps erwähnen, die bspw. Kontakte im eigenen Speicher ablegen, wo nicht einmal System-Apps Zugriff haben.
@fdroidorg @exodus @rdns

#UnplugTrump #FOSS #FDroid #AuroraStore #RethinkDNS

#iodeOS ist datenschutzfreundlich?

Deren #FDroid repo hat ausschließlich veraltete Software, ich hoffe die haben irgendwie einen eigenen Store und vergessen, das Repo abzustellen...

Außer #GrapheneOS ist nichts wirklich gut, LineageOS hat halt den besten Hardware support, schwächt aber meist die Sicherheit von #Android Geräten.