'An ABC analysis of financial disclosures of the sustainable or ethical-labelled super options has revealed 12 of them collectively hold almost $1.2 billion worth of fossil fuel industry shares.' https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-14/sustainable-ethical-super-funds-with-fossil-fuel-investment/103196032
'They also hold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investments in companies that make money from gambling, alcohol, uranium and defence.'
#greenwashing #super #auslaw #auspol
'They also hold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of investments in companies that make money from gambling, alcohol, uranium and defence.'
#greenwashing #super #auslaw #auspol
ExxonMobil, Woodside, Santos: Investigation finds sustainable super funds littered with $1 billion fossil fuel investment
An ABC investigation into the financial disclosures of sustainable or ethical-labelled super options finds extensive investment in shares of companies in the fossil fuel, gambling, alcohol and weapons manufacturing industries.Pat McGrath (ABC News)
Cymphoni Fantastique •
To be clear, alcohol and gambling are okay in moderation, but everything else ranges from suspect to deadly.