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Beiträge, die mit strawberry getaggt sind

I am sure this is not peak decadence, but they are working towards it.

My suggestion - an English (yes) Kent strawberry - or better still a bowl of them picked at the right time of the year. Other British berries are available. Worth the wait and a lot of less expensive.


#strawberry #conspicuousConsumption #stupidity #ignorance

You can probably imagine my disappointment when I opened up these images and saw I had missed focus by fractions of a milimeter.

The woodlice have been eating my strawberries, but I tried to make the most of it by getting some strong red backgrounds and interesting scenes from it. I nearly managed, but just marginally missed as the little guys were moving around so fast.

Oh well, maybe next year

#photography #MacroPhotography #macro #fail #woodlice #nature #garden #strawberry
a photo of a woodlouse, head on to the camera, climbing out of the hole it has eaten in a strawberry. the strawberry fills the rest of the frame. the woodlouse's face is just marginally out of focus
a woodlouse poking its head out of a strawberry that it has eaten a hole into. it is facing to the left of frame and is just slightly out of focus. the strawberry creates a large, bright, red blur for the remainder of the frame