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Day 6: I believe they have accepted me as one of their own, though I'm worried about Larry, who keeps asking: "Is it just me, or do I smell wet dog?"

#dog #dogs #otter #otters #humor #humour
wet border collie amongst a group of otters floating in the water
Words simply fail me in expressing how fully, fervently, and unreservedly I LOVE this photo of a dog living its best life with a raft of otters, Mark.
Thank YOU for sharing it.
You have made my day.
It's fake https://m.ai6yr.org/@me_valentijn/114173095376427989
Pleez don't deflate me with facts, Schools are, when I'm gushing over a picture of cute animals while a dementia-addled head-case sets the world on fire.
It actually occurred to me that a scene of a wet dog amid placid otters in water could be fake.
I just didn't WANT to believe it.
And THAT is the world in which we now attempt to live.
Yes, I tend not to let a fake picture get in the way of a good joke.
😂😂😂😂😂 this is the funniest thing I've seen in ages, thank you!!!
Very cute, and also very fake for those who aren't certain. Reverse image search indicates the photo was on Adelphi University's website sans the pooch.

Very happy to see others have already pointed out that it's a photoshop.
I'm impressed he learned to speak otter that quickly.
Is Larry the one that lost his pet rock?
Well, they otter know