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Beiträge, die mit greenwashing getaggt sind

"Es ist quasi ein Pakt mit dem Teufel. (...) Man verkauft diese ganzen fragwürdigen Kohlenstoffkredite an genau jene Firmen, die den Planeten zerstören."

"Die meisten Verträge haben eine Laufzeit von insgesamt 40 Jahren. „Wir betrachten dies als ein ernsthaftes Problem. (...) Die meisten wissen nicht, wie Kohlenstoffhandel überhaupt funktioniert, und verpflichten selbst ihre ungeborenen Kinder, diesen Vereinbarungen Folge zu leisten."

So eine koloniale Kackscheiße macht mich echt wütend! 🤬
via @tazgetroete


Blog: Voices of #Decolonization

#FirstNations chiefs shouldn’t be duped by the ‘#nuclear-is-green' deception

by William Eric Altvater, February 6, 2025

"Some First Nation Chiefs are victims of shenanigans, not unlike the swindle behind the purchase of Manhattan. The federal government needs the support of #Indigenous peoples to expand nuclear power generation capacity in #Canada.

"For millennia, the cornerstones of the Indigenous people that inhabit Turtle Island, now known as North America, held all that is essential to life, in reverence. Every decision considered the next 7 generations. These cornerstones are crumbling.

"Newcomers, armed with the #Colonizing tool, 'The #DoctrineOfDiscovery' and their mentality of superiority, invaded the land of those they called 'Savages,' almost totally exterminating #Skicinuwok, People of The Earth.

"Determined to bestow Christianity and civility to this wild untamed population, old growth forests were cut, rivers and streams were dammed to power sawmills, roads and railroads were built, bridges erected. All to create an infrastructure for #capitalism, a system to make a #profit, that morphed into #greed, a word of foreign root. This unbridled desire for progress has ruined what was once called Paradise.

"Now most water is not fit to drink, clean air is scarce, #deforestation is rampant, #biodiversity loss out of control, plants genetically modified, food manufactured with unpronounceable chemicals, caged fish starved of oxygen while being fed chicken feathers and pig parts, cancer cases in the millions, the list goes on.

"As the population increased over this continent the available sources for power generation have not been able to satisfy the insatiable desires of the 'bigger, better, faster, more is never enough' mentality. Some have finally acknowledged the fact that #FossilFuels are not the golden egg they were once deemed to be.

"So-called '#GreenEnergy' is required to slow the blind drive to extinction of man; man, who is considered by some to be the most intelligent creature to ever roam Earth. Unfortunately, the lure of riches and the corruption of self-serving purposes have led man to stray from practices that nurture everything required to sustain life on this tiny blue marble floating through the universe.

"#NuclearPower is now being touted as being 'Green.' It is not. Big money corporations are lobbying legislators to convince them and the public that it is. They are also lobbying to convince the public that they should foot the bill in the form of taxes and rate hikes, for a process that pollutes from the day it starts. Water is life. As soon as #uranium is mined from the earth it begins to contaminate the water in surrounding aquifers.

"When the uranium is processed sufficiently, it is used as fuel for reactors where it generates heat while delivering electricity, not just for essential needs, but also for many things once considered luxuries. This fission generated heat is then dumped into nearby waters where it kills thousands, if not millions of small beings that form the basis of life itself.

"After this radioactive fuel is depleted, it is stored in various containers where it will stay radioactive for eons. Indigenous #Grandmothers have labelled it 'Forever Dangerous.'

"The power generated during the fission process benefits only those who exist today as the process occurs, not those born tomorrow or next week or next month. All the #RadioactiveWaste and the inherent danger it creates is left to future generations, kicking the can down the road.

"What better place to dump this waste than in an area with a population that has witnessed Newcomers enrich themselves for hundreds of years? Yes, what better place than a population that has been targeted for assimilation, suffered theft of lands, witnessed the taking of naturally bestowed rights? A population that has been subjected to racial Indian Act legislation essentially stripping away all that sustained this population for thousands of years.

"Yes, let us give the Indians some more shiny beads and trinkets so that they willingly agree to care for our radioactive garbage. How do we do this? Let’s talk to the Chief and Council. Let’s wine and dine them. Let’s give them some money, take them to dinner, buy some drinks and make them feel all festive and most of all make them think we are looking out for their best interests. Some Chiefs have taken the bait.

"Egregious as it may be, this is exactly what is happening in some Indigenous communities contrary to the will of the majority. Elected Chiefs are continuing the deception as they are blinded and professing the 'Nuclear is Green' mantra. They have lost connection with the Spirit of Ancestors and traditional values. They need to have a serious introspection and realize that looking forward, we need only look back at what has sustained us to this point in time. We need not do any more than that."

Eric lives in #PeskotomuhkatiNation territory in Maine and stands shoulder to shoulder with his Peskotomuhkati relations in #NewBrunswick in the struggle to achieve Canadian Government recognition.

#NoNukes #NoNewNukes #WaterIsLife #AirIsLife #UraniumMining #UraniumMilling #LeaveItInTheGround #Greenwashing #NuclearIsNotCarbonFree #NuclearIsNotGreen #CanadaPol #NuclearWaste #NuclearIndustry #TEPCOLies #HoltecLies #NuclearColonialism

#Greenwashing erkennen, Transparenz schaffen! Aktueller Bericht des @oekoinstitut im Auftrag des UBA gibt konkrete Empfehlungen für Unternehmen & Verbraucher*innen: https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/presse/pressemitteilungen/greenwashing-erkennen-transparenz-schaffen

@greenpeace.eu report finds dubious sustainability claims for #seafood by #MSC 🐠 and #palmoil by #RSPO are pure #greenwashing. Consumers deserve better! Resist this ecocide and corruption, be #Vegan and #BoycottPalmOil 🌴⛔️ #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect.bsky.social


Ein Profiteur von #Ausgrenzung und #Bestrafung von u.a. armen Menschen im #Nahverkehr ist beispielhaft das #Unternehmen #highQ aus #Freiburg:

Es baut komplexe, #digitale #Nahverkehr|splattformen, optimiert #Fahrkartenkontrollen und #EBE-Ausstellung ("EBE" heisst die 60 Euro Strafe im Slang der #Verkehrsverbünde und #Inkassofirmen)...

Hier kommt #nachhaltig ausgrenzende #DigitalOnly-#Menschenfeindlichkeit und "#gemeinwohl"-orientiertes #Greenwashing zusammen:



Die "nachhaltigen Brennstoffe" bei der #Lufthansa sind Greenwashing. Und da ca. 2/3 der Treibhauswirkung beim Fliegen durch Effekte wie Wasserdampf entsteht, sind sie nicht mal die Lösung für die Klimaschädlichkeit des Fliegens.

Reines #Greenwashing und nein, nicht nachhaltig.

Eine gute Reportage bei @3sat, die das #Greenwashing gut erklärt. Wie läuft der Zertifikate-Handel? In 3sat-Mediathek https://www.3sat.de/gesellschaft/politik-und-gesellschaft/greenwashing-wie-laeuft-der-zertifikate-handel-100.html


The Sami people are the #Indigenous people of #Norway. They stand in solidarity with Palestinians, and are trying to stop Norway from placing Israeli wind-turbines on their land, the profits of which will go to pay for the oppression of Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank.

Ida Helene Benonisen is a Sámi activist who is calling on Nordic Wind, a Norwegian company partially owned by Israel, to stop the #greenwashing of her people's land.

[Film] The #ApacheStronghold defending #sacred #OakFlat land from a #CopperMine

The Real News Network
May 21, 2024

"In the heart of the #Arizona high desert lies a battle for the soul of the land. The ancient, sacred grounds of #Apache #Native territory are under threat from a looming giant — a massive copper mine that promises riches for the locals, and a pathway to the so-called green transition. But, as is often the case, it comes at a cost.

"The #SanCarlosApache tribe calls it Chi’chil Bildagoteel; English speakers call it Oak Flat. It sits on a mountainous plateau within a 17.3-kilometer oasis in the #TontoNationalForest. #RioTinto and #BHP, two of the world’s biggest mining companies, have staked their claim here through a joint venture called #ResolutionCopper. For over 10 years they’ve been lobbying governments for the right to build a colossal mine that would cover roughly 7,000 acres of surface area, and extend more than a mile into the ground.

"The only thing that stands in their way is the #resistance of the Apache Stronghold, a nonprofit community organization of #Natives and non-Natives uniting to counter ongoing #colonization, defend holy sites and protect freedom of religion, which was created to protect Chi’chil Bildagoteel.

"A short film by #BrandiMorin and #GeordieDay for #RicochetMedia. Support for this journalism provided by #CulturalSurvival."


#ChichilBildagoteel #RioTinto #CopperMine #SanCarlosApache #Arizona #ProtectOakFlat #protectthesacred #DefendTheSacred #IndigenousActivism #SCOTUS #SaveOakFlat
#WaterIsLife #SacredSite #CopperMining #RecycleCopper #MiningWithoutConsent
#ProtectTheSacred #CulturalGenocide #Ecocide #NativeAmericanNews
#Greenwashing #NoMiningWithoutConsent #CorporateColonialism

Greta Thunberg on Gaza: “This has shown the true colours of the world” | UpFront - YouTube

#Palestine #Gaza #Israel
#ClimateCrisis #Greenwashing #COP29

Wofür sind Nachhaltigkeitsfonds da wenn nicht für die Rüstungsindustrie? #Klimakrise

Krieg ist Frieden!

Neue Nationale Sicherheitsstrategie
#Greenwashing von Waffen

#SPD und #Grüne wollen die deutsche #Rüstungsindustrie stärken. Unternehmen sollen künftig auch mit Nachhaltigkeitsfonds finanziert werden…


Cada nueva COP nos muestra que los Gobiernos están al servicio de las grandes empresas. #Greenwashing de manual

Yes, each one of us should cut our carbon footprint as individuals. It’s the right thing to do. We can stop flying, stop eating meat, and ride a bike instead of driving. But the fact is, no matter what you and I do, it won’t make a big enough difference.

That’s because all of the truly significant decisions about the future of our planet are taken far above street level, far above voting level, far above legislatures or the UN.

The choices that matter most to us are made by the leaders of capitalist mega-corporations and their financiers.

So although you and I should take appropriate individual actions, we also must recognize that while those actions are important, they are not sufficient.

Because what we need is system change. The end of capitalism. Without that, there is no chance of civilization surviving.

➡️ https://www.euronews.com/green/2024/11/09/25-years-counting-carbon-footprints-experts-assess-the-term-beloved-by-oil-firms

#Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Greenwashing
Screenshot from top of linked article. Headline says: "25 years counting carbon footprints – experts assess the term beloved by oil firms." Below this are two photos side-by-side, one of a factory spewing emissions into the air, and the other of a grassy lawn with the shadow of a human footprint.

The technocratic lifestyle being foisted off on you by OILCOS who fund, and profit, from most 'green' companies, is killing the Planet and you. Go BACK!
'Out of control': scientists plead over wind and solar farm destruction

"Ardent supporters of action on climate change are warning of another looming crisis: damage to sensitive ecosystems to make way for renewable energy."
TheAustralian https://archive.ph/5d3T8 Paywalled https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/scientists-sound-alarm-over-renewables-impact-on-nature/news-story/ef761b13c6744b5e59326cc891329ceb #greenwash #greenwashing #Technocracy #Technocrats

Below is an excerpt from an absurdly hopeful article about plans for developing “green concrete” to keep up with the AI-driven data center building boom.

The United States is home to more than 5,000 data centers today, and the Department of Commerce forecasts that number to grow by around 450 a year through 2030.

Concrete is a major ingredient in data center construction — and is also a major contributor to climate change, accounting for around 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Data centers use so much concrete that the AI building boom is wrecking tech giants’ commitments to eliminate their carbon emissions.

Last year, Microsoft’s carbon emissions jumped by over 30%, primarily due to the materials in its new data centers. Google’s greenhouse emissions are up by nearly 50% over the past five years. As data centers proliferate worldwide, Morgan Stanley projects that data centers will release about 2.5 billion tonnes of CO2 each year by 2030 — or about 40% of what the United States currently emits from all sources.

In a masterpiece of greenwashing, the article tries to put a happy face on everything, with section headings like these:

😃 “1,000 Companies Working on Green Concrete”

😃 “Better Cement Through Chemistry”

😃 “Software Takes on the Hard Problem of Concrete”

😃 “Cement Plants That Capture Carbon”

😃 “A Sustainable Foundation for the Information Age”

And somehow, oblivious to the crazy irony, this article actually touts AI itself as part of the solution!! 🤦‍♂️

➡️ https://spectrum.ieee.org/green-concrete

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual #Greenwashing
Screenshot from top of linked article. Headline says: "The AI boom rests on billions of tonnes of concrete." Below this is a photo of a Microsoft data center being constructed in Wisconsin, using giant slabs of concrete.

Fossil Fuel Advocates Spread Disinformation About Canada’s False Advertising Bill https://scl.io/phkKrjg via @DeSmog #cdnpoli #advertising #greenwashing #fossiladban

'An ABC analysis of financial disclosures of the sustainable or ethical-labelled super options has revealed 12 of them collectively hold almost $1.2 billion worth of fossil fuel industry shares.' https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-14/sustainable-ethical-super-funds-with-fossil-fuel-investment/103196032

'They also hold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investments in companies that make money from gambling, alcohol, uranium and defence.'

#greenwashing #super #auslaw #auspol

Based on research by @marcowenjones: a clear division of labour between 22 “generals”, who post the content, and about 1,900 “minions” who amplify the post by liking them. These are divided into cells, so each post by a general is not simply liked by the entire 1,900 army of fakes […]〞

#disinformation #inauthentic #UAE #COP28 #greenwashing #astroturfing

PolitiFact - Red light on ‘greenwashing’? US regulatory agency takes fresh look at deceptive climate claims https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/jul/17/red-light-on-greenwashing-us-regulatory-agency-tak/ #greenwashing #FTC #uslaw #uspol