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Beiträge, die mit Amsterdam getaggt sind

#GazaProtest #Amsterdam #XmasShopping

"Amsterdam nailed it . ban and boycott Israeli products" [1:13 min]
by shah fahad geologist vlogs [Dec 28, 2023]


#CeaseFireNow #JailForNetanyahu

"The New York Times has killed an investigation by one of its own reporters into Israeli mob violence in Amsterdam earlier this month.

In an internal Times email inadvertently shared with The Electronic Intifada, Dutch reporter Christiaan Triebert explained to a manager that he had pitched “a visual investigation I was conducting into the events of [6-8 November] in Amsterdam.”

“Unfortunately, that story was killed,” he wrote. “I regret that the planned moment-by-moment visual investigation was not further pursued.”

“This has been very frustrating, to say the least,” Triebert wrote.

The email was addressed to senior Times manager Charlie Stadtlander – a former senior press officer for the US National Security Agency and for the US army.

Triebert appeared interested in carrying out reporting that would set the record straight, remediating the false narrative insistently advanced by his own newspaper – that the Israeli fans were victims of mob violence motivated by anti-Jewish hatred.

The correspondence between Triebert and Stadtlander on Friday was triggered by The Electronic Intifada’s requests for comment to The Times regarding the paper’s highly misleading reporting of Israeli mob violence in Amsterdam."


#Israel #Zionism #Amsterdam #Hooligans #Journalism #Media #NYT #NYTimes

"Als geen ander weet premier Benjamin Netanyahu ‘Amsterdam’ aan te grijpen om joden wereldwijd ervan te doordringen dat ze enkel in Israël echt veilig zijn. Daarmee misleidt hij niet alleen zijn eigen bevolking, maar draait hij ook westerse leiders een rad voor ogen. Want hoezeer de Nederlandse regering ook moeite zal doen om antisemitisme ‘hard’ aan te pakken, voor Netanyahu zal het nooit genoeg zijn."


#Israel #Amsterdam #Maccabi #Netanyahu #politiek

Remember this picture every time you hear someone in your city say "we're not Amsterdam." This was #Amsterdam in the 1970s. Many of the cities we admire made better choices regarding cars in the past. and are still making better choices today. Better choices instead of excuses.

#Israel / Coverage of 'Amsterdam Pogrom' Was a Farce Reflecting Hysteria and Narrative Manipulation"

[...] News channels ignored footage of Maccabi fans aggressively shouting "We'll [f***] the Arabs!" and tearing down Palestinian flags before being violently attacked in #Amsterdam. They chose to cover the event with nationalistic victimhood while trivializing the #Holocaust.

[...] From yesterday morning through the evening broadcasts, the studios aired a festival of victimhood about worldwide hatred of Israelis - with the chosen people transformed into the persecuted, forced to hide in hotels, seasoned with references to Anne Frank's hiding place. The main losers were Amalia Duek and Ofer Hadad who had circled like eagles over antisemitism abroad all year, yet were absent when this mini-drama erupted in Europe.

[...] The gap between coverage on social media versus news channels reminded us that it's not only Netanyahu's office busy trying to deliberately establish a self-serving narrative. The studios also downplayed what "didn't look good for them" and ignored videos showing a herd of fans who felt like lords of the continent screaming "We'll [f***] the Arabs!" alongside "Let the IDF win" as if they were in Huwara and not a European capital. When Haim Etgar and Maayan Adam on Channel 12 finally showed images from the video where fans were singing - they muted the sound. They let panelists Noam Adri and Naama Sikuler ramble instead. The coverage was a display of complete and deliberate consciousness engineering.

Hebrew https://www.haaretz.co.il/gallery/television/tv-review/2024-11-09/ty-article/.highlight/00000193-0fd2-d3a2-a3d7-4fd3f06e0000 or https://archive.ph/wm9L7


📰#JerusalemPost: A califica atacurile din #Amsterdam drept antisemite echivalează cu a ne îngropa capul în nisip.
☪️#Islam‎ul radical a penetrat deja centrele culturale ale 🌍#Europe‎i.

🔗 https://wp.me/p9KpFA-3WJ7

#Știri #Israel #Olanda #UE #UniuneaEuropeană #Antisemitism #Rasism

Owen Jones:

Amsterdam Mayor: I REGRET Claiming Pogrom And Not Denouncing Tel Aviv Thugs' Violence


#Amsterdam #Maccabi #racist #violence #Israel #farRight #media #framing #propaganda

The way Owen pronounces 'Femke Halsema' is enough to watch this.

Owen Jones: *Amsterdam Mayor: I REGRET Claiming Pogrom And Not Denouncing Tel Aviv Thugs' Violence*


#Amsterdam #Halsema #MaccabiTelAviv #zionists #hooligans #Zionism #Israel

"A week on from the "pogrom" in Amsterdam, we're starting to see who knew this was coming, who lied about it, who laundered it, and who benefited from it.

As we see a crackdown on dissenting voices throughout the world, what happens in the Netherlands isn't isolated, it isn't random, and it isn't insignificant. If what I suspect happened really happened, then we are in for some very dark times indeed."


#Amsterdam #Maccabi #Israel #IDF #racial #incitement #framing

Right now, a #Reid's world premiere #Prokofiev with Batiashvili and #Rachmaninov's Second from #Amsterdam https://buff.ly/4hOow3l #wch

https://youtu.be/ttS8pKwvoII #amsterdam #gaza


#MMN #MeansMorningNews with #SamSachs


- #Trump forges alliance with #neocons ahead of 2nd term
- #ApartheidIsraeli minister calls for full annexation of #WestBank
-'Border Czar' named to oversee #massdeportations in the U.S.
-Zionist propaganda distorts reality around football riot in #Amsterdam

Note to USA:
Get your Congress members to vote NO on #HR9495 which is nonsensically named 'The Stop Terror Financing And Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act'.
This bullshit allows the U.S.Treasury Secretary to revoke 501c3 tax exempt status , and worse for any group or organisation that is in #SolidarityWithPalestine 🇵🇸

I believe the vote is today, but check

I see so many people talk about Palestine, about this worldwide hatred toward Islam, but I see so few post AJ.

Are you more comfortable with rich white billionaires paying your journalists than a Middle-Eastern country? You might just be racist


#Gaza #WestBank #Amsterdam

Dit was geen hit-and-run, dit was gecoördineerd terrorisme, zegt de Israëlische ambassadeur | de Volkskrant


Leugenachtig, ongenuanceerd en polariserend. De ambassadeur moet eerst eens de balk uit het eigen oog halen.

#haat #onverdraagzaamheid #israel #wilders #nederland #amsterdam

Nov 17
Protest tegen Pegida-demonstratie
So 15:45
Todon Acties

---- English below ---

‼️ Pegida heeft een demonstratie getiteld ‘Islam is geen haar beter dan nazisme’ aangemeld voor zondag 17 november om 16.00 op Amsterdam CS om moslimhaat te spuwen.

⚠️ Dit is nooit acceptabel en Pegida moet overal en altijd worden geweerd. Maar zeker na de golf van haat die vorige week onze stad overspoelde, afkomstig van genocide-plegers verkleed als hooligans, het stadsbestuur, de politie, de media, politiek Den Haag en anderen, is het extra belangrijk dat we ons keihard uitspreken.

🔻 Wij, de mensen, niet het stadsbestuur of de politie, zijn Amsterdam en wij staan met alle Amsterdammers die te maken krijgen met haat, demonisering en terreur. Laten we aankomende zondag met veel lawaai duidelijk maken dat de straten van ons zijn en dat moslimhaat van Pegida of wie dan ook hier absoluut NIET WELKOM is!

💌 We verzamelen zondag om 15.45 voor de hoofdingang van Amsterdam CS. Neem lawaai-materiaal, spandoeken en borden mee!


‼️ Pegida has registered a demonstration entitled ‘Islam is no better than Nazism’ for Sunday 17 November at 16:00 at Amsterdam CS to spew hatred towards Muslims.

⚠️ This is never acceptable and Pegida must be banned everywhere and at all times. But especially after the wave of hatred that flooded our city last week, coming
from genocide perpetrators dressed as hooligans, the city council, the police, the media, politicians in The Hague and others, it is extra important that we speak out loudly.

🔻 We, the people, not the city council or the police, are Amsterdam and we stand with all Amsterdammers who are confronted with hatred, demonisation and terror. Let us make it clear with a lot of noise this coming Sunday that the streets are ours and that hatred towards Muslims from Pegida or anyone else is absolutely NOT WELCOME here!

💌 We will gather on Sunday at 15:45 in front of the main entrance of Amsterdam CS. Bring noise-making materials, banners and signs!


🔻 Toen niet - Nu niet - Nooit meer fascisme 🔻

Mokum Tegen Fascisme (bron)

"Niemand kann sagen, er habe es nicht gewusst. Niemand kann seine Hände später in Unschuld waschen."

Wir haben schon lange die Anfänge der Gewalt verlassen

»Was muss noch passieren, bis unsere Gesellschaft und die politisch Verantwortlichen verstehen, dass jüdisches Leben bedroht ist, nur weil es jüdisch ist?«, fragt Michel Friedman nach #Amsterdam


#Israel #Deutschland

following on from the PSC's letter to ofcom, i've been wondering: is there a viable route to collectively suing the media for misinformation? can we lodge a complaint as the UK public against our media's wilful distortion of the facts? if you're a legal expert or know someone on mastodon who is, please weigh in. thanks.
#law #uk #palestine #amsterdam #lawsuit

please, please, please sign the palestine solidarity campaign's complaint to OFCOM re the blatant disinformation spewed out by the british media in regard to the maccabi tel aviv match in amsterdam last week.
#ofcom #freePalestine #amsterdam #psc #palestineSolidarityCampaign #mastodonFC

Das Nations-League-Spiel zwischen Frankreich und Israel fand unter scharfen Protesten und strenger Sicherheit statt. Demonstrierende verwiesen auf einen Bericht des UN-Sonderkomitees, der die israelischen Kriegsmethoden als Völkermord einstufte.#Frankreich #Israel #Antisemitismus #UEFA #Amsterdam

#Skwawkbox | Dutch politician tells parliament: ‘#Amsterdam terrorised by genocide-glorifiers’; Israel ‘fans’ riot in Paris

Still no retractions from UK politicians and media, even as Israel ‘fans’, protected by French police, beat spectators at France-Israel match


Israeli Newspaper ADMITS Tel Aviv Thugs Started Amsterdam Riot - YouTube

#Palestine #Israel #Amsterdam #Maccabi

1/3 Ramsey Nasr:“De voetbalclub Maccabi is walgelijk. Dat het uitnodigen van deze groep supporters geen risico zou vormen, lijkt me 'n redenering uit Lala-land. Maccabi is internationaal berucht, de supporterskern is extreemrechts, zwaar racistisch en gelooft in joodse superioriteit."
“Alle burgers, oud, jong, wit, zwart, Joods, moslim, verdienen bescherming in plaats van te worden opgehitst of bejaagd door onze leiders.”
#Amsterdam #Maccabi #Israel #antisemitism #framing #racisme #islamaphobia

Now that a few days have passed I'm seeing all sorts of continued disinformation from large media outlets.

That being said there's also heartening flood gate of "man on the street" style reporting continuing to get the story of how Zionist Maccabi soccer fans assaulted random citizens.

Here's a montage of folks explaining what they experienced and saw the Israeli tourists doing.

A common theme emerging, cops protected the zionist mob at every step.

#maccabi #amsterdam #israel #zionism #acab

"Die Ausschreitungen rund um das Maccabi-Spiel in #Amsterdam sind wiederholt als Pogrom bezeichnet worden. Die Gewaltexzesse sind klar zu verurteilen. Wer aber die Ereignisse in Amsterdam in eine Traditionslinie mit der antisemitischen Gewalt des letzten Jahrhunderts stellt, betreibt eine gefährliche Relativierung der Geschichte."


🧵 1/4

#Israel #Palästina #Gaza #WestBank #Rassismus #Antisemitismus

Patrick Bahners und die »Vorgeschichte« zu den judenfeindlichen Hetzjagden in #Amsterdam

Daniel Schwammenthal über das #Pogrom von Amsterdam und seine Bagatellisierung durch deutsche Journalisten


#Israel #Deutschland #Niederlande #Antisemitismus

"...Wenn es so weitergeht, sind wir bald wieder an demselben Punkt wie 1938..."

Gewalt an den Grachten

Nach einem Fußballspiel jagen meist arabischstämmige junge Männer Israelis, prügeln und treten sie – auch als sie längst wehrlos am Boden liegen. Wie sich die Angriffe auf die #Niederlande und die jüdische Gemeinschaft auswirken


#Israel #Antisemitismus #Islamismus

What REALLY Happened in Amsterdam - YouTube

#Amsterdam #Maccabi Tel Aviv #Holland #Football #Fans #Israel #Soccer #Sky News #Media #Ajax #BBC

[09:23] Police halt illegal pro-Palestine demo in central Amsterdam

Amsterdam police picked up 281 people who attended an illegal demonstration in support of Palestine on the Dam in the...


#Amsterdam #281 #Palestine

"Volgens Pulitzer Prizewinnaar Nathan Thrall slaat Israël munt uit ‘uiterst partijdige berichtgeving’ over geweld tegen Israëliërs, zoals vorige week tegen Maccabi Tel Avivsupporters in Amsterdam. ‘Ik voel als Jood nu een nog grotere verplichting mijn stem te verheffen.’ [...] Het is belangrijk onderscheid te maken tussen aanvallen gericht op Joden en aanvallen gericht op Israëliërs die niets met antisemitisme te maken hebben.”

https://www.parool.nl/boeken/winnaar-pulitzer-prize-nathan-thrall-over-geweld-tegen-maccabisupporters-aanvallen-op-israeliers-zijn-op-zichzelf-niet-antisemitisch~badaa633/ #Amsterdam #Maccabi #Israel #framing

Must watch: 👇🏻 ❗
Has the official response to Amsterdam’s violence been biased?

'The angry backlash that followed, and the official response to it, is raising questions.

Should the incidents that lit the fuse have been foreseen and prevented?

Does the official response reveal deep-rooted racism and Islamophobia?'

https://www.aljazeera.com/program/inside-story/2024/11/13/has-the-official-response-to-amsterdams-violence-been-biased #Amsterdam #Maccabi #Israel #antisemitism #bias #media #islamaphobia #politics

#Israel #Palestine #Holland #Apartheid #Genocide #Maccabi #Amsterdam