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Beiträge, die mit Benjaminnetanjahu getaggt sind

https://www.europesays.com/1851651/ Gaza-Waffenruhe bleibt auch nach Geisel-Freilassung instabil #BenjaminNetanjahu #DonaldTrump #Freilassung #Hamas #Israel #MarcoRubio #waffenruhe
Gaza-Waffenruhe bleibt auch nach Geisel-Freilassung instabil

Israel on määrännyt armeijan valmistautumaan taisteluiden jatkumiseen – välittäjät pyrkivät kuumeisesti ratkaisemaan Gazan pattitilanteen

Israelin ja Hamasin väliset aseleponeuvottelut alkoivat horjua sen jälkeen, kun Yhdysvaltain presidentti Donald Trump ilmoitti haluavansa ottaa Gazan Yhdysvaltojen hallintaan.


#Gazansota #Aselepo #Panttivangit #Hamas #Benjaminnetanjahu #Israel #Länsiranta #Ulkomaat

"A US security firm is hiring nearly 100 US special forces veterans to help run a checkpoint in Gaza during the Israel-Hamas truce. "Just what will go very wrong here?

UG Solutions,formerly known as Blackwater. Remember them ( Iraq invasion; torture of civilians)?

"Among the risks facing the Americans are gunfights with Islamist militants or Palestinians angry over Washington’s support for Israel’s Gaza offensive."

#USA in #Gaza #DonaldTrump #BenjaminNetanjahu


https://www.europesays.com/1831173/ Drei weitere Hamas-Geiseln wieder in Israel – darunter Deutsch-Israeli Ohad Ben Ami #BenjaminNetanjahu #Hamas #Israel #nahostkonflikt
Drei weitere Hamas-Geiseln wieder in Israel – darunter Deutsch-Israeli Ohad Ben Ami

Gazastreifen - Was von Trumps Plänen zu halten ist

Die Nachbarländer Israels können es nicht leisten, Menschen aus dem Gazastreifen aufzunehmen, sagt die Friedensforscherin Baumgart-Ochse.#Gazastreifen #DonaldTrump #ISRAEL #BenjaminNetanjahu

The Bibi Files
2024 1h 55m Not RatedPolitics, Crime, Documentary
Available until March 16, 2025
Watch on line

"Using never-seen-before interrogation footage, this investigation of Benjamin Netanyahu and his inner circle provides an unflinching gaze into the private world behind the headlines. Petty vanity and a sense of entitlement leads to corruption, and the unwillingness of the Netanyahus to give up power. "
#Gaza #Israel #BenjaminNetanjahu #Genocide #Palestine


If Putin was in that pic, you'd have an unbeatable poker hand. Crystal ball, 'ya think?
Am I the only one who remembers that in '23 #BenjaminNetanjahu called #ElonMusk the unofficial President? Global terrorist who agree ethnic cleansing is how you get to a new Atlantic City.
#DonaldTrump #Gaza #Coup

AP Breaking News banner over a March 19, 2024 AP story.

I commented on it at the time, suggesting that #Trump would strike a deal and support a genocidal campaign that #BenjaminNetanjahu needed and has always wanted.

#Gaza #DonaldTrump #jaredKushner