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Super Star Wars - Holiday Special unofficially arrives on the Commodore Amiga as a Port from the Sega Mega Drive.

Not only the SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis get a new homebrew release called [Super Star Wars Holiday Special]. Today you can download the Commodore Amiga version, that's been ported over as the first public beta by Earok.


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Here's the latest from Earok. "I'm very pleased to post a port of Master Linkuei's recent Mega Drive game to the Amiga. This is the first public beta, while it is complete it hasn't been broadly tested. Please let me know if you find any bugs or have other suggestions for improvements. Except for one or two short tracks, music is currently CD only. I'm very proud to get this one out the door - this is the first time a Mega-Drive-First Scorpion game has received an Amiga port. Hopefully there'll be a tonne more in future".
[ImageSource: Earok]

Which is an unofficial game from the cult-classic SNES Super Star Wars series, and loosely based on the outrageous The Star Wars Holiday Special from 1978.

AGA, CD32 Pad | Music is CD32 only | 020/2MB Chip minimum | 030 or Fast RAM recommended but not required