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A couple of weeks makes all the difference in the spring: flowers are here, and while still not exactly warm, the small increase in average temperature is doing it's thing and everything is bursting through.

Most excitingly is the perennial echium. I took it as a cutting from a friend (5 years ago?), grew it on, passed on cuttings to others who have seen them bloom with huge success. Ours never has. Until now! Woohoo!!! They are so stunning.

#Bloomscrolling #Gardening
8 pictures of daffodils in a 4 X 2 panel in white, yellow, peach and orange
A 2 X 2 penal of flowers; 1. Anemones in a border in purple and white to the front, and red behind; 2. White anemones in front, purple behind;  white with orange trumpet daffodils right against a breeze blockj wall with a bird box above; 3. a pot of pink and red tulips in a pot in front of a garden with a metal pergola behind; 4 red tulips in a pot with a rosemary bush behind and further back a an offset 3 over 3 sash window
A 2 X 2 panel of flowers: 1. white bells pre-opening showing purple; 2. a single red anemone close up; 3. the sky-blue flower just emerging of a perennial echium close up; 4. the full perennial echium bush with flower spikes not fully in bloom, wooden greenhouse right.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (6 Tage her)
these are stunning
Delightful! So charming!
It's a bugger to have to work away from home at this time of year but needs must. And it does make that Friday night wander round the garden with a big torch a weekly highlight...