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Beiträge, die mit TransRightsAreHumanRights getaggt sind

Relevant other audiences:

Anticapitalists who are told they're naive myopic immature.

Covid realists who are told they are anxious.

Climate realists who are told they are cynics.

Anti-genocide activists.

& the other hashtags below.

#Scapegoat #FamilySystems #Ostracism #Neurodivergent #covid19 #WearAMask #ADHD #ActuallyAutistic #TransRightsAreHumanRights #LGBTQIA2S


1. My husband went w/ me to his first #TeslaTakedown protest & we met someone who was also there for the first time.

2. One of the organizers at the #TeslaTakedown protest noticed my #Moe's bookbag, told me he went to Berkeley, majored in philosophy, and #Spinoza was his favorite, and he talked about the relevance of Spinoza to today's crumbling world.

3. 3 people said they liked my T-shirt, including a woman at H Mart.

 black v-neck t-shirt with the words in white Leave the Binary to the Computers. Binary has a pink background.

So, all this talk from #Trump about protecting women is BULLSHIT! If they really cared about protecting women, they would allow #ReproductiveRights and #BodilyAutomony! All the hate directed at #TransAthletes is not to make cis women safe, it's to make #TransPeople feel UNSAFE! Don't be fooled by the #Fascist regime!!!

#CharacteristicsOfFascism #TransYouth #TransRights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransLivesMatter

"It's easy to bully a child... these are grown ass adults picking on children,"-- Jocelyn Into-Campbell, at TransFamily Support Services, in San Diego.

California is officially a sanctuary state for transgender health care. But that's under threat by the Trump executive orders. While the state's protections may hold, in general, the terror of the threats is real. The Trevor Project found that state's with laws targeting trans youth saw suicide attempts rise by up to 72%. And children's hospital, in L.A., temporarily halted gender affirming care for youths, in compliance with Trump's mandates, until California's Department of Justice threatened them. State senator Scott Wiener introduced new legislation last month to strengthen the state's sanctuary laws.

https://calmatters.org/health/mental-health/2025/03/trump-transgender-mental-health/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=How CA is protecting transgender youth in new Trump era&utm_campaign=WhatMatters

#lgbtq #transphobia #transrightsarehumanrights #children #california #protecttransyouth #trump

Keith Self, Bully, Putz, Transphobe (R-TX). Sarah McBride, Hero (D-DE) . Bill Keating, Ally (D-MA).



#StandStrongMaine! Two #Transgender Girls, Six Federal Agencies. How #Trump Is Trying to Pressure #Maine Into Obedience.

by Callie Ferguson and Erin Rhoda, Bangor Daily News, and Jennifer Smith Richards and Jodi S. Cohen, ProPublica
March 11, 2025, 2:45 p.m. EDT
Co-published with Bangor Daily News

Reporting Highlights

- Trump vs. Maine: After an exchange between Maine’s governor and President Donald Trump over transgender girls competing in girls’ sports, several federal agencies launched investigations.
- University Funding Halted: A federal agency investigating the University of Maine System has not yet issued any findings. But on Tuesday [March 11th], the university said the agency had halted research funding.
- Big Response, Few Students: Only two transgender girls in Maine are competing this school year. Six federal agencies now have their sights on the state.

Read more:

Archived version:
#News #Maine #Trump
#USPol #Government
#LGBTQ #TransRights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #MaineResists #Resistance

Gavin Newsom forgot that it's very difficult to make conservative friends but very easy to make liberal enemies.

#TransRightsAreHumanRights #USPol

One of my earliest memories is me, with my short hair, bouncing around my Mother when she played this Bowie song. And yes, "You've got your mother in a whirl
She's not sure if you're a boy or a girl..."

And it was alright with my mother! She didn't care if I were a boy or a girl. Or if I liked boys or girls! She rocked!

#BowieLove #RebelRebel #FuckGenderFascism #Genderfluid #TransRightsAreHumanRights

We Each Live our Lives by our Own Decisions - Short Stories - Free to Read on W.D.L Diamond
An Encounter in Blackburn - Short Stories - Free to Read on W.D.L Diamond
#Writing #Reading #Stories #Story #Shorts #Fiction #StoryTelling #WritingCommunity #ReadingCommunity #Blog #Trans #transrightsarehumanrights

After being unable to find this pin for sale anywhere, I ended up having them made. It was cost-prohibitive to buy any fewer than 100 so I have a lot of spares. They're printed on metal ("soft enamel") with a safety-pin backing.

Anyone want one?

I'll send one to anyone in the United States completely free, shipping included, while supplies last (with priority going to people who identify as trans).

A small heart-shaped pin stylized with the Trans Flag background, that says "FUCK YOUR EXECUTIVE ORDER" in black block-letters. The pin is "soft enamel" printed on metal, with a safety-pin backing. There is a pen for scale, these are about 1.25 inches in size.
A close-up of the front of the pin. It is a metal pin in a heart shape, stylized with the trans flag as a background, and says "FUCK YOUR EXECUTIVE ORDER" in large black block-letters along the three center stripes.

Between Two Worlds: Gender Non-Conforming Deities

March 27, 2019 by Brianne Raven Wolf

"As a transwoman, I have often wondered if there were others like me in Ancient Mythology. Were there ancient deities who were trans, non-binary, or gender non-conforming? Turns out there were. Ancient Greece had a prominent culture of gender fluidity, as did many other ancient societies.

"#Aphroditus was sometimes referred to as the male form of Aphrodite. Statues of him showed him with a female figure, breasts, narrow waist, long hair, women’s clothing, but also with a penis and testes. He is said to have originated on the island of Cyprus, and arrived in Athens in the 4th century BCE. He was sometimes celebrated there in #transvestite rites. It is said the festivals allowed 'women to act the part of men, and men to put on woman’s clothing and play the part of women' (from Wikipedia). He was definitely gender #NonConforming.

"Hermaphroditus was the son of Hermes, messenger of the gods, and Aphrodite, Goddess of love. His name is a combination of both of his parents. From Wikipedia: 'According to Ovid, he was born a remarkably handsome boy with whom the water nymph Salmacis fell in love with and prayed to be united forever. The gods granted the request, so that he and the nymph became united in such a manner that the two could not be called a man or a woman, but were both' (Metamorphoses IV, pp. 274-388 , 8 AD). Hermaphroditus is the god of hermaphrodites and effeminates. I believe in today’s society, Hermaphroditus would be a modern day pre-operative transwoman.

"#Loki, a Norse god, also called the trickster god, would many times disguise himself as a woman. Some myths said that Loki was bisexual. Loki was an accomplished shape-shifter and according to legend has also appeared as a salmon, a mare, a fly, and of course a woman.

"Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Met. 9, pp. 666-797) mentions #Iphis and #Ianthe. Iphis was born a girl, but her mother passed her off as a boy so that she wouldn’t be killed. The name was fitting for a boy and a girl, so that wasn’t too much of a problem. According to the myth, Iphis as a 15 year old boy, fell in love with another girl, Ianthe. Iphis’s mother appealed to the Goddess Isis for help. Isis transformed Iphis into a male before Iphis and Ianthe got married. I believe this may have been the first sex change. At least they ended up happily ever after according to the myth.

"#Ikapati was a #GreatMother Goddess of the Tagalog society in the #Philippines. She was a protector of crops, animals that were domesticated and, according to myth, gave mankind agriculture. It was said that she appeared many times dressed in male clothes. This would have made sense as she was frequently seen in the fields. In many indigenous cultures, including in the Americas, it was accepted that more than two genders were socially and spiritually accepted. These gender non-conforming individuals were seen as people who were very spiritual, and many became leaders and healers in their societies. In Native American culture, many who were called #TwoSpirit became shamans.

"#Ometeotl was an Aztec God of duality. He was considered both male and female, using the names Ometecuhtli and Omecihuatl. He had an equivalent god in Mayan mythology, #Itzamna, who identified with #HunabKu, an invisible god. Both gods could be considered self-created gods according to myth. Ometeotl was to the Aztecs the idea that their Universe consisted of dark and light, night and day, order and war, and things like that.

"I’m of the opinion that if more people would understand that there are more than binary people in this world, it would be a better and safer place for all. I think the ancients got it right in their beliefs. People were just human beings, and not judged only on their biological sex. A good book to consider reading is this excellent book by Gerald N. Callahan, PhD., Between XX and XY: Intersexuality and the Myth of Two Sexes. From the book: 'On October 10, 1970, the day she was born, she was named Dorothy Maree Alaniz–a baby girl. Curiously, though, no one filled out a birth certificate that day. When the certificate was finally filed on November 5, the name on it was Rudolph Andrew Alaniz. Within less than one month after her birth, this girl became a boy.' The book is available from Amazon and other book sources."

#WorldHistory #Histodon #WeExist #Fascism #GenderFascists #GenderFluid #TwoSpirit #NonBinary #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransPeople #AncientHistory #TransAndNonBinaryRightsAreHumanRights

LGBTQ+ in the Ancient World

by Joshua J. Mark
published on 25 June 2021

"What is today referred to as '#NonBinary' gender was recognized over three thousand years ago as a #ThirdGender created by the #DivineWill."

Read more:
#WorldHistory #Histodon #WeExist #Fascism #GenderFascists #GenderFluid #TwoSpirit #NonBinary #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransPeople

Trans and Gender-Nonconforming Histories

There are rich histories of people crossing gender throughout English history that resonate for trans and #genderqueer identities today. Gender-crossing people appear in court records, popular broadsheet ballads and newspapers. In most cases they were tried and punished for crimes such as theft and fraud, rather than for cross-dressing. Men arrested for passing as women were often assumed to be prostitutes."

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#WeExist #Fascism #GenderFascists #GenderFluid #TwoSpirit #NonBinary #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransPeople

Inhaltswarnung: USpol, Trump, Musk, Trans Rights, Passport Issue

I would just like to say that these signs in the DFW airport bathrooms are peak social engineering, and I do hope Dan Patrick enjoys all the phone calls from people upset about the government photographing their hairy bits.

#egv #texas #fightback #transrightsarehumanrights #socialengineering #trollingtheGOP
Signs which have been adhered to bathroom stall interiors at the Dallas Fort Worth airport. 

SECURITY NOTICE Electronic Genital Verification (EGV) Your genitalia may be photographed electronically during your use of this facility as part of the Electronic Genital Verification (EGV) pilot program at the direction of the Office of the Lieutenant Governor. In the future, EGV will help keep Texans safe while protecting your privacy by screening for potentially improper restroom access using machine vision and Artificial Intelligence (Al) in lieu of traditional genital inspections. At this time, images collected will be used solely for model training purposes and will not be used for law enforcement or shared with other entities except as pursuant to a subpoena, court order or as otherwise compelled by legal process. Your participation in this program is voluntary. You have the right to request removal of your data by calling the EGV program office at (512) 463-0001 during normal operating hours (Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM). STE OP CRATMENT OA Pusi DFW DALLAS FORT WORTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT

I can't even come close to imagining that pain, and those who mock, abuse, or straight-up hound Trans Women out of society, are filth.
Those same people are racist, and bigoted, and intolerant. #TransRightsAreHumanRights

https://mastodonapp.uk/@bbcnewsfeed/113981600700603578 We're punished first by the hideous wrong of having been born in the wrong sex, not matching our gender identity, then we're punished again when we attempt to do something about it. I always goggle at the massive ignorance & venality of our mockers & accusers, in their insinuations that we're doing our transitions to trick / trap / harm them, when all we're actually doing is trying to remove the chronic agony of #GenderDysphoria.

#LGBTQIA+ #GenderDysphoria #Transphobia #Trans #TransRightsAreHumanRights #FsckThePatriarchy #fsckALLreligion #RWNJs #FsckRWNJs #FsckChristoFacists #ChangeTheSystem #FuckAroundAndFindOut #Misanthropy #TransRepresentation #transwoman #transwomen #transkids

With increasing attacks on trans people in many places of the world collecting and providing information about potential escape routes is becoming more and more important. @transworldexpress is collecting that crucial information. #transrightsarehumanrights


I have been learning about the history of cruelty, #imperialism , and #revolution .

I have been learning #BlackLivesMatter #TransRightsAreHumanRights #DisabilityRights #LGBTQIArights #EndRacism #PeaceNotWar #WeAreTheMany #EqualRightsForAll #ClimateCrisis

Nothing I have learned was taught at school. None of the books, history or teachers I have learned from are talked about in most of our media.

Long thread 1/n
Photo of Mike Duncan adjacent to the cover of his book "Hero of Two Worlds"

Since I got on HRT, I have experienced loneliness for the first time in my life. Almost 40 years without ever once feeling lonely.

It's not necessarily HRT that did it, either. It could have been just realizing I'm trans, but I didn't have an opportunity to feel lonely between then and when I started HRT.

Loneliness isn't a nice feeling, but it's nice to be able to feel it. And yet there are those who would deny me the ability to feel the entire range of human emotions, just because they're incredibly selfish and cruel.


Source - Erin Reed. Support Erin's work by subscribing to the "Erin In The Morning" enewsletter

From the article: "A week after a flurry of executive orders, Trump is still signing orders to target the trans community. The latest, released Tuesday, tries to ban trans youth care nationwide."

#USPolitics #ThePoliticsOfHate #Project2025
#Press #BreakingNews
#Transgender #Transrights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #TransLivesMatter #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQIAPlus


Pet Shop Boys "Winner" features the London Rollergirls roller derby team and their new rookie, Dirty Diana, who is transgender. The story highlights the inclusive message, a league open to all women, including transgender and intersex, as well as non-binary and gender expansive participants.
#LGBTQ #rollerderby #transwomenarewomen #TransRightsAreHumanRights


People often ask me why I’m outspoken about trans rights. I’m not trans so “why do you care?”

The Ogre nailed it. I care because what the government is doing to trans people is wrong. I care because we are being conditioned to accept atrocities. Conditioned to allow our fellow human being to be treated in discriminatory, dangerous and appalling ways. Conditioned to look away from the suffering of others.

It seems plainly obvious to me. They’re creating a villain where one doesn’t exist. Whipping people into a frenzy over perceived dangers like trans women in bathrooms and sports… instead of dealing with the very real dangers that are facing us (pandemics, climate change, the fall of democracy and capitalism).

They’re starting with trans people because they’re an easy mark. They’re a small percentage of the population, many people don’t think they know any trans people and therefore they don’t see it as a “big issue”.

Stripping people of their dignity and rights will always be a big issue. Just because it’s not happening to a group you care about doesn’t mean you shouldn’t speak out against it.

The trans community need allies. They need people to see how wrong this is and say “enough is enough”. They are not a threat and they don’t deserve to be treated as one.

Lastly… this type of hateful rhetoric doesn’t stop with one group of people.

It doesn’t stop at all.

They will keep coming for your rights. The rights of LGBTQ+ communities. The rights of immigrants and marginalized individuals. The rights of the unhoused. The rights of women.

They will keep coming.

If you wait to speak up, before you know it, it’ll be too late.

Speak up now. Ask the tough questions. Get to know a trans person. Support them. We are stronger together.


#lgbtq #transrights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #discrimination #uspol

Inhaltswarnung: Transphobia | History is about to repeat and I fear some of our most vulnerable will be under attack By Rodney Croome

#Florida, once again, at the forefront of the #MAGA death cult. Shameful. "Re: social accommodations, Winsor acknowledged the harm but dismissed its significance, arguing that denying long hair & gender-appropriate clothing does not rise to the level of “grossly incompetent” care or an 8th Amendment violation. . . . Winsor claimed that social transition is not medically necessary & suggested psychotherapy as an adequate alternative." https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/federal-court-rules-in-favor-of-forcibly


Someone has created a petition for the UK government to legally recognise non-binary as a gender :NonBinaryHeart:

We're certain that the UK government will refuse to act on it, but it'd be nice if such a large number of people voted for it that they couldn't ignore it :PleadingFaceWithRedHearts: :NonBinaryButterfly:

Boosts welcome :BoostsOKPrideSymbol:

#UKGovernment #UK #petition #NonBinary #queer #LGBTQIA+ #LGBTQIA2S+ #TransRightsAreHumanRights #NonBinaryPeopleExist