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Beiträge, die mit bulgaria getaggt sind

EU prosecutor’s office suspends Bulgarian prosecutor amid probe – POLITICO https://www.byteseu.com/876950/ #Bulgaria #Corruption #DelyanPeevski #Energy #Fraud #Gas #Media
EU prosecutor’s office suspends Bulgarian prosecutor amid probe – POLITICO

https://www.europesays.com/1896010/ I bought this magnet as a souvenir last year, wondering if someone could translate? #bulgaria
I bought this magnet as a souvenir last year, wondering if someone could translate?

Turkish Energy Benefits from Global Upheaval https://www.byteseu.com/799710/ #Bulgaria #Energy #eu #Geopolitics #Russia #Syria #Turkey #TurkStream

Dezinformări pe teme de război, în 🇺🇦#Ucraina și 🇧🇬#Bulgaria.
Ce teme false legate de războiul din 🇺🇦#Ucraina și de conflictul 🇮🇱#Israel-☪️#Hamas au fost circulate în ultimul an.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-4cbw

#Știri #Palestina #Terorism

Anti-EU protesters storm EU mission in Bulgaria – POLITICO https://www.byteseu.com/768549/ #BoykoBorissov #Buildings #Bulgaria #Europe #extremism #FarRight #Media #Missions #RuleOfLaw #SocialMedia #UrsulaVonDerLeyen
Anti-EU protesters storm EU mission in Bulgaria – POLITICO

https://www.europesays.com/1777889/ Is Sofia becoming just another faceless city? #bulgaria #България #новини
Sofia F. Barca

https://www.europesays.com/1777784/ Интересна находка на битака днес. Уроци на аудио касета разпространявани от Нов Български Университет. Някой ползвал ли е такива да се учи? Кога са се произвеждали? #bulgaria
Интересна находка на битака днес. Уроци на аудио касета разпространявани от Нов Български Университет. Някой ползвал ли е такива да се учи? Кога са се произвеждали?

https://www.europesays.com/1776960/ Кирил Петков ме заплашваше миналата година #bulgaria
Кирил Петков ме заплашваше миналата година

https://www.europesays.com/1776797/ Bulgaria Honors St. Athanasius the Great on Winter Atanasovden – Novinite.com #bulgaria #България #новини
Bulgaria: Bulgaria Honors St. Athanasius the Great on Winter Atanasovden

https://www.europesays.com/1776695/ Какво ви е мнението за Пампорово ? #bulgaria
Какво ви е мнението за Пампорово ?

What will happen to al-Assad’s Captagon empire now? | Syria’s War News https://www.byteseu.com/571372/ #ArabLeague #BasharAlAssad #Bulgaria #Conflict #Conflicts #Drugs #Europe #Explainer #Features #Iran #Lebanon #MiddleEast #News #SaudiArabia #Syria #Syria'sWar
What will happen to al-Assad’s Captagon empire now? | Syria's War News

3 March 1878 – End of Russo-Turkish War

Another Russo-Turkish War*
The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 was a war between the Russian Empire and its allied Balkan states, on the one hand, and the Ottoman Empire, on the other, as part of the Eastern Crisis.

The outbreak of the war was preceded by an upsurge of national consciousness in the Balkans. News of the brutality with which the Bosnian-Herzegovinian (1875) and April Uprisings in Bulgaria were suppressed caused sympathy in Europe and especially in Russia for the situation of Christians in the Ottoman Empire. Russia declared the goal of the war to be the freedom of the Orthodox Slavs from Turkish rule (expansion of the territory of independent Serbia, creation of an independent Bulgaria).



#Russia #russian #war #military #history #Turkey #Bulgaria #Serbia

#russian #soviet #history #germany #poland #czechoslovakia #hungary #romania #bulgaria #USSR #WWII #WW2