Pashinyan’s ‘Real Armenia’ ideological address sparks debate / Armenia / Areas / Homepage #Abkhazia #Albania #Armenia #Azerbaijan #BALKANS #BosniaAndHerzegovina #Bulgaria #Caucasus #Chechnya #Croatia #Cyprus #Daghestan #Georgia #Greece #Ingushetia #journalism #Kosovo #Macedonia #Moldova #Montenegro #NagornoKarabakh #News #NorthOssetia #RepublicOfArmenia #Romania #Russia #Serbia #Slovenia #SouthOssetia #Transeuropa #Transnistria #Turkey
Pashinyan’s ‘Real Armenia’ ideological address sparks debate / Armenia / Areas / Homepage
Nikol Pashinyan - © Asatur Yesayants/Shutterstock As Armenia-Azerbaijan negotiations appeared to have stalled over points of disagreement, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has implied that the matter of a controversial preamble to the country’s consti…BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)