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Beiträge, die mit Jersey getaggt sind

Will be very interested to hear... the only interesting things I grow in the winter are rosemary, which flowers in late Jan for us, cobaea scandens (which is only perennial coz we're in #Jersey I think) and siberian dogwood, with its red stems which are lovely, but still look pretty bleak. So sorry no insights: definitely interested though!


My local nursery has them, and I was given a voucher for that nursery recently! Happy days. They've got both white and blue - so I'm going to try to create two double coloured ones. They also said that they are hardy enough to live outside here in #Jersey which is a joy, coz pots and winter frost protection are a pain!

Let's see what can be done: I've never grafted before so will need to do a bit of research.


Dear Canadians: for your holidays, instead of heading to that new version of #Jersey how about coming to the original one?


Our one is quite a lot less fascist than the new one. We are very friendly and we won't imprison you for minor visa errors.

And you can hop over to France - a place you have long connections with = on a ferry that takes just over an hour.

Why not come and help our tourist industry and help your southern neighbours' govt rethink their priorities?

I was looking for seeds because getting plants delivered to #Jersey is always tricky. There is a company in Poland - https://gardenseedsmarket.com - and I had another 6 items in the cart too. But no... wont deliver post Brexit.

Thanks Boris. Another win!

The salt always used to worry me but a) I try to take it only after it’s been on the beach for a week or more b) it’s rained a bit and then c) I don’t remulch the same area the next year. I try to do every 3rd year.

The local potato farmers used to lay ‘vrac’ on their fields every single year - big tradition in #Jersey - so I think it’s probably ok. But I have asked myself the question…


Loving that it’s now, definitively spring. Feels & looks like it. & the roadside daffs are everywhere. Having had a week of work and garden I realised I literally hadn’t left the house for 5 days yesterday so walked up the beach to the local pub with the wife. Clear views across to #Normandy past #Gorey and the castle. Hilarious local #Jersey politics: sign put up by a local land owner to annoy his notoriously mean neighbour who shouts at ‘trespassers’ trying to get down his path to the beach.
A pub bar top with a range of beer taps
A landscape of Grouville beach with a calm ebbed tide, Gorey village in the near distance and the French coast 15 miles beyond, the slightest line in the far horizon
A timber built wall with two signs on, to the right asking that users with dogs clear up and to the left “Private Lane.  Public use at their own risk.  Unlike other grumpy landowners we understand your need to access your beach.  Stay safe. Enjoy your day’.
A zoomed photo across Grouville bay to Gorey and Mont Orgeuil Castle, with the Normandy coast just visible in the far distance

I know so very well what you mean! We have endemic potato blight in #Jersey and every year I lose a crop of spuds or toms, whatever I do to halt it. Drives me mad. Lost a whole bed of Jersey Royals 2 weeks before harvest last year. Grrrr

I work here Sunday night to Friday night (live in #Jersey tho) and it is an extraordinary country - and Zurich is an amazing place to live. Everything works.

There is a hard right wing side to it sadly: a visiting Palestinian journalist was arrested in the street a couple of weeks ago, by what has to be assued were plain clothes cops and bundled into a car. He was there to talk about the devastation in Gaza but apparently that was too much for someone.

But in general...

Sadly the Uk does not have such a service, certainly not available to Joe Public. Plus I live in #Jersey and we definitely don't have such a service there! I will up my knowledge for sure. Those Pak Choi plants are inspirational 😀

yeah me too. Home is #Jersey really but I commute in for a week or fortnight to a flat share in Hardbrücke. Great place

Went to an excellent talk last year (Politics and Pints) where a fella set out how and why we should stop subsidising EV cars locally, start subsidising EV bikes, scooters, buses, change the roads to prioritise such, and to make owning a car both painful and unnecessary.

Thought it was excellent. And I own a car and a motorbike 😀

It's a project that in #Jersey we really could actually do. But won't. Because individualism trumps all.

Just added the list of potential candidates below. Had a great chat with a lady from Pomona Fruits - who can deliver to #Jersey (which is a big factor)... very helpful. And she's going to look over the list for any obvious problems.

Gave me great advice on training berry bushes too.


I love the sparkly winter. I work in #Switzerland and we get a bit of that - specially in the mountains. It’s exquisite actually. Privilege to be alive territory as opposed to - oh fuck, another grey drizzly Northern European winter’s day… which we get *A LOT* of at home in #Jersey

Not sure which of us is further south but I am DEFINITELY! a lot further south than the inner hebrides (#Jersey).

Having said that, if you can fix the wind problem, you get a lot more daylight than we do in the summer which would compensate a bit. I think heat and wind are probably the issues - and that polytunnel sounds like just the job! I've been offering to get up to N Uist to help a mate install one just as soon as he gets round to buying it.


I have to ship everything in - we have no growers on the island (#Jersey) any more as far as I know. Makes it a bit tricky.

I’m pretty sure others grow kiwis in #Jersey so I’m hopeful mine will get there in due course


I’ll try to document the project as I go: good shout! Step 1: I’m working overseas so I’ve asked the missus to get me a measurement so I can talk to the frame company tomorrow and see if they will ship to #Jersey


The little bits of snark we see between the Scandis are hilarious from a distance. I loved the Ikea move to name their shitest products after Danish towns for eg. Just fabulously funny. And the reaction showed a bunch of otherwise good neighbours taking each other way too seriously.

I'm in #Jersey and we have exactly the same with our friends across the water in #Guernsey. Big level of snark there too. Also very funny to a blow-in like me!

Oooh. That really could be my issue. I'm in #Jersey, have an enclosed garden - and it gets warm for sure. Maybe I need to try to grow them slightly off seasson? Plant them in November say?



There is a level of non-occupation in the UK (and in #Jersey) where I live. But building more is a favourite for politicians (in our case, explicitly because they are buy to let landlords).

Doesn't seem to change the occupancy rate though: but prices go up. So we do now have a massive over-supply of 1 and 2 bed flats. Prices haven't moved materially because speculators can just weather it for now. We need property prices down by min 60% to get them back in line with the real economy

As I live in #Jersey, seems like I should! I had forgotten about this lot... I'll give it a go.


Have tried and failed a few times to create an #Introduction - so here goes.

1st time social media user, deeply political (left, woke, anti-capitalist, socially liberal - will vote #Green because #StarmerIsATory): believe in kindness above all. Grew up in an extreme RC Cult, so now very atheist - but a bit less angry than I was.

Otherwise, it's #Gardening, #Sailing, #FlyFishing, Wood/axe #carving, and trying to stay sane working in #Zurich while living in #Jersey

Drones in Jersey, O M G
They've come to get us, yessiree!
Is it Venus? Is it Mars?
Or is it aliens living in glass jars?
Maybe it's from the Iran mothership
Looking for some cows to tip
Sucking up beef for a BBQ
Better cows than me or you!
It's interrupting my GTL
These crazy drones, what the hell
They're so scary, this is no fun!
Maybe they're aliens on a WaWa run?

#nj #jersey #drones #poem (human poem)