People often ask me why I’m outspoken about trans rights. I’m not trans so “why do you care?”
The Ogre nailed it. I care because what the government is doing to trans people is wrong. I care because we are being conditioned to accept atrocities. Conditioned to allow our fellow human being to be treated in discriminatory, dangerous and appalling ways. Conditioned to look away from the suffering of others.
It seems plainly obvious to me. They’re creating a villain where one doesn’t exist. Whipping people into a frenzy over perceived dangers like trans women in bathrooms and sports… instead of dealing with the very real dangers that are facing us (pandemics, climate change, the fall of democracy and capitalism).
They’re starting with trans people because they’re an easy mark. They’re a small percentage of the population, many people don’t think they know any trans people and therefore they don’t see it as a “big issue”.
Stripping people of their dignity and rights will always be a big issue. Just because it’s not happening to a group you care about doesn’t mean you shouldn’t speak out against it.
The trans community need allies. They need people to see how wrong this is and say “enough is enough”. They are not a threat and they don’t deserve to be treated as one.
Lastly… this type of hateful rhetoric doesn’t stop with one group of people.
It doesn’t stop at all.
They will keep coming for your rights. The rights of LGBTQ+ communities. The rights of immigrants and marginalized individuals. The rights of the unhoused. The rights of women.
They will keep coming.
If you wait to speak up, before you know it, it’ll be too late.
Speak up now. Ask the tough questions. Get to know a trans person. Support them. We are stronger together.
#lgbtq #transrights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #discrimination #uspol
The Ogre nailed it. I care because what the government is doing to trans people is wrong. I care because we are being conditioned to accept atrocities. Conditioned to allow our fellow human being to be treated in discriminatory, dangerous and appalling ways. Conditioned to look away from the suffering of others.
It seems plainly obvious to me. They’re creating a villain where one doesn’t exist. Whipping people into a frenzy over perceived dangers like trans women in bathrooms and sports… instead of dealing with the very real dangers that are facing us (pandemics, climate change, the fall of democracy and capitalism).
They’re starting with trans people because they’re an easy mark. They’re a small percentage of the population, many people don’t think they know any trans people and therefore they don’t see it as a “big issue”.
Stripping people of their dignity and rights will always be a big issue. Just because it’s not happening to a group you care about doesn’t mean you shouldn’t speak out against it.
The trans community need allies. They need people to see how wrong this is and say “enough is enough”. They are not a threat and they don’t deserve to be treated as one.
Lastly… this type of hateful rhetoric doesn’t stop with one group of people.
It doesn’t stop at all.
They will keep coming for your rights. The rights of LGBTQ+ communities. The rights of immigrants and marginalized individuals. The rights of the unhoused. The rights of women.
They will keep coming.
If you wait to speak up, before you know it, it’ll be too late.
Speak up now. Ask the tough questions. Get to know a trans person. Support them. We are stronger together.
#lgbtq #transrights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #discrimination #uspol
Trans Genocide Is Beginning. Where's Your Fucking Outrage?
This is how it starts.The Opinionated Ogre
Sonikku •
The governments do not care about bigger issues such as global warming, decline of democracy, and capitalism spiraling out of control and ruining us all. They planned their current response, they want those things to happen, because it equals fat profits for them. They want to be richer, they want to be elite, and live in their mansions, far away from the real world, but most of all they want power to decide who lives and who dies.
It seems to me that this applies to all of us regardless of how we were born into this world. If you are somehow different from the cookie cutter people that government adores, you're picked on.
What is happening now is like straight out of George Orwell's 1984, with a couple of exceptions as stated about.
And as you mentioned, the LGBTQ+ community is an easy target. They're going to come for them all, and for us with autism and disabilities next.
I have a fairly close friend who is transgender, and I know the struggles and all the issues, and how hard things are even before the government comes with their nonsense.
I was reading up recently about World War II and what happened there, just for general knowledge, and it became quite obvious to me that some governments want to have the same trip as Adolf Hitler
Hugs4friends ♾🇺🇦 🇵🇸😷 hat dies geteilt