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And the result of the Excel #garden planning...

That's the base... now to plan the planting for the year.

A spreadsheet setting our a gridded garden plan with numbers 1 to 30 along the top and 1 to 73 down the rows, colours indicating some of the beds, and text for vegetables - 1. now planted 2. in plan with a greenhouse and patio at the top, compost bins and a garage down the bottom right hand side, and a store and mini-greenhouse bottom left.  Trees are indicated with a green box and a number.  A key shows these to be: 1	Pear
2	Cherry
3	Pear
4	Hydrangea
5	?
6	Holly
7	Victoria plum
8	Mirabelle
9	Greengage
10	Cox orange pippin
11	Russset apple
12	Quince pear
13	Gros France
14	Cherry
15	Plumcot
16	Cherry
17	Bay
18	That horrible shrub thing
19	Cherry
20	Guava
21	Copper cobnut
22	Fig
23	Cork Oak
Yeah - it's there. It's very established. And getting it our would be a massive task. So...

I do know the name. I'm just 53 and can't remember things like that.
Oh, I'm not the only one planning their garden in excel. 🤓
I create a matrix: lines are garden beds, columns are months. This way I have an overview for successive planting. I know which bed is occupied and when it becomes available for the next crop. Also crop rotation becomes easier, as I just shift by one each year with only slight adjustments for last season's fails and other requirements. #Garden #GrowOwnFood #SelfSufficiency #gardening
a table with blocks of grey, yellow, green and orange cells, the cells are labeled with German vegetable names, each column is a month of the year, each line represents a garden bed
Dieser Beitrag wurde bearbeitet. (2 Monate her)
ah. That’s top level planning there! I’m entry level messing around… nice spreadsheet
That's a file from 2020 there. Doing it for some years now. That's MY kind of porn. 🙈🌱
my missus catches me on the https://www.sandemanyachtcompany.co.uk web page - and calls it my boat porn. We all have our kink 😀😀