Super Star Wars - Holiday Special unofficially arrives on the Commodore Amiga as a Port from the Sega Mega Drive.
Not only the SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis get a new homebrew release called [Super Star Wars Holiday Special]. Today you can download the Commodore Amiga version, that's been ported over as the first public beta by Earok.
#amiga #super #starwars #port #retro #gaming #art #retrocomputing #engineer #artist #media #tech #news
Not only the SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis get a new homebrew release called [Super Star Wars Holiday Special]. Today you can download the Commodore Amiga version, that's been ported over as the first public beta by Earok.
#amiga #super #starwars #port #retro #gaming #art #retrocomputing #engineer #artist #media #tech #news
Super Star Wars - Holiday Special AGA - English Amiga Board
Super Star Wars - Holiday Special AGA project.Amiga Game